Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 834: Internal and external troubles

   Chapter 834

  Louis de la Island.

"Therefore, from now on, only the [traverser] who walked out of [Temple of Ten Thousand Realms] will be my companions. You can join the [traverser’s court] established by us after a simple review. And the [traverser] who came from another place will be classified into other groups. If you want to join us, you will have to go through a more rigorous review..."

  Listen to the final conclusion and various detailed response policies.

  Orhaja was in the audience and yawned silently, his face covered with dullness.

  Besides, Soled Geert, who has received a lot of awards for his contribution to the [Eye of Sin], is full of excitement, and he is immersed in joy.

  As for Tang Jiahuai, her face is full of doubts and solemnity now.

  I am falling into deep thought and cannot extricate myself from it.

  [Lord of the Heavens] left behind in the core heritage, there is one thing he left specifically for [Lord of Outland].

  The only function of that thing is to sense the approximate location of [Lord of Outland] at all times, so as to avoid sudden attacks by the other party, and to make the heirs feel a little bit in the heart.

   But now, the old days are like a radar, there are always targets displayed, but the sensing target is lost!

  In this situation, Tang Jiahuai naturally didn't dare to be careless. He was immediately full of vigilance, and many possibilities flashed through his mind!

  ‘Has he been aware of the anomaly, thus shielding the perception of this thing? ’

  Think of this.

  If the situation is not a bit inappropriate, he even wants to give up the Blue Star and run quickly with his cronies!

  But if you run away, it is meaningless to just escape to other planets. If [Lord of Outland] really comes, the entire universe will have to be lifted away.

  Only escape to an unknown world...

  ‘Damn it, don’t wait for me, I just accepted the inheritance, I haven’t had time to develop...’

  Tang Jiahuai feels bitter in her heart. The boss is blocking the road at the beginning, which is really hard to do!

   is also at this time.

   "Boom boom boom..."

  In a series of loud noises.

  The space-time near the blue star was directly shattered by gaps.

  Monsters whose bodies are huge and comparable to islands are sticking out from the center!

  If it weren’t for the outer solar system, the barrier was just established not long ago, and if they were stuck tightly, maybe these guys would be directly smashed into the blue star, causing great losses!

   Feeling that the breath of the alien creatures belongs to the back of [Lord of Outland].

  Many Blue Star Travelers present also looked a little solemn.

"here we go again?"

   "You just came here the day before yesterday, right?"

  "One time is stronger than one time, but I don’t know how strong the upper limit is..."

  With a little worry, everyone immediately talked about it.

  One time.

  Even the powerful high-level traversers are full of prudence.

  Because the transmission frequency of the other party is not only getting higher and higher, the strength between individuals is also stronger.

  Now, although these monsters are still insignificant **** for high-level traversers, but after a while, the situation may not be the same...

  Some high-level traversers even subconsciously began to think about the future.

  After all, if [Lord of the Sky] unfortunately overturns, they don't plan to accompany each other to die together.

  Even, if the price is right, they don’t mind being a twenty-five boy and betraying Blue Star and [Lord of the Sky].

  Good birds choose wood to live.

   Properly forever!

  I don’t know at all, that one’s [Lord of the Heavens] is actually parallel imports among parallel imports.

  Even before they wanted to run away!

  This is really too much!

  I don’t even know that the [Lord of Outland], whom they regard as their archenemy, has unfortunately encountered foreign plug-in players.

  That is a foreign opener who is completely different from them!

  If we say that their power is derived from the legacy of [Lord of the Sky], so they need to abide by the basic laws and rules of the game.

   Then the foreign open-hangers like Wan Tiancheng belong to the pure wild road, and don’t need to follow any basic laws at all!

  Not only the abilities are strange and weird, but the intensity is also purely random.

  Low is exceptionally low!

  Strong is exceptionally strong!

  In the face of the difficult stuff, even the local native boss [Lord of Outland] was brutally singled out by the other party and was forced to go offline in shame.

  Before appearing in the main storyline, the people will be gone!

  Cooperating with Tang Jiahuai's waste material, the bosses of the two sides can be said to be together.

But fortunately in the misfortune, the cook of Olga, the spider at the top of time and space, has arranged a new final boss for the Blue Star Travelers, so that they will not be too much in the future. boring!

   can also be regarded as a beginning and an end, with a new goal of struggle and hard work!

The story behind    is heartwarming.

  Probably as warm as above the grill.

Jue Changge, who didn’t know anything about it, looked at the worry on the faces of everyone present. After frowning slightly, he stretched out his right hand and compares his five fingers together as a hand knife. The space is just a stroke, directly directing those in the sky that haven’t gotten out of trouble. The monster slashed into countless pieces of meat in the air, and then a raging flame ignited out of thin air, burning the pieces of meat to ashes!

  Raising his hands and feet is quite random, as if he just crushed a few ants to death.

   "Why panic?"

  "While I was waiting in another world, how many people did not suffer?"

   "The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, even if the [Lord of Outland] comes in person, it's just a battle!"

   "Even, I still count on him to get a glimpse of the upper realm!"

  At the same time, the words of Jue Changge showed unconcealed ambition and desire.

  Hearing this, among the traversers in the audience, someone immediately laughed and said:


   "Why be afraid of him who hasn't appeared yet!"

  "Don’t a group of counsellors have experienced a life-and-death crisis?"

  That is a figure who has never shown a sense of existence, and has not said a word since the beginning of the meeting.

  Until now, did not choose to speak.

  She stood up, looked around at the various figures, showing disdain, and bluntly commented:

   "Nine out of ten are waste, it's really hard to make a big deal!"

   "If you're scared now, it's better to go home early for milk."

   Say it.

  The woman disappeared directly from the venue.

  After that, along with several other bursts of laughter and approval, some people who passed through each chose to leave the scene directly.

  Obviously, they are also extremely indifferent to most of the traversers present.

  See this situation.

  Jue Changge's heart is also full of helplessness.

  There are many people who are proud and arrogant. This team is too difficult to lead. It is true internal and external troubles...

  (End of this chapter)

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