Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 961: Localized knowledge of spells

  Chapter 961 Localized Spell Knowledge

  A friendly and polite greeting in the face of Olga’s personal style.

  Because of communication, knowing what kind of urine he is [Korma], there is no surprise in my heart.

  Neither was he hurt by his humiliation, which was like a passive skill.


  Some are just complicated, but with a little tangled feeling.


  【Cooma】After all, he didn't hesitate for too long.

   Soon, he turned his attention to [Ms. Pain] again.

   "My lord, what can you do with me?"

   appeared as if it had not been affected by Orrga.

  There is no intention to ask the guy Orrga.

   treats him completely as a transparent person and intends to ignore it fundamentally.

  In fact.

  Those sorrowful remarks made by Olga just now, although they sound very unpleasant, he did not say nonsense.

  【Cooma】, it is indeed a lot more visible to the naked eye!

  Separated from his native time and space-the [Dominian Plane], even if he has a trans-time and space immigration visa granted by [Ms. Pain], thus obtaining the right to reside in this [Plane].

  But here, after all, it is not the place where he was born and raised.

  The power he originally possessed is very unacceptable here...

  That kind of feeling, it is like a living in existence has [Four Fundamental Forces].

The guy who can exist after all the cells and individual consciousness are connected in series by [strong nuclear force], [weak nuclear force], [electromagnetic force], and [gravitation], is suddenly thrown into a place where there is no [four basic forces] Same.

  That is comparable, throwing goldfish into the boiling crater is countless times more deadly!

   is directly denied everything in the past.

  Whether it is the body, soul, consciousness, or the power possessed, all have become unfounded false products.

In this case.

  Except that the strength is greatly weakened due to the lack of the blessing of the [plane] itself.

  Even if there is [Ms. Pain] covering, [Korma] past experience of using power.

   is still compelling, all have to face the replacement.

  He needs to change them into a structure suitable for the current time and space, that is, it needs to be localized!

  The same magic structure, in the [Dominian Plane], it may release [Doomsday Meteor], but in this time and space, it will only explode on the spot.

  So, the current [Korma] is naturally a female on top of a female...

By now.

  It took thousands of years, and he only restored about one-tenth of the power of his heyday!


  He who is now, has passed the first and most difficult stage.

  In the localization project, I got some correct clues, and things gradually got on the right track. It was no longer as difficult as it was at the beginning.

  Think about it, after a few thousand years, you should be able to return to its peak state!

  In the face of [Korma]’s inquiry, [Ms. Pain] did not avoid Orr’s plan, and directly stated his plan:

   "I remember, haven't you been studying the transformation of [Dominian Time and Space]'s spells into projects that adapt to our time and space?"

  "Now, I need some of the results to advance the historical process of local civilization..."

  After listening to her request, [Korma] did not refuse, but after nodding, asked:

   "Is only part of it needed?"

   "Yes, and don't have too advanced knowledge of spells, just take some knowledge at the middle and low end."

   "If it is too high-end, I think they may not even be able to enter the door..."

  In the current [Multiverse].

  Each [professional system], although all are in the early stage of growing up.

  However, among them, the [Spellcaster System] is undoubtedly one of the most hip.

  In this regard, it’s not that [Ms. Pain] underestimated the [Spellcasting Profession] on his side.

  But they exist.

  At this moment, it's really pretty...

  Since the second creation of the world, thousands of years have passed.

  They just reluctantly established a general 【casting system】or a framework with numerous loopholes and deficiencies.

most of the time.

   is even more frowning for the classification of various spells.

  The two-day magic experiment and magic experiment accidents have caused their originally small number of groups to be in a situation of repeated horizontal jumps all the year round...


   will kill a few!

  And that kind of thing, placed in [Seal City], where there are relatively more [spellcasters], it is not even a thing.

  The residents here have long been accustomed to the fact that [the caster] killed himself because of crazy experiments...

in short.

  The current [spell system] developed by the local time and space makes it difficult for people to reach the [Legendary Level].

  As for the lucky ones who can achieve [Demi-God Level] on this road, there are basically none. They are all groping forward.

  It can be said that a person is a [professional] with high threshold, high investment, high death rate, and the upper limit is still a smear.

  Fa-sun in the early stage, Fa-sun in the middle stage, and Fa-sun in the later stage.

  It makes people feel that the future is slim...

  If not very often, their spells can indeed play a special role in addition to swords.

  Perhaps, within this [plane], the group of [spellcasters] can immediately become boring...

  But I have seen the heroic [Ms. Pain] in [Dominian Time and Space].

   is very clear that the upper limit of [Spellcaster] is far from being so pitiful now!

  When they develop to a certain extent, despite the different environmental factors, the local [spellcaster] in this time and space may still be ineligible to compare with those [travelers] who are born to be the proud children of heaven.

  After all, others are really hanging up.

  No preconditions are required.

  As long as you ignite the [Spark], you will become an official [Brigade Master].

   can be transformed into a fully automatic spell turret on the spot, and can learn all kinds of extraordinary abilities without a teacher.

  For those who are a little more experienced [Brigade Master].

  People stop killing people, Buddhas stop killing Buddhas, slaughtering gods and destroying the world are just common things...

   in front of them.

  Even in [Dominia Time and Space], the rest of the casters who have developed quite well are just beggar version players.

  Not to mention in the local time and space, those guys who are still learning words on the road of [spellcaster].

In general.

  In the eyes of [Ms. Pain].

  As long as it is developed appropriately.

  So in each local [professional system].

  [Spellcaster], in the top position among them, there should be no problem...

  As for the top?

  That is the position of [the gods].

  (End of this chapter)

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