Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 963: 【Gith Yankees】

  Chapter 963【Guis Yankees】

  Under Olga’s gaze.

  【Ms. Pain】The palm of the hand holding the scales of the snake, although the skin is fair and soft.

  But in her hands, the snake scale with a hard metal texture looks like some kind of plasticine with strong plasticity.

   was kneaded at will.

The form of    is also constantly changing.

   appears as a circle for a while, and then as a square...

   is changeable and full of uncertainty.

  See this situation.

  Oljuga is clear in her heart.

  This is because even [Ms. Pain] herself has no idea what kind of form she should present her gift or test.

  Until a while later.

  In Olga’s silence.

  【Ms. Pain】I really determined the thoughts in my heart.

  It’s just two or two attempts.

   completely turned the snake scale into a scroll-like object about 30 cm long and about the diameter of a walnut. The outer layer was covered with green lines, but the whole body was exuding a faint golden halo!

  If you carefully observe the heavy halo.


  You can also see some weird characters like mosquitoes and flies in that layer of halo, flashing and wandering constantly...

  And this appearance, let's not talk about other things for now.

  At the very least.

  The technical content is up.

Compared with the original simple scales,    is a bit more literary and artistic, but it also reveals a sense of mystery.

  Just looking at it simply, it looks like some kind of extremely precious treasure!

  Want to come.

  If some adventurers find this thing in secret places and adventure places, they must really want to cut off their teammates and take it for themselves.

   is a very qualified treasure!

   Very stable!

  After that, in front of Olga’s face, [Ms. Pain] casually tore a piece of space.

   Temporarily connect a distant location with this place!

   reveals the opposite of time and space.

  A special individual who is in a state of bewilderment because of the suddenness of the situation.

  It was a man in tatters and ragged clothes, and looked miserable.

  The guy who is gnawing on the animal that resembles a mouse in his hand with blood on his face.

  The original life appearance of typical rumao drinking blood.

  The body structure of the opponent is similar to that of human beings. They are all humanoid structures with upright feet, hands and a single head.

  In appearance, it can barely be seen that the other party's gender is male.

  The whole is like a fusion of human + goblin + lizardman.

  The appearance is cortical and speckled, with fine lines on the skin.

  The pointed ears are even more like an elf.

  Even if it's just a degraded version of the wizard...

  And this guy, the ethnic group he belongs to, is known as the [Gis Yankees] in the outside world!

at the moment.

  When Olga and [Ms. Pain] looked at each other calmly.

  The other person’s expression was also visible to the naked eye and became a little panicked.

  That kind of feeling, it was like seeing a ghost, most of the blood was eaten in his hand, and then it fell to the ground, leaving some clear blood stains there.

  With his insights.

   Obviously, the current situation cannot be understood at all.

  After a daze.

   is like a beat slower.

  Instinctively want to make a scream!


  Before the other party reveals more.

  【Ms. Pain】He simply threw the scroll in his hand towards the other party.

  Relatively, the other party was at that moment, even though they didn’t even see things clearly.

   But still under the influence of a certain ability, he instinctively stretched out his blood-stained hands, and steadily caught the scroll [Ms. Pain] threw over!


  Facing the opposite side of the crack in time and space.

  Orhuaca and [Ms. Pain] There is no sense of gentleness, as if they were looking at the ants on the ground.

  He seemed to be electrocuted again, and his body subconsciously struck a spirit.

  Even the scroll in his hand is like a sharp blade that has cut his hand.

   was thrown away in a hurry by him!


   didn't give him more time to make other reveries.

  In the situation of the opponent's bewildered face.

  【Ms. Pain】he said nothing, and backhanded the gap in time and space again.

   is as symptomatic as it appears.

  It was also at this moment that Olga asked with some interest:

  "Is that the first lucky person you picked?"

  Although the strength is limited.

  He still clearly saw the faint force of destiny on the opponent.

  So, even if the other party is now miserable.

  But in the end, the opponent should still have some decent achievements.

   will not be silent.

  Now, after taking the scroll given by [Ms. Pain].

  The power of destiny wrapped around the opponent's body has grown many times stronger out of thin air.

  Want to come.

  In the future, he should also be able to become a successful person who is sung by the legendary epic in a world.


  He was not killed by the more twists and turns that followed...

after all.

  As a waver of [Destiny].

  Whether it’s riding the wind and breaking waves to stand at the apex of the times, or being overwhelmed by a big wave and becoming a water ghost on the spot, it’s a very common thing...

  Nothing to fuss about.

  For his words.

  [Ms. Pain] just shook his head calmly.


   "That's not really good."

   "His final result is not good..."

   is different from Olga’s interference in this [plane] due to repulsive force.

   is just half a bucket of water.

   is one of the supreme rulers here.

  The moment the opponent took the reel.

  With the ups and downs and rhythms of [Fate],

  [Ms. Pain] I clearly saw the rest of the existence.

  That is definitely not happiness...

  The interests of the population, its own freedom, external oppression...

   are difficult problems.

  If you say, the other party did not get her gift.

  Then there is about an 80% chance that after the initial hard days, you can usher in a relatively comfortable life enjoyment period...

  The present words.

  After touching the reel.

  His life is like branching branches, beginning to branch and choose constantly!

  Life limit, of course, has been increased many times in one fell swoop.

  But there is also a 99% probability that you will spend your entire life cycle in disputes and fights, and you will not be able to enjoy peace until death.

  That kind of feeling is like a diligent wage earner who clearly only needs to spend his twilight years in peace.

   Suddenly received a huge sum of money, and became crazy about stocks, gambling, virtual currency... and all of her wealth was overwhelmed.

  There are certainly opportunities for making big profits.

  But the probability of family ruin and death has increased exponentially.

   Success or failure, after all, can only be determined by luck and opportunity...

  (End of this chapter)

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