Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 908: The Controversy of Lords (22)

  Chapter 908 The Controversy of Lords (22)

   Shuttle through those ubiquitous time and space storms.

  Looking at the ‘yo-yo’ in Olga’s hand and Khalifask’s ‘tennis racket’.

  Muelside could only shook his head speechlessly.

   "...Are these two guys sick..."

  Although the words spoken seem to be interrogative sentences, the tone used is affirmative.

   in his eyes.

  There is a high probability that those two guys are really sick...

  However, even so.

  The power displayed by the two still made him look more instinctively.

have to say.

  Of the two, none of them are indeed weak.

  Even though, the way of fighting now seems a bit speechless, it's like joking, very nonsense!

  But the strength of their respective powers and the way they use their powers is ultimately unquestionably powerful.

  Every time you use something in your hand, it is also impeccable.

   almost reached true perfection.

It can be said.

   Skill, judgment, strength.

   makes people unable to find any faults.

   is like a perfect circle.

   Nothing is missing!

In this situation.

  Even though the fighting methods of the two are very strange, but if you want to defeat them, you can only rely on stronger power!

  This allowed Muirside to adjust the positioning of the two in his own heart unconsciously...

  After all, in the future, it is not easy to say whether everyone is an enemy or a friend!


   accompanied by his gaze and observation.


  The Orchard, who was swinging his ‘yo-yo’ to attack with the silk thread in his hand, as if swinging a meteor hammer, also felt immediately.

  The eye on his forehead, after a casual glance.

   immediately followed the feedback, and reversely observed Murside who was watching the game in the distance.

  ‘What the hell...’

  ‘He’s over now? ’

  ‘Is it so fast...’

  Looking at the other person who is intact and looks like an unrelated passerby.

  One time.

  Orrauga is also a little uncertain whether the opponent will win or lose.

  In his head, several question marks slowly popped up very directly.

  A little uncertain.

  Is he overestimating the other party or underestimating the other party...

  However, after thinking about it, Olga’s hand movement did not slow down in the slightest.

   Pull it easily.

  The yo-yo, which was hit back by Khalifask with a ‘tennis racket’, hovered in front of him, spinning quickly across the thread formed by the **** flames.


   uses the space-time coordinates as the nodes around the space and the blood-colored silk threads covering the void as the goal, jumping and accelerating back and forth!

  Finally, until the power in it has accumulated to a certain degree.

  It just catapulted up quickly like a beam of light, and smashed into Khalifask like a beam of light!

  When light is moving, those energy aftermaths that are set off make special waves constantly appear in the nearby area.

  Let the powerful beings that travel through the nearby time and space one after another choose to take a detour!

   also makes some nearby [lower planes] sway back and forth like a small sailboat that has encountered a tsunami.

  Just looking, there is a sense of seeing the ship capsize at any time.

  In the face of a powerful blow from the bad guys, Khalifask did not give in the slightest, carrying the [tennis racket] and slapped it with all his strength!

The moment he hit the'yo-yo', amidst the unignorable roar, ripples, centered on the contact point of the two, began to spread frantically, just like that after a nuclear bomb was detonated, it spread wantonly. The shock wave!

  Let those around [low-level planes] who are already in danger in the face of the waves of time and space, and they can only struggle with extreme difficulty!


  With the power of Orrga and Khalifask turned into an impact, they are continuously spreading and spreading.

  Based on the special nature of energy and their will.

  When those energies and shocks successfully touched the [Planar Barrier] of certain planes.

  Some special afterimages began to faintly appear inside each [plane]!

  That kind of feeling, it is like a mirage projected remotely...



  Faced with the loud noise from the sky.

  Zhang Tao is on his way to school.


   lifted his head!

   Then, he saw an extremely incredible scene!

   also can't help but open her mouth wide!

  I saw, in the sky.

  The thick snow-white cloud layer has been torn apart at some unknown time.

   revealed unimpededly, the vast expanse of starry sky outside!

this moment.

  Even now, it’s still bright day.

  But the sky full of stars has already caught his eye!

   However, compared to those ordinary stars and outer space scenes.

  In the depths of the endless starry sky, two huge figures are undoubtedly more eye-catching!

  That is indescribably huge!

   is just a blurry image.

   occupies most of the territory of the boundless sea of ​​stars!

  The so-called galaxy.

  It seems that even their fingers are far inferior!

  Look around.

  They are moving at a speed that seems to be slow and fast!

  And when a certain figure in it, often waving a special object, hits something thrown by another existence.

  As the guy watching this scene.

  Inexplicably, Zhang Tao felt a feeling of dizziness!

  It was like seeing something that shouldn’t be seen, making him extremely uncomfortable...

'what's the situation? ’

  ‘Is this the legendary fairy fight? ? ? ’

at the same time.

  The throwing type of artifact is fine.

  He looked at another artifact in it, instinctively, and suddenly thought of a tennis racket...


   An inevitable strong sense of disobedience emerged in his heart...

   However, let him think about it, he also thinks that the thing is really unreasonable!

  So, after all, he forced the brain of that thing into a special artifact with a similar shape!

  I hypnotized myself!

  Except for the planet Zhang Tao is on.

  In that distant starry sky.

  Countless alien races looked at the scene presented in the stars.

   was full of shock.

  In their hearts, there is also more or less a feeling that the three views have been changed!

  Especially certain civilizations that follow a purely technological route and have never been exposed to extraordinary phenomena, and there is a feeling that the two channels of **** and supervision have been opened up!

  Looking at the two figures in the sea of ​​stars and the things they hold in their hands.

  How do you look at it, how do you feel, it contains the world's most important truth!

  ‘I got it! ’

  ‘I understand the truth...’

  ‘Good her mom is cool...’

   has fallen into a frenzy!

  After many years.

  This has also resulted in the emergence of a large number of ‘yo-yo’ and ‘tennis racket’ space battleships and a series of special weapons...

   has developed one after another related sports, [Cosmic Tennis Tournament], [Cross Universe Tennis Tournament], [World’s No. 1 Yo-Yo League]...

    Thanks: Uncle Mouse er’s 100 starting coins! Nine-tailed Yanhu's 500 starting coin!



  (End of this chapter)

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