Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 818: 【Tao Huang Tian】

  Chapter 818【Tai Huangtian】

  【Tai Huang Tian】.

   is the core area of ​​countless worlds on the entire plane.

  In the past, the only thing in it was the [plane consciousness] that stood in the center like a scorching sun!

  Every ray of light shining out of it carries the [destiny] and [time and space] of each world, and also reveals all the principles of the world.

  A mortal, as long as he can see through it, he can step into the hall of [Yuluotian] and become one of the most nobles overlooking all realms.

  And the light itself is the source of many worlds.

  Just flip a few strands at will, it may cause unexpected situations in a large number of worlds!

The pure power contained in    can also turn all rash contacts into puppets of [Tao], and puppets without any personal emotions.

  And now.

  After coming to this most sacred world again.

  The first thing that came into the eyes of the supreme was a **** boundless ocean!

  Countless crimson blood mists are slowly emerging upward along with the flow of liquid in them.

   Blossoming blood-colored flowers are also floating randomly among them, looking beautiful but evil.

  As for that round in the sky that was originally sacred, and the scorching sun, which was always blooming with pure golden brilliance, turned into a huge, blood-red spider with terrifying pupils behind it.

  The intrusion of outsiders did not affect the behavior of the spider.

  The strands of spider silk are pouring out from its sharp claws and mouth, following an inexplicable trajectory, radiating toward all the world, enclosing countless destinies and legal principles.


  In each spider silk, each supreme has seen something that makes them extremely afraid.


  All things contaminated with spider silk, regardless of the cause and process, the results they welcome will inevitably be destructive and negative [evil results]!

this moment.

  The mortal and bitter sea in the world seems to have been infinitely magnified!

  The detached shore has also become infinitely distant, as if it has become a place that will never be reached!

  Everything will enter eternal painful reincarnation!

  So, at the moment when they saw those spider silks, even if their own strength was extraordinary, each supreme still instinctively fell into a emotion of fear.

   is also like a moth that throws itself into the net.

  Subconsciously intends to travel through time and space again and escape to a safe place.

  But those spider silks are used to catch prey.

  When their eyes saw the shape and existence of those spider silks, they had already had a connection with those spider silks.

  A cognitive connection!

  Invisible, unknowable.

  And when they know or see the existence of those spider silks, their ending is doomed.

  No matter how they resist.

  Neither of them can move their eyes anymore.

  It was as if their ethereal vision was firmly stuck.

  The same is true for body and soul.

   seems to be tightly entangled, completely unable to struggle.

   Then, the endless web of spider webs began to extend automatically, spreading towards where they were...

  Not long.

   Layer by layer of spider webs wrapped them into cocoon-like things.

  Wait to be digested.

  In this regard, the scarlet spider entrenched in the sky did not look at them from beginning to end.

   is still there carefully weaving those spider webs that will bring [bad results], with the intention of immersing the entire plane in chaos...

  Because that is the main duty that Olga gave him.

  As for his body?

   is the plane's [plane consciousness] itself, the extremely sacred and scorching sun in that round of impressions of the supreme.

  It’s just that the present He has been infected by Olga’s [Infinite Plague]. After countless distortions, it has evolved into its current appearance...

   is no longer as over-forgetful as in the past, and my heart is full of all kinds of tyranny and cruelty.

  In the true sense, is a cannibal god...


  【Crimson Kingdom】.

   still in that room.

  It’s just that the small pool in the room has undergone a brand new change.

  The beads that were originally piled in it have all disappeared.

   What replaced it was a **** pool of water.

  At a glance, with the rippling pool water on the surface of the pool, it constantly changes slightly.

  Countless scenes are undergoing various changes, revealing the past, present, and future of various worlds and different life forms.

  It turned out that Olga had already spliced ​​the plane directly into this pool!

  Sit on the seat by the pool, propped his chin with one hand, and looked at the changing scenes. A little smile appeared on Olga’s face unconsciously:

   "It seems to be pretty good like this, it means a little bit of raising worms."

   After all, he casually picked up a mint-like object from the plate held by the maid beside him, and threw it into the sink.

  Although he doesn't care much about that thing.

  Neither did I know it on purpose.

  But the moment I saw that thing.

  He understands.

  That is a sacrifice made by one of his family members after destroying a certain [lower plane], using the [plane consciousness] as the raw material.

   Normally, it should be regarded as a relatively valuable treasure.

  But at the moment, Orrhoja obviously has no consciousness of cherishing the fruits of his subordinates' labor.

  I see.

  Along with some splashes, the treasure extracted with [Planar Consciousness] was smoothly integrated into the pool.

at the same time.

  A picture is also presented on the surface of the pool.

  It is a picture of countless life forms wandering in the gaps between the various worlds, as if being stimulated, looting something.

  The actual situation looks the same as a school of fish competing for food.

  It’s just that the situation is undoubtedly much bloodier than that.

  Looking at the past, I don’t know how many worlds have been crushed by a large number of super-specification beings in the looting.

  Killing, dyeing a large area of ​​time and space red.

  No disaster?

  For many aboriginals who have suffered, this is indeed the case.

  But that kind of thing is not important.

  After all, they have no choice.

  As long as Olga is okay.

   "Although the game venue has been built, in order to make things more interesting, it's better to step by step..."

  Looking at the scene of fighting among them, followed by Olga’s words that seemed to be talking to himself.

  The future of certain worlds and life forms in the pool are automatically linked by [destiny] and [cause and effect].

  They will meet soon.

   Fighting and strife will follow closely...

  (End of this chapter)

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