Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 747: deal with

   Chapter 747

  【The Bottomless Abyss 684752456 layer-Crimson Kingdom】.

  Looking at the beam of light descending from the sky gradually disappearing.

   was standing on a step, watching everything from a distance, and then he gently waved his right hand.

  The enchantment inside the palace automatically resumed as usual, no longer restraining the internal power.

  It's not that Golanel is defending.

  She was just worried that Olga’s power would accidentally overflow.

  It's really that time.

  As an asylum, although she will have nothing to do, she will even be very comfortable, but the maids in the palace are not sure...

  A little carelessness, they will be completely wiped out by those overflowing powers.

  For most people, it is an inaccessible existence.

  Only a very small number of them will not be harmed by them.

   "Now, you guys are waiting outside first."

   With a calm expression, he gave a command to the maid who was on standby next to him.

  In order to prevent the opponent from being accidentally lost, he had to fish out the opponent from the timeline, and Golaner chose to act alone.

   as an undoubtedly privileged class.

   Taking a step forward, the internal power of [Crimson Heaven] automatically guards her body, ignoring various obstacles to block space-time capabilities on the way, and teleporting her to the center of the palace safely.

  A quiet room.

  For others, this is no doubt a forbidden place.

   Without the permission of Olga, any existence that approached here was burned by the flames, and then hung on the gate of the palace to begin eternal suffering.

  But for Golaner, this is just a bedroom in his own house, and it is one of the safest areas!

  As the hostess here.

  As long as there is not enough power to defeat the entire [Crimson Kingdom].

   Then it is impossible for anyone here to hurt her the slightest bit, or to resist her will here.

  With her appearance.

  Has already absorbed all the gains from this round of action, and Olga, who is stronger than before, also slowly opened his eyes.

next moment.

  The distance between the two.

   was silently modified by him.

  Gorland, who was still tens of meters away from him, appeared directly beside him not far away.

   took the other person’s hand and let him sit on his lap, he took the initiative to explain with his usual expression:

   "Nothing big happened, just a little useful thing was gained."

  Gorlander knows some things about what is happening now, but he doesn’t know too much about it.

  So, in Olga’s opinion, it is a better choice to take the initiative to explain two sentences.

  Hear the words.

   Reminiscent of the previous beam of light, Golaner asked unsurely when he was curious:

   "Did you successfully deal with that high-level plane?"

  After living in [Bottomless Abyss] for so many years, she knew very well that the blood-colored beam of light was highly likely to come from [Abyss Will].

  And what Olga’s recent doing is probably only the new high-level plane named [Dominia] that can cause such a degree of movement.

  As for, what will happen to the plane that is processed by Olga?

  Basically there will be only one ending.

  All off...

  Aboriginal people who can survive 1% have a high survival rate.

  This is the conclusion that Golaner came to after seeing countless cases!

  As a being who once retaliated guilt to the innocent dead.

  After a long time.

Although Golaner still feels that Olga’s wanton killing is a bit bad, she has already understood [Bottomless Abyss] local folk customs, and now she has gradually become accustomed to the **** and violent situation. Expand...


  Knowing her character, Olga did not hide anything, smiled and nodded:

   "All have been dealt with. Generally speaking, the process is fairly smooth."

  In understatement, it determines the life and death of all lives in the [Dominian Plane].

  Killing is just a daily random act for him.

  There is no need to talk more!

  There is no need to specifically count how many killed!

  Uncountable numbers anyway, a random thought is countless deaths!

  Putting his face on Olga’s chest, listening to the powerful rhythm in it, Golaner asked again: "Then do you have any plans next?"

   "No plans."

   shook her head, Olga held her and replied:

   "The so-called plan is never as realistic as adapting to changes. Moreover, at my level, the real opponent cannot be defeated with a single plan. Conspiracy can only play a supporting role at best."

As a bad guy who likes to stab others in his back, Olga clearly understands that the so-called conspiracy has great natural limitations. When the power reaches a certain level, unless a special concept is mastered, the conspiracy will only be It's just the icing on the cake, and there is no way to expect much.

  Take the simplest example.

  Usually, when someone else is thinking about Olga, he will feel immediately, and when the other person’s thoughts involve his vital interests, the feeling will be even stronger!

  Under the guidance of that induction, it is not difficult for him to find each other across time and space.

  So, unless the strength is stronger than him or the nature of the strength is more special, otherwise, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to win him from the beginning.

  If you want to win Olga, you can almost only rely on head-to-head methods.

  The strong men who are close to him, even if they don't have this characteristic, will inevitably have various abilities with similar functions, so that they can easily unheard prophets, seek luck and avoid evil.

  In this state of affairs where everyone is driving perspective, full-image scanning, killing intent, etc., the pure violence attached to power is always the most effective way. It can achieve results in a way that others cannot refuse or avoid.

  Take Orrga’s actions against the [Dominian Plane] as an example.

  If they have a [Chaos God] level or [Abyss Lord] level within them, most of Olga’s so-called plans will immediately be impossible to implement, and the remaining ones will also be greatly reduced in effect.

  Trick its young and ignorant!

  When facing a new high-level plane, this is the core idea of ​​all Olga’s plans.

  No opportunity for development at all.

  Once the indigenous people develop, the difficulty of the strategy will rise straight!

  Even, even if you win, you will still lose money, and you will be busy!

  And this is one of the main reasons why most [Abyss Lords] have no good solutions when facing high-level planes.

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  (End of this chapter)

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