Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 948: 【Thief】

  Chapter 948 【Thief】

  【Imprint City】In the central area.

  The shops on both sides of a certain road are very luxuriously decorated, and the surrounding streets are full of people.


   "This left uppercut is very insidious in terms of angle. It’s a good job [Dimogogan]..."

Olga was in a shop, holding a bowl of something similar to ramen, while eating a bowl of delicacies in an orderly manner, while he was very satisfied with the [Dimo Kogan] who was far away, giving him a score of 9.5. The viewing rating of the movie.

  As for the remaining 0.5 points, you need to keep them as a reward for the opponent's next improvement.

at the moment.

  Although [Ms. Pain] still rejected his trade proposal.

  However, this clone of Olga did not rush to leave this [plane].

  In these few days.

  He wandered aimlessly in [Seal City].

  From time to time, I still talk to some natives who can barely see it.

  Small days, that is an extremely beautiful life.

  As the local ruler, the [Ms. Pain] did not mean to urge him to leave.

   is completely letting him wander around in [Seal City].

  Even if Olga made a small wave in it, she still didn't mean to drive people away.

  The present words.

  Orrauga is actually a little bit distressed.

  He has no money anymore.

  As for the money he used before and now, it was all the friendly assistance he took from various passers-by.

   belongs to the standard technical wealth!

  As an all-rounder in a sense.

  As long as Olga wants to, even if he is just a mortal now, he can steal wherever he goes without leaving a dime to others.

  The action is natural, the behavior is random, it is as easy as going home~

  Oh, that’s not right.

  What he did is not a steal.

  He always walked upright to the other side, and then took money from the other side in front of the other side.

  It’s just that because of the skill is too good.

  Even if the action is so blatant, the other party can't see anything wrong at all.

   Acting can be described as extremely honest!

  It's completely different from those petty sneaks, which makes people feel that Olga, walk straight, sit upright!

   is also because of this.

  In the current [Imprint City], there is a certain unspeakable [thief] legend.

  A large number of victims have claimed that there is an invisible strongest [thief] running rampantly, and there is an urgent need for people with lofty ideals to stop the incident from continuing to expand!

  Even, even the [Legendary Adventurer], who was [the thief] in [Extraordinary Class], suffered miserably without knowing it, and was stolen all the money and even the weapons that depended on him for a living!

  The kind of excessive encounter not only caused the other party to suffer tragic property losses.

   even more so that the opponent, who was originally well-known in many regions and has always claimed that there is nothing to steal, bears the greatest shame in his life!

  In anger!

  The opponent even directly changed his [superior occupation] from the high-tech industry [the Thief] to the [Death Assassin] which is biased towards combat.

   gave up his sad career of stealing and turned his attention to more **** murder and arson.

  It's hard to understand!

  Countless people have claimed that this kind of thing even [Ms. Pain] can only shout 666!

  In fact.

  For those things that happened, [Ms. Pain] was actually really surprised.

  She didn’t even think that Olga would be so shameless...

  As a top-level powerhouse, he didn’t care about his identity at all, and he did it abruptly without any lower limit. It was a feat of stealing wherever he went!

  The world in just four days.

  The bad guy, Olga, stole the property of hundreds of people!

  The movements are natural and calm, everything seems so natural!

   looks like a mobile wealth harvester!

  However, as everyone knows, Olga has always been a guy who can't save money.

  Eating, drinking, and gambling are all proficient...

  Only this moment.

  The bowl in his hand is similar to ramen.

   is made from hundreds of precious materials.

  Funded by him, let the top chefs personally customize it.

  Among them, they are only pure meat ingredients, and Olga has funded the [Legendary Mage] to use the portal to run to the outside [World] and kill two adult red dragons as materials!

After seeing the    behavior, the chef of the head chef couldn’t help but sigh the boss’ grandeur!

   called on the spot, this is the biggest deal he has made in his life!

  Also let a lot of guys who peeped at the wealth revealed by Olga, and those who comprehensively judged from his appearance and conditions, kept guessing in their hearts, which [God] was going to play through the clone...

  No one doubts whether Olga’s wealth comes from the wrong path!

  Because, as he is so glamorous and a strong man who walks with his own BGM, he does not look like a thief with his head and his tail exposed!

  Under the premise of that big flower and special flower.

  Since the small fish and shrimps occupy the majority of the victims.

  Until now, Olga’s property has barely kept up with his consumption.

  There is no deposit at all.

  However, he didn't panic at all.

  After all, he was holding the ramen and looked at the passersby outside.

  Who is not fresh leeks?

  Who is not the wallet that is moving?

  The wealth of the world, you can take it and use it anytime.

   Very stable!

After a few minutes.

  After drinking a few sips of white jade in a large bowl, the noodle soup constantly exuding strange fragrance.

  Oljuga, who had finished the meal, ignored the waiter beside him, and wanted to take the jade bowl from his hand.

   toss casually.

  The jade bowl was thrown away!

  The top jade that can be used to make magic props immediately collided with the hard floor tiles.


  The crisp sound was not only the cracking of the jade bowl, but also the heartbreak of many waiters.

  Along with the fragrant soup splashing around, some people even subconsciously covered their heart.

  It was a feeling of angina that witnessed the violence of others, but I couldn’t stop it!

  Those soup, because a lot of precious materials are used.

  The effect is completely comparable to [Legendary Potion], ordinary people take a sip, as long as they don’t die.

  You can become a [professional] immediately!

  So, the waiters are really looking forward to Olga’s leftover soup.

  It’s really not good, they can lick the bowl...

  At this moment, looking at the soup that is infiltrating underground.

If you can.

  They really want to jump over and lick twice...

   is completely relying on strong willpower, insisting on the behavior at this moment...

  (End of this chapter)

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