Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 913: Immortality

   Chapter 913 Immortality

  【Crimson Kingdom】.

  【Pearl of Segaho Peak】.

  It is located in the huge palace at the top of the towering mountain.

   Sitting in his own seat, which symbolizes the status of the mistress of [Crimson Heaven], Golaner looked at the excitement on Olga's face beside him.

  I don’t know that part of the other party’s body, she who has finished the fight at this moment, after shook her head gently, she couldn’t help sighing:

   "Can make you so happy."

   "Is the opponent really strong?"

  She knew that Olga had always wanted to fight against opponents of sufficient grade.

  But due to the influence of certain factors, no substantive action has been made.

  So, for him this long-awaited battle.

  Gorland is also a little curious.

  Faced with her inquiry, Olga replied in a very good mood:

   "That guy, at the level of [Demon Lord], he should be at a medium level."

   "Although it is not weak, but if I really fight, due to the compatibility of the ability, I should have a 100% chance of winning..."

  Speaking of which.

  In order to prevent Golaner from misunderstanding what he meant, Olga added:

   "Of course, it's just a chance of winning."

  "At my level, when I fight alone, although I can win him steadily, it does not mean that I can kill him in the true sense."

   "If I refuse to pay the blood, I will probably kill him a few times innocently."

   "In a blink of an eye, he can be resurrected on the spot."

   "Even if you want to seal him back and forth, it will be a very troublesome thing. Various preparations must be made in advance..."

  Oljuga said these things, after Golaner listened, there was no unexpected look on his face, but he nodded in agreement:

  "It is also expected. After all, even the immortality of [Great Demon] is enough to resurrect without damage under normal circumstances, so [Devil Lord] will naturally be more difficult to kill."

   "However, this battle will give you a better understanding of your own strength, and let you know that your abilities are more suitable for dealing with the rest of [Abyss Lord]..."

  In fact, if you compare various mortal species.

   is different from cutting off the head, losing organs, penetrating through the body... and so on, it will die them.

  【Abyss Demon】, as a species with inherent immortality, in fact, it is immortal from the beginning.

  It’s just that the intensity will automatically increase as the rank increases, and it is not a complete form.

Under normal circumstances.

  If only relying on physical attacks.

  Many times, in fact, even the [Young Devil] can't be killed.

As a half-material and half-energy life body that likes to devour the soul, even if there is no body, using methods such as the soul to harm, possess, and resurrect, it is still the same instinctive behavior for them, only destroying. The fundamental soul can kill them in a real sense.

After the [Lower Demon], due to the gradual improvement of intelligence, it is no longer a pure wildness occupying the brain. Through the bloodline, the information contained in the ethnic inheritance, [Abyss Demon] masters methods similar to the Lich Phylogram and Not difficult.

  As a natural soul expert, it is probably difficult to learn to call with ordinary people.

  So, at that time, even killing souls may not completely kill them.

  All the brave men responsible for slaying demons and demons can only face the fact that the devil sits in the coffin with helplessness!

   Killed the opponent today, frustrated his bones, and let him fly in the wind.

  But after two years, the other party will get up again.

  It's just like bringing your own resurrection spring water!

  The two stages of contacting and mastering the [concept], [rules]......[Higher Demon] and [Great Demon].

   Their own immortality will be further improved.

  Even if you don’t learn and know nothing.

   will inevitably have some special resurrection abilities under the influence of blood inheritance.

   is a passive ability that awakens spontaneously after reaching the level.

  Like Olga’s former [Higher Demon], the [Evil Resentment Immortal Body] possessed is a kind of model.

  One of its functions is that as long as there is negative energy nearby, no matter how many times they die, Orrhaja can be resurrected.

After entering the [Great Demon], the [constant immortality] possessed by itself is a kind of pseudo-infinite energy that has reached a certain internal circulation, unless the upper person takes action to interrupt his internal circulation, or even if he is thrown away In a desolate area where there is nothing, he will not really die, but will only be trapped forever.

  As for the ordinary [Great Devil], although the immortality is not as strong as his, but more or less, it will also have some similar abilities.

This has caused [Abyss Lord] although [Lord of the Abyss] can rely on the absolute power gap to pinch [The Great Devil], but unless the [Great Devil] finds the opponent’s weakness, it will be difficult to kill the opponent successfully, and can only mutually kill each other. Playing a boring war of attrition.

  At the same level, the same birth, and mutual knowledge, they are so difficult to fight each other.

  The so-called mortal species is naturally even more difficult when facing the innately dominant [Great Devil].

  After all, there is a gap in the life level and race form of the two sides!

  This is also the reason why the gap between each level will become larger and larger in the later stages.

  Each promotion, although the energy intensity will have a huge increase, but that kind of thing is actually second.

  The real decisive factor is not simply energy, but the enhancement of the essence of life...

   Stretched out his right hand and looked at his palm that was covered by the anthropomorphic form. Olga saw countless deaths and destructions in it.

   Look up at the surrounding void.

  There are lines of distorted blood-colored threads there, and at the end of them, it is Olga himself.

  Every moment.

  The actual number of them is increasing like a split.

  That is his power and his beacon.

   symbolizes that, all the time, there are countless sacrifices and prayers, which are coming to him following special traces.

   also symbolizes that his influence is continuously spreading, allowing his power to radiate a continuous expansion.

  But after looking at these things in silence for a while, he sighed:

   "The so-called cognition of strength only allows me to have a clearer positioning of my current strength."

  "Further exploration, although I have a good eye, but the difficulty of the process leaves me with no bottom."

  "As for the road to promotion, it is even more remote. Until now, I haven't even seen the shadow. I am afraid it will take a long time before I have the opportunity to see that threshold..."

   "But, that's enough, isn't it?"

   Olga’s somewhat greedy words made Golan show a helpless expression:

"Anyway, in terms of the lifespan of a [Demon Lord], you should be very young now. In such a short period of time, it is not easy to be able to get to this point, so why worry so much? ."

   But that being said.

  But her heart is also very clear that greed and dissatisfaction are one of the biggest driving forces for progress...

    Thanks: Wu Yan’s 200 book coins! Tai'er's 200 starting currency!



  (End of this chapter)

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