Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 760: 【Higher-Order Plane of Living Body】

  Chapter 760 [Living Higher-Order Plane]

   "What happened? Was anyone attacking here just now?"

  With a little surprise.

  The owner of this voice walked into the palace with a serious expression.

  Behind her are Alison and others who are equally serious.

  Different from those guys who didn’t know anything about the previous situation because the timeline was forcibly revised.

  As the hostess here, Golaner and the others clearly remember that something bad happened in this palace before that.


  They had also sensed before that even [Crimson Heaven] itself received a serious impact, shaking it violently twice.

  But right now, all the remaining traces were forcibly restored by Olga.

  As if nothing happened!

  In this regard, they are both a little surprised and a little wary!

  It's actually a bit funny.

  Although the geographical location is located in the extremely vicious place of [Bottomless Abyss], in addition, as the ruler of Olga, he is also a crazy guy.

  But since the establishment of [Crimson Kingdom], this is the first time it has been attacked by external forces.

  In the long years before this, no strong man has ever come to make trouble.

  It can be said that the life is so stable to the point that it is more stable than most forces located in safe areas!

  It’s so stable that people can't believe it! !

  After calming down for so long, the sudden attack just now caused the hearts of Golaner and the others to be raised high.

  Even, some uneasy doubts whether this is the initial omen, more attacks will come surging in the near future.

   Facing Golaner and the others with their caring gazes, and feeling that he had suffered a loss, Oluga, a bit embarrassed, after thinking about it, replied more tactfully:

   "There is no need to worry about anything, it is not an attack, at best it can be regarded as a warning or a temptation."

  In the face of [Gun]'s blow, although he lost a little face due to a momentary carelessness.

  But the actual loss is actually limited to this.

  Converted to the description of ordinary human beings, the blow just now is actually not even a bruise for Olga.

  As a strong enough to be qualified to look up at the [Prince of the Abyss] level [Demon Lord], even if it is a direct attack by the [Prince of the Abyss], Olga is confident that he can resist slightly for a while.

  And [Gann] as a [Higher Plane] will or itself.

  His power can only be exerted to the greatest extent within the boundaries of that plane.

  Only within that range, can he truly be able to match the [Prince of the Abyss] in the true sense, and become an existence that Orrjuga is absolutely invincible!

  Like the previous ultra-long-range attack, it undoubtedly surpassed the territory of his own rule, and it will inevitably be severely weakened.

  The remaining power, even if it is still strong, is still at the level of [Abyss Lord] in the final analysis, it is impossible to really take Orrauga who is at his home court in the true sense.

  Even if you are mentally prepared in advance.

  It was impossible for that force to break through the outer defenses of [Crimson Heaven], and directly hit Olga's body.

  After all, his power is absolutely true and powerful.

  As long as he is on his own home court, then at the level of [Abyss Lord], even if anyone is stronger than Olga, he will never be strong enough to completely crush him.

  Listening to Olga’s explanation, then looking at his calm look.

  At this moment, even though his expression looks the same as usual, as beings who have been with him for countless years, Golaner and the others are still keenly aware of the fact that Olga’s heart is irritating before...


  Even if he didn't suffer any substantial losses, Orr's-Jia suffered a loss in the situation just now.

  See this situation.

  Gorland immediately showed helplessness, silently glanced at each other with Philla and the others, and completed all the communication with his eyes tacitly.


  They all understand that Olga is a guy who doesn’t want to suffer.

   Generally speaking, as long as the situation permits, if he can retaliate, he will definitely repay the grievances as quickly as possible!

  But right now, after he suffered a loss, he didn't do anything?

  This is obviously a development that is extremely inconsistent with Olga’s character...

  However, it also shows that the opponent is likely to be strong enough to make Orrhaja find it a little tricky or fearful!

  Only these two reasons can reasonably explain why Olga, who has always been lawless, is so peaceful...

  One time.

  After hesitating for a while.

  Glaner waved his hand first, and asked the other maids and subordinates to leave temporarily, and then asked with some worry:

  "Are you fighting a [Prince of Abyss]?"

  And the other people around, although their faces looked a little sad, they did not speak.

   Obviously, their views are similar.

  In their cognition, only a strong man of the level of [Prince of the Abyss] can make Orrhaja forcefully swallow that breath after suffering a dark loss.

  Face their concerns.

  Originally, who didn’t plan to talk about it with them, after hesitating for a while, he scratched his head and replied:

  "...Not the [Prince of the Abyss] in [Bottomless Abyss], but an existence with close strength, a living [High-Order Plane]..."

  Hear this.

   They were no longer as young and ignorant as they used to be, and they immediately frowned in unison.

  As the mates of Olga, they are not sparsely-experienced rural natives.

  Through the accumulation of various experiences over time, I also have a general understanding of the so-called High-Order Living Plane.

  Knowing that it is a realm that transforms the entire plane into its own, so that it can be almost invincible within the scope of a great existence.

  To put it bluntly, confrontation with it is equivalent to confronting that whole piece of time and space!

  Like, fighting against the [Abyss Lord] located in the [Abyss Layer] is a foolish act!

  So, normally, even the [Abyss Lords] will not provoke them.

  After all, after an invasion, a little carelessness may lead to blood loss.

  And the [Living High-Order Plane] mentioned by Olga’s mouth can be evaluated as ‘similar to [Prince of the Abyss]’ from his mouth, which also fully demonstrates that the opponent is definitely one of the best...

  So, even though Olga’s original intention was to appease them, after a few brief words, each of them seemed to be more worried...

   Thanks: Book friends 160627201626457 for the 100 starting currency!



  (End of this chapter)

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