Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 920: Meeting between outsiders

  Chapter 920 Meeting between outsiders

  What is fun?

  That is a very complicated concept.

  It needs to be combined with their own hobbies and experiences to be able to come to it.

  However, even so, the so-called fun will continue to change with the influence of various factors.

for example:

  The food that I once liked may suddenly become disliked due to an inexplicable idea.

  The film and television that was once very favorite, due to the occurrence of a certain plot, will directly turn into disgust...

  Life is changeable, and life's interests are naturally changeable.

  As a pure-blooded [Abyss Demon], Olga’s pleasure at the moment, although somewhat influenced by the previous life.

  But that little memory can't affect him too much.

  This caused him. Although he had the shadow of the previous life on his body, the insignificant shadow would inevitably become more morbid.

  And this is undoubtedly more in line with the evil nature of [Abyss Demon].

  For example, he feels that he is also a traverser.

   Therefore, the traverser has become a special kind of food in his eyes.

  Especially those who travel from the village, it is more in line with his food concept.

  It is the best ingredients!

  In this case.

  The so-called childhood memories will only make him feel that those cartoon characters, film and television characters...compared to completely unfamiliar characters, they have a different meaning.

  For example: looks better? Looks more worth eating? Looks like you can have a fight?

  In short, in general, it is not a good idea.

  It is a disease of the old two-dimensional element.

   is extremely in line with the characteristics of neuropathy.

  Men and women cry silently.

   is almost the same.


  However, this time.

  Except for a meal.

  Orla Kadah is not without any substantial gains at all.

  While searching for things along 【Cause and Effect】, Olga was in a certain 【Line of Cause and Effect】 in this 【Plane】 and found something interesting.

  Remote influence from another [plane]!

  That is a [higher plane] with a level higher than this [medium plane]...

  Furthermore, the other party probably belongs to a certain familiar customer in Olga’s previous life.

   has a high probability of being a [plane] of a [beautiful manga type].

  Think of this.

  His consciousness moved.

   immediately headed towards a certain [world] within this [plane]...

  That is a more powerful [world] than [Ultraman World].

  There, universes are clustered together like cells, and countless parallel worlds are wrapped in them.

  [Superhero] and [Super Villain], these two completely opposite camps are the main theme here!

  Various heroes and villains, here are like hormones, constantly appearing and constantly destroyed.

  When Olga entered here.

  Because he never concealed his figure.


  A consciousness came before him.


   "It's been a long time..."

   "However, it seems that you do not come here with kindness..."

   "If I can, I don't want to conflict with you."

   "So, can you please leave, don't disturb my experiment."

  It was a glowing human figure.

  It's like the other person recognizes that he is an outsider the moment he sees Olga.

  The moment you see the other person.

  Orrauga also knew the identity of the other party.

  Like himself, that figure also comes from the existence of other [planes].

  Moreover, unlike his being a part of the body now, the opponent is just a clone.

   "Unexpectedly, I could meet a clone of [Living Advanced Plane] here..."

  "[High-level Living Plane]?"

  After chanting a certain noun spoken by Olga.

  Because of the versatility of [Devil Language], the luminous human figure who directly understood the specific meaning of it did not deny anything.

   just nodded calmly, agreeing with Olga’s statement.

  As for Olga, although he was a little surprised by the appearance of the opponent.

   did not show any fear.

  As the [Living Advanced Plane], if the opponent is in their home court.

  Oljuga naturally has nothing to say.

   can only retreat immediately.

   can't be hit.

   is as if he was facing [Gun] in [Gun]'s territory.

  The answer is that he will definitely be hammered.

   However, on this plane right now, for both sides, they are actually away games.

In this situation.

  Even if they are both clones, Olga may not be weaker than the opponent.

  What's more, he himself is now part of the ontology?

  However, if there is nothing necessary, Orrjuga doesn’t want to offend the other party...

  That is worthless.

  So, after thinking about it.

  He looked at the glowing figure, and then asked:

   "So, do you have any ideas for a conversation?"

   "Or, do some trading or something?"

  The so-called collision is fate.

  Faced with a strange and strong man who didn’t have much conflict, Olga decisively took out his duty as a businessman...

  No way, [Abyss Demon].

  Do business, don’t be ashamed!

   and listened to him.

  The other party was also slightly taken aback.

   Obviously did not expect to have such unfolding.

  Finally, after hesitating for a while, the other person who thought things might be interesting, also nodded:

   "So what to talk about?"

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Olga, a [demon lord], and my external business mainly includes [Trading Knowledge], [Time and Space Smuggling], [Professional Fighting], [Milling and Setting Fire], [Destroying the World]... "

   "...I don't have a name, but my creators like to call me [OAA], [Master Watcher]..."

  In this way, the two negotiated business very directly...


After a few minutes.

  Look at the members of the [Victory Team] who are inspecting the pyramid ruins.

   Goranl, who had finished eating the fruit in his hand, stood up from the steps, his face turned a little puzzled, Olga asked, who seemed to be thinking about something in front of him:

   "Are we going back now?"

  Oljuga, who had already negotiated business with [OAA], did not hesitate and nodded directly:

   "Go back, I'm finished anyway..."

  Following his words.

next moment.

  A space door appeared directly in front of them.

  And when they left.

  Looking at the various tableware that suddenly appeared around, the members of the [Victory Team] were also full of question marks.

  As a funny member of the team, Horii Masami was even more puzzled and couldn't help muttering to herself:

   "How come a pile of tableware suddenly appeared?"

   "It is obvious that nothing came here just now?"

  "Does anyone have a picnic here?"

   "What happened today is too weird, right?"

   After that, he approached the steaming cauldron not far away.

  I want to take a spoonful of the soup and see what's in it.

  However, he hadn't waited for him to lean in.

  In a peculiar brilliance.

  Those things turned into powder and disappeared completely.

  See this situation.

  Horai Masami was stunned immediately!

  After pondering for a long time.

  He just clapped his hands suddenly:

   "...I see, this is a seaside building!"

   "It is precisely because it is a fantasy that it suddenly appears and disappears again!"

  After his explanation.

  Beside him, the rest of the players also showed a look of sudden realization!

"I see."

   "It's really reasonable."

   "What a perfect explanation!"

   "Horai, why are you so smart today?"

  Besides being surprised, they all boasted Horii Masami, calling for great cleverness!

  After that, he devoted his attention to the inspection work again...

   Ps: A big mix of beauty and comics, I reserved for the time being, but I don’t know if I want to write...



  (End of this chapter)

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