Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 942: Onlookers

  Chapter 942 Onlookers

  Different from the feet off the ground, wearing a black quaint robe, a mask on his face completely covers the face, and the body is in a low-altitude suspension state.

Behind    there are more than ten handleless sharp blades, [Ms. Pain] who is hovering quietly according to a certain pattern, that kind of mysterious feeling.

  The unknown male lifeform who walked with [Ms. Pain].

  There is no concealment of its own existence at all.

  It is similar to human beings, but has various eye-catching and non-human features.

   Even the residents of the large-scale space transit point of [Seal City], who have always recognized themselves as knowledgeable mages, still cannot distinguish the opponent’s race.


  Those are trivial things.

  More importantly, there is a strange temperament or aura in the opponent.

   can make people around you instinctively focus their attention.

  It feels like the whole world is moving with him.

  The place where he stands is like the center of the world.

  It seems that there are countless spotlights projected on the opponent's body!

  The proud son of heaven?

  Sacred in the world?

   No matter how much the mage thinks about it, he can’t find a suitable vocabulary to describe the feeling on the other person.

  The appearance of the opponent that is perfect and impossible to be possessed by a mortal also clearly reveals a simple meaning.

【Invincible! 】

  Even without any communication.

  But at the first sight of the other person.

The Master    understood that the other party’s indifferent face was filled with such words.

  Arrogant and high profile!

  Unparalleled arrogance and high profile! !

   made the mage subconsciously reveal a sense of timidity.

  A little bit afraid to look directly at the other person's figure.

  He was instinctively afraid, whether his gaze would offend the other's existence.

  Until a while, after putting a [sedation] on himself, he recovered again.

at the same time.

  He also quickly felt something wrong.

  'Long Wei? ’

  He was a little puzzled thinking so.

   comes from the feeling of Olga.

   reminded him of the dragon's dragon!

  That is a special ability that will stun lower-level creatures!

   is a bit similar to the passive [fear technique] but it is different!

   allows the dragon to prey on various ordinary creatures at will.

   is precisely because of the existence of that kind of power.

  Many times, in the face of giant dragons, ordinary people have no way to raise the idea of ​​resistance. They can only be slaughtered like scattered rats.

  It's like seeing a natural enemy!


  Although it is somewhat similar, Olga does not have the characteristics that Longwei still has.

  There is a more peculiar characteristic, which is a characteristic that the mage can’t even listen to...

  Even, I don’t know if it’s because of my lack of strength.

  The mage felt that the man wearing a white costume seemed to be a little weak in his power fluctuations...

  Estimating, the level may not even have [Mage Apprentice]...

  There is no [Senior Professional] kind of power all over the body, as if to spew out the wonderful sense of sight.

  ‘Did the opponent hide his strength? ’

  ‘I want to use a very powerful camouflage spell...’

  Finally, after some analysis, the wizard guessed that way.

  I have not considered at all, the energy in the opponent's body really only has so many facts.

   After all, how can such a weak guy be so arrogant and cool just by looking at his appearance and aura?

   Really want that.

  Afraid that you will have to be beaten hundreds of times by passers-by if it is not a day?

  Not to mention, the other party can also make [Ms. Pain] treat each other as equals!

  So, no matter what you think, the wizard feels that the unknown man must be a strong one beyond imagination!

  In fact.

  This clone of Olga.

   is really that weak!

  The little power, ninety-nine percent of them are used to shape this body that is at the level of ordinary people, plus he has made himself a handsome and reasonable outfit!

no way.

  As a particular [Abyss Demon].

  Fashion is still needed!

  As for the last remaining remaining power, put it on this [plane], at most the level of [professional] who just started.

  After all, as a target to be vigilant.

  Orraja couldn’t bring much power in at all.

   There are more or less, it is already a good result...

  And the reason why he will come.

  There is no other reason.

   is still negotiating business.

  He still has a heartfelt heart for the [original pain] on [Ms. Pain].

  As for, will it be troublesome?

  That's not enough.

  It's just a clone.

   is just a random thought.

  Used to negotiate business, it will not consume his energy at all.

  If it is done, he can make a fortune!

  As an ambitious [Demon Lord], although he is a bit enthusiastic about this [plane], things are a bit difficult to deal with.


   Earn money is not so difficult to do.

   is also very beautiful...

  "After so many years, the deal I mentioned with you, I wonder if you have any new ideas?"

   "I have been waiting."

   "Although, I am waiting for the cooperation goal, far more than you are..."

   ignored the attitude of the trash around.

  Beside [Ms. Pain], Olga didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it.

  I was very straight into the subject and talked about business in public.

  And this move.

   Immediately make the eyes of the passers-by who were only going to be onlookers around!

  One after another feels that today’s blood is profitable.

  It is very possible to hear some secrets that I didn’t even dare to think of in the past!

  One by one, they kept extending their ears.

  But he didn’t dare to get close to the 20-meter range of Olga and [Ms. Pain].

   can only be squeezed together, showing a full face of curiosity.

  Looks like a cub waiting to be fed!

  Obviously, life forms are all gossip.

  Especially when facing big people.

  Just like ordinary people after seeing the emperor eating.

  Even if the other party just drank a bowl of white porridge, he might have been talking about this topic for a lifetime!

  Finally, in the eyes of everyone.

  【Ms. Pain】The face covered by the mask.

   answered in a gentle voice:

  "New ideas..."

   "Although I sometimes hesitate."

   "But, I always feel that trading with you is something that needs serious consideration..."

  Listen to all this.

  Countless spectators who have never heard the voice of the other party.

   also gave a slight cheer as if he had won the prize.

  You know, there is always a word in [Seal City]!

  Hear the voice of [Ms. Pain].

  In terms of probability, it is many times smaller than being killed by [God]!

  So, for a while.

  Many passers-by feel that they have won a lottery!

  I am more curious and looking forward to the next exchange between the two!

    Thanks: Domi Barara’s 300 starting coins!



  (End of this chapter)

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