Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 798: Destroyer

  Chapter 798 Destroy the beast

  The edge of London city.

  Here is the area that Olga is looking at at the moment.

   is also an area where Destroyer Beasts and some passers are fighting.

  Although it is called a fringe or a suburb, as a city that has already stepped into a comprehensive modernization, the inner city of London is too large because it is too big to rebuild the old facilities left over by history.

  So, relatively speaking, the inner city is inevitably older than here, and it seems that it is far from being more modern.

  There are many high-rise buildings, and a large number of modern advanced science and technology parks are supported. There are not many old-style buildings with a slightly lower height.

   But anyway.

  In terms of the degree of prosperity alone, after all, this place is far less attractive than the inner city...

  Basically, there will be no crowds all year round.

  And now and now.

  It's very lively here!

   "Boom boom boom..."

  Amidst the incomparably strong ear-piercing explosion and the roar of the collapse of the building, there was a mixture of noisy screams and bloodthirsty roars...

  A large number of people, under this movement, are like ants stepped on their nests, scurrying around on the streets they randomly pick.


  The high-speed friction generated when an object quickly passes through the air.

  A destructive beast that looks a bit like a mixture of a cheetah and a hunting dog covered with black scales.

  The streamlined and sturdy body with a body length of nearly eight meters, in the blink of an eye, he surpassed hundreds of meters of distant distance, and shuttled back and forth quickly in every corner of the street with an extremely vigorous posture!

  High-rise buildings, vehicles, billboards...

All solid things are similar to pedals for it. It is regarded as a kind of leverage tool to provide it with more development space and make it more flexible, just like being in a jungle made of steel. It's the same as hunting!

The passersby around, it doesn’t even have to attack, it just needs to run straight past the opponent. The sonic boom and shock wave generated when it moves will tear off the opponent’s fragile body and make those soft flesh and blood. Like ketchup being swayed wanton, along with bones fluttering around, like messy mud, sticking everywhere in the street...

   And face a terrible opponent of this degree.

  Ordinary people, it is useless at all.

  Even if you are using a heavy machine gun loaded with armor-piercing shells or an rpg loaded with a high-explosive warhead.

  Just now, there were thousands of elite soldiers carrying heavy firepower.

From beginning to end, I didn’t even see what the enemy looked like. In just half a minute, the tank and armored vehicle they were riding in was torn to pieces by a destroying beast, even the coroner Unable to distinguish their bodies.

  Between them, even if they don’t talk about the problem that the naked eye cannot capture the other’s movement.

  As an existence that can run at supersonic speeds on foot, ordinary ammunition hits the destruction beasts. For them, it is no different from ordinary people who have been exposed to a little drizzle.

  Even if you are hit on a relatively fragile place such as the cornea, you will at most feel a little discomfort.

  Only the main gun of the main battle tank can cause actual damage to them with a special warhead such as a depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile through a frontal hit.

  But in general, the body of the main battle tank is still a bit too bulky.

  And the person who manipulates it can't keep up with the reaction speed of the Destroyer Beast.

  In addition to the flying speed of the shells, it is actually about the same as their movement speed, and it is far less flexible.

  Easily, they will be captured by their dynamic vision.

  So, actually speaking, even if it is a bit threatening, it can only be given for nothing...


  Standing on a tall building.

  Looking at the distant scene.

[British Crossover Registration Bureau]——The captain of [Crossover Tactical Squad. Fourth Squad], first politely spit at the fugitive crowd running around under his feet, and then barked his teeth and licked Pick your nose.

   didn’t panic, and while casually waving the gleaming sharp blade in his hand, so that the strong poison attached to it was absorbed more evenly, he said to his teammates without looking back:

  "Judging from their revealed strength, it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with."

   "But the other party is obviously useless, so the other party may actually be more than this strong..."

   "For the sake of protection, I will deal with two destruction beasts at most, and the rest will be handed over to you. After you work together to solve them, come and support me."

  After finishing speaking, holding the idea of ​​democracy, he did not forget to ask the last sentence:

   "I assign tasks like this, do you guys have no objection?"

After    was divided into two by him, there were still seven destruction beasts left.

  His teammates, there are a total of seventeen.

  Captain, one picks two, and the others are more than two to one.

  Faced with this plan, the deputy captain took the lead and responded after squeezing his cigarette:

"No comment."

   Facing the opponent's strategy of taking care of his teammates, some players couldn't help thinking in their hearts:

  \'Although the captain doesn't look very serious, at least he is not bad...\'

  The guy who is the captain knows what they think.

  It’s just that he didn’t say anything.

  After all, the treatment of being a captain is really good.

  If it's not necessary, he naturally wants to lead the team well and don't want to get out of them.

  "Now that the tactics have been determined, let's go!"

   "I am in charge of the two on the street on the left..."

  The voice has not fallen.

  His figure turned into a phantom, disappearing silently.

  In an instant, it rushed out of a mirror fragment on both sides of a distant street that was shattered by the destruction beast.

  At that moment of lightning and flint.

   Directly behind the opponent's back, aim at the head that had been secretly aimed at and smashed it down!

  This blow.

  No sound is produced.

   also did not have any killing intent flowing out.

   is the secret technique that he has thoroughly mastered after more than ten years of hard work in another world!

  In a short time, he is unlikely to be able to make the same second blow!

  In this deliberate blow.

  The situation did not have any accidents.

  The sharp blade of the weapon in his hand successfully smashed into the opponent's head!

  The destruction beast until the scales on its head have been broken through the surface protection.

  It's body is still in a supersonic state, this is how it reacted!

Under that fatal crisis, that vigorous body immediately burst out a force that did not conform to Blue Star physics, and in an extremely unscientific posture, he forcibly moved his uncontrollable in mid-air. The body, so that the sharp blade that could cut off its head straight away, became only able to cut part of its skull, and then swiped over...

this moment.

   Under the cutting of the supersonic blade, a part of the brain of the destruction beast seemed to be burned to the tofu brain by a hot knife.

  Flying in mid-air in the state of being thoroughly mature!

  Dang even exudes a strong burnt and fishy smell...

  (End of this chapter)

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