Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 844: 【Wangjie Peer Exchange Group】

  Chapter 844【Ten Thousand Worlds Peer Exchange Group】

  Thirty kilometers underground in London.

  In a special laboratory enclosed by a large number of technological equipment and hundreds of millions of barriers.

   Twenty-four figures are gathering together.

   "Is it finally done?"

   "Although it's only a year or two, but I can't wait..."

   "The higher ladder will finally continue..."

  They are all extremely excited.

  A burst of energy that is enough to tear the starry sky is even more circling around their bodies from time to time.

  [The Court of the Traverser] All the 24 members are present.

  In the past, when Shenlong saw them without seeing the end, none of them used methods such as clones.

   can be imagined.

  How much they take this matter seriously.

  The thing that is surrounded by them is a body.

  A human body that has been repeatedly banned by countless techniques.


  Under the brilliance of a large number of spells, even mortals can see his soul, sleeping in it like a phantom, completely isolated from the body.

  His name is Tang Jiahuai.

   is the inheritor of the core power of [Lord of the Heavens]!

  Two years ago, the main reason why the [Court of Traversers] decisively destroyed all the countries above the Blue Star was that a certain member of the Council found a clue about Tang Jiahuai.

  In order to force him out.

  The parliamentarian who felt that he was unsure of the truth alone chose to share the secret with other parliamentarians.

to this end.

  They directly used prophecy spells, divination spells, and even supercomputers to simulate various plans repeatedly.


  After spending a lot of effort, they managed to catch this cunning mouse!

  On the way, due to the strong interference effect of the core inheritance on them, even if their strength is far stronger than Tang Jiahuai, a lot of setbacks have actually occurred, so the other party did not get out of tune...

  Now, after more than a year of intense analysis.

  Tang Jiahuai’s secret buried deep in his soul is about to be cracked.

  It is conceivable that in their hearts, naturally they are also extremely eager!

  For them, it is simply an unstoppable temptation!

  Strength, there may be no limitations.

  As long as you are strong enough, you can do anything!

  But the users of power have their own limitations!

  Talents, opportunities, resources...

  The various conditions are turned into invisible chains, which restrain the user.

  Let’s say that he is right on the scene, watching Tang Jiahuai’s Jue Changge with eager eyes.

  After experiencing countless hardships, he has succeeded in possessing his current strength, and he can also see some remaining room for further improvement, but in general, he has vaguely felt his own upper limit.

  That was the bottleneck he faced.

   is like the maximum capacity of a bottle.

  Talents, qualifications, resources...

   makes him see no opportunity to break through the bottleneck.

   Normally speaking, his highest achievement in this life is already visible to the naked eye.

  This is a kind of luck.

  Let him know that he is ‘full level’ soon.

   is also a great pain.

  Because the power of [Lord of the Heavens] is definitely not only this level.

   But that is a field that he cannot leap into at all based on his current conditions.

  My full level is only 70, but others have 100?

  What else am I playing!

   Therefore, it is precisely because of this that he advocated the establishment of the [Court of Traversers], with the intention of gathering the power of everyone to create more opportunities for himself.

   Then, by chance, he found something wrong.

  Tang Jiahuai.

  The lucky one who obtained the core inheritance of [Lord of the Sky], then formally entered his eyes...

  And just when Jue Changge watched Tang Jiahuai fell into thinking.

  Some of the councillors beside him may be out of boredom, and slowly began to discuss some things.

"In other words, the recent outsiders are really getting more and more weird...Even the [Main God Space] has appeared... And according to the results of the soul-planning experiment, it seems that they are indeed like in the novel. They have entered various places. The world of film and television, the world of fiction, the world of animation...Perhaps, the ladder to a higher level is also hidden in it..."

  Some congressmen said with interest:

   "It's possible, maybe you can study related things in the future, maybe you will gain something or not."

  Although they are staying in this closed laboratory now.

  But what happened outside still seemed to them as if they were right in front of them.

   Therefore, the emergence of such a strange thing or organization as [Main God Space] naturally attracted some of their attention.

  Especially when dozens of people come in at a time.

  Be aware, except for a few areas.

  Blue Star, as their lair, has basically been in a state of comprehensive monitoring all the time.

  Various microscopic mechanical insects that are as small as dust are dangling around all the time.

  Those weird guys, as long as there is some activity, it is absolutely impossible to hide from them.

  Listening to their discussion, holding a casual exchange of ideas, Jue Changge even though most of his attention was focused on Tang Jiahuai, he still said casually:

   "In fact, the stairs leading to higher levels have some shadows on some outsiders."

"For example: a certain alien traverser named Zhao Sheng possesses a golden finger called [Ten Thousand Worlds Peer Exchange Group], which not only allows Zhao Sheng to interact with his peers in various parallel worlds at the same time. Communication also allows them to trade resources with each other and meet each other."

  After listening to this, a certain member of the Congress was puzzled:

  "Isn’t that equivalent to a cross-world trading hub? What's up on the upper ladder? Is it possible that there is a parallel world that is particularly strong?"

  Jue Changge shook his head and denied:

   "That's not the case. The problem is with one of Zhao Sheng's peers."

"The peer discovered that after killing other peers, they can use the communication effect of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Peer Exchange Group] to perfectly absorb the opponent's power and achieve an effect of 1+1 greater than two... In theory, As long as they kill enough peers, they can see the upper ladder."

"So, that [The Peer Exchange Group of Ten Thousand Realms] has now been played by them as the "Battle Royale Exchange Group of Ten Thousand Realms". The strong peers want to kill the weak peers, while the weak peers want to kill them. To kill the weaker peer...Anyway, it's a posture of big fish eating small fish."

   "In fact, it was precisely because of a certain peer that was driven to a dead end, that guy named Zhao Sheng took the initiative to come to me...intent to use the special power of the [external peer exchange group] to seek help from me."

   "But that thing... how to put it... I feel that the risk is too high, far less reliable than the core inheritance of [Lord of the Sky], so I just use that as a backup plan."

   "After all, if you can, who wants to play with their peers\'You chase me, I chase you, and if you catch it, I will make you hey!\' What about the game?"

   "Knowing each other's roots and knowing the bottom, and full of all kinds of conspiracies and tragic fights, it is really too difficult..."

   Thank you: Dragon Knight and Yin Zhiping’s 30,000 starting coins!



  (End of this chapter)

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