Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 732: set sail

  Chapter 732 Set Sail

   When Urza was thinking about making trouble.

  【Ravnica World】.

  [Ms. Pain] who witnessed Olga’s remote projection being kicked out by plane consciousness.

  After adapting for a while, he successfully withdrew from the spiritual world.

   And the time flow rate that was stretched indefinitely also returned to normal.

  Looking at the bustling scene that is still crowded not far away.

  She glanced at Eric Bass, who was ignorant of the matter for the last time.

   turned around without hesitation, planning to leave the market straight away.

  When she saw her movements, beside her, the salesperson who was still urging others to transfer goods here as soon as possible, immediately said with some doubts:

  "Guest, what you want can be transferred right away, you can..."

  It’s just that, before the other party finishes speaking, [Ms. Pain] bluntly said:

   "No, I don't need things and deposits anymore."

  After determining that the [Evolution Star Potion] and even the entire [Salvation Trinity] had great problems, she was no longer interested in all the things in it.

  This kind of obviously poisonous fruit, whoever likes to eat it, who will eat it, anyway, she doesn’t eat it, she doesn’t even want to touch it...


  Faced her answer.

  The salesperson who didn't know the whole story immediately showed a deep incomprehension on his face.

   Obviously did not understand what this operation is.


  Due to [Ms. Pain]'s indifferent behavior and irrefutable tone, after the other party opened his mouth, after all, he did not dare to ask more.

  In his opinion, [Ms. Pain] does not intend to return the deposit anyway.

  Then I made a profit...

  Thinking about it, I feel that my business is really a profitable salesperson, so he took a bottle of sweet apple-flavored medicine from the shelf next to him, and drank it in one bite.

  As an excellent unit among the best in the entire [Ravnica World].

  [The Salvation Trinity Church] employee benefits have always been very good!

  Salesmen like them have public spending quotas every once in a while.

  So, when you are fine, drinking two bottles of medicine to quench your thirst is just a trivial matter!

  And their excellent treatment, which is so good that it will die suddenly, in [Ravnica World] can be said to be the envy of countless colleagues.

  Countless industry elites, in order to successfully enter the [Three Gods of Salvation], they even do not hesitate to hypnotize themselves and let themselves believe in the gods here...

  Not far away.

   is sending off his main customer who came to solicit goods—Eribas of [Gerald Capaxuan], and he didn’t even know what his immediate boss had done not long ago.

  At this moment, I am still talking politely with important customers with a kind smile on my face.

   in his eyes.

  The hapless guy in front of him, but the friendly promoter from [Dominaria World].

  It is precisely because they played extremely fiercely against [Phyrexian World].

  The best products of the church will show the extremely good and reliable effect, so that more people can trust its quality!

If it’s not really a bit inappropriate, Erebus really wants to recognize [Dominaria World] as a strategic partner of [Salvation Trinity], and supply a large amount of [Evolution Star Potion] to each other for free. Let the other party be full every day!

  As the one who was seen off by him.

  Each time he came to buy goods, he felt that he waited for someone to owe Eribas favors so that he could buy goods from here at a low price. Gerald Capaxuan felt a little embarrassed.

  In the mind of Gerald Capaxen, he always believed that he was taking advantage of others, using low prices, and buying large quantities of things far more than this price...

  So, he, who is consciously ashamed, is actually a little bit ashamed to face the enthusiasm of Eric Bass.

  I didn’t even know what the **** did I wait for others to do...


Shortly after.

  With the success of [Clear Sky], it returned to [Dominaria World] with a large amount of [Evolution Star Potion], and successfully allowed a group of personnel to acquire sufficient virus resistance.

   [Clear Sky] The various original equipment on the board has also begun to undergo large-scale adjustments in order to penetrate the [Phyrexian World].

  At this moment, all the resources of the entire [Dominaria World] are tilting towards the blasting [Phyrexian World].


  A few days later.

"let's start."

  Faced with the instructions given by Urza.

  Gerald Capaxuan who knows what risks he and others are about to face.

  Although there is nothing in my heart.

  But his hometown was destroyed by Yogmov, and his relatives were almost killed and injured.

   After all, under the urging of hatred, I pressed the start button of [Clear Sky]!

  For Gerald Capaxen.

  As long as he can kill Yogmov successfully, then he doesn't mind putting himself in too.

  Fear when you are afraid, your own person is gone, but the other party has not suffered any loss!

  And people like him, this [Clear Sky] is everywhere!

  Basically, every crew member and even passengers here are extremely bitter and enmity with [Phyrexian World]!

  Or, to describe it more accurately.

  It should be said that the entire [Dominaria World] and even the surrounding worlds, almost everyone has blood and blood feuds with [Phyrexian World]...

  Crazy carnage, and delivery of various deadly viruses regardless of the world...

have to say.

  In terms of offending people.

  Yogmov, who has a very serious anti-social tendency, has always been a good player.

  Even the guys from many evil camps want to die with them!

  It can be seen from this, how angry and grieving his various actions are...

   and the switch is turned on.

   Soon, in the roar of the power source.

  Numerous spell runes inscribed on the hull and internal parts of the [Clear Sky] were slowly activated.

  After a vague time and space fluctuation.

  The huge size of [Clear Sky], disappeared in place without warning, and merged into countless turbulence of time and space!

   began to follow the space-time coordinates given by Gaia, and went on a long journey without knowing how to end this time.

  The eight strong men who volunteered to take part in the mission all stood quietly in the central command room of the [Clear Sky] without saying a word.

  Some faces were ugly, as if they were death row prisoners on their way to the execution ground.

  Some of them are full of random faces, as if they didn't regard it as the same thing at all.

  As for the ordinary crew members on the spacecraft, most of them are fighting from the very beginning without intending to make a smooth return journey alive.

  Everyone is excited with a little bit of fear and fear, all driven by hatred, running towards the **** in their hearts, intending to do everything to destroy it completely...

  There are so many different things in life.

  These people on the ship have a feeling of returning to the light before death...

  (End of this chapter)

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