Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 848: Wan Tiancheng

  Chapter 848 Wan Tiancheng

After a few minutes.

  Looking carefully at the one in his hand that didn't seem to be damaged.

  But there was a faint crystal of a tooth mark on the surface, Jue Changge asked Orrga with a face full of uncertainty:

   "Is this really all right?"

   "Will there be souls left, and suddenly take us away?"

  Faced with this kind of doubt, Olga also replied affirmatively:

   "Trust me, in terms of soul, I'm very professional, and I'm proficient in frying, cooking, and stir-frying."


  If there is no second half sentence, Jue Changge might feel a lot more relieved.

  But when he saw the opponent put this thing in his mouth and chewed it a few times, he was not very good at refuting Olga's words.

  He feels it...

  The other party seems to really treat this thing as some kind of food...

  Next, Jue Changge asked a little puzzled:

   "Then why did you grill it with flames before? Is it to erase the soul inside?"

   After shaking his head.

  Orjuga asked with a puzzled face:

   "Before eating, don't you have to adjust the taste?"

   Hearing the words, Jue Changge and the traversers around them fell into silence one after another.

  This statement is true and well-founded, and it is hard to refute.

"All right……"

  With full of doubts.

The long song of   jue can only focus his attention once again on the stuff in his hand.

  After thinking about the gains and losses, he looked at other curious guys around him and asked:

   "Does anyone want to try?"

  After hesitating for a while.

  A figure stood up and muttered bluntly:

   "What are you afraid of?"

   "Even if that guy's soul has not been completely wiped out, but there is still no way left. I don't believe that in that state, what can he do with me?"

  After all, he directly took things from the chief singer.

  Incorporate your consciousness into it.

at the same time.

   is accompanied by a burst of time and space fluctuations.

  A figure returned here again.

  That is Soled Geert.

  Just to break through the limitations of [Lord of the Sky], he completely detonated the energy source of that body, causing irreparable damage to it.

   Therefore, after a while, he was able to change to a relatively good spare body.

  However, in general, His loss is still somewhat serious.

  As his main body, the actual value of that body just now is extremely expensive, even if he is rich in money, he will feel heartache...

In this situation.

   Seeing the other party’s return, Jue Changge also spoke directly:

"Welcome your return, Your Excellency Soled Geert, if it weren't for your contribution, maybe that guy would have been escaped. In order to make your contribution worthwhile, we will give you various compensations. Please also accept..."

  As a mechanical life body with no emotions, Soled Geert naturally did not have any hypocritical excuses, and immediately nodded happily:

   "That's good, I am looking forward to it."

  For a while.

  The atmosphere on site is also extremely harmonious.

  Most of the beings are watching expectantly, the guy who is reading the internal information of the crystal, expecting him to have any good news...

  As for the difficulty, I met Olga with some high-quality ingredients in this plane. After finishing eating, he once again recovered his incontrovertible appearance, and acted as an onlooker with peace of mind.

   Stand aside with your hands behind your back.

  Don’t read more, don’t ask more...

  Standard background board.


  The same time period.

  A certain distant extragalactic galaxy, above a certain supernova during puberty.

  Ignoring the harsh environment around it that could crush the peaks into small cakes, a figure swayed out of the long and narrow space-time passage while chewing on a piece of gum.

  ‘The universe? ’

  ‘Isn’t it finally a world where the sky is round? ’

  After looking around, Wan Tiancheng looked directly at the nearby dark starry sky, slamming his head indifferently.

to him.

  Even things like black holes are just harmless natural landscapes.

  Supernova explosion?

   is just fireworks.

   Just when he was wondering whether or not to stroll around in this endless starry sky and just find a planet with signs of civilization.

  In the distant sea of ​​stars, a strange light suddenly appeared.

  Wan Tiancheng looked up there and found dozens of spaceships passing by in line.

  The original words.

  That is not an important thing.

  Various high-tech products, he has not rarely encountered in the world he has experienced before.

  But Wan Tiancheng soon discovered a strange place in it.

  【Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! 】

  【Galaxy Express, large quantities and discounts! 】

'Chinese? ’

  Looking at the clearly visible graffiti advertisement on a certain spaceship.

   Several question marks appeared directly in his head.


  He also sensed the time and space coordinates of his hometown through distant time and space.

  This confirmed that I did not go the wrong way, and I did not experience the bad luck of the old home due to the flow of time after a long journey.

  This is really not my hometown.

  ‘Am I running into a parallel world on the earth? ’

  ‘Things seem to be interesting...’

  In such thoughts.

  Wan Tiancheng took a step, and his figure directly escaped into the void.

  The next moment.

   appeared silently inside a certain spacecraft.

  In the ignorance of the crew, they wandered freely inside the spacecraft.

  ‘Yellow people, white people, black people...’

  After taking a few glances at the appearance of those crew members, his gaze quickly saw something very familiar.

  A projected globe.

  Although, the information marked on that thing is the Blue Star map.

   But judging from the geographical structure, it is indeed the earth.

  ‘These guys are really human beings on earth...’

  ‘It seems that human civilization in this world is developing very well...’

  Hold a little curiosity.

  Wan Tiancheng was in a room, picked up a tablet-like gadget, and began to read it.

  Don’t ask him why he uses it.

   even get started quickly.

  It has nothing to do with IQ reasons, because that thing is a pure Chinese system.

  Not long after, he also had a general understanding of the status quo of Blue Star.

  "[Lord of the heavens]? [Lord of Outland]?"

   "What are these hanging things?"

  "But, it looks familiar, have I heard it somewhere..."

  At that time, he killed [Wild Boss-Lord of Outland] casually. From beginning to end, he didn't even ask the other party's name.

   is only sporadic, and I have heard a few key words in the subordinates of the other party.

  So, for a while, he couldn't remember which green onion the other party was.

   However, he didn't bother to think about that little bit of unimportant incident.

  Attention was quickly attracted by other content.

   "Wow~ The United Nations is all destroyed?"

   "It's so **** cool..."

  "Is this killing all the crabs and beasts?"

  "Spicy chicken author, you are so powerful..."

   "It's too brave to be true, I will always drop the gods..."

   Thanks: 500 starting coins for pine fruit oak tower!



  (End of this chapter)

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