Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 721: Time correction

  Chapter 721 Time Correction

  As a [Travelling Master].

  Sakhanvo can clearly feel that the two dragons that are fighting are the same as himself, they are both [Travelling Mage]!

  But the gap between them and their own strength is completely different from Tianyuan.

   can be called the gap between giant elephants and ants.

  Whether it is the dragon whose body is as bright as gold, or the dragon whose appearance is as gorgeous as cyan metal.

  Sakhanwo had no doubt that they could crush themselves easily.

  And as easy as crushing a bug.

   is also on them, Sakampo finally saw the [perfect dragon] he had seen in his dream!

  Powerful, beautiful, looking up...

  This excites him a little too much!

  If he can, he really wants to pay his head and worship immediately, throwing himself into the command of any dragon in front of him.

   But unfortunately, that won’t work.

  Because he is a time traveler from the future, if he is discovered, he might be choked to death by the opponent...

  He can also tell that among the two dragons that are fighting, the blue dragon clan that is already at a disadvantage is the existence he needs to save.

  As for the other, the golden radiance shone all over and looked like a sacred dragon. There was a high probability that the strong would cause the death of the opponent in the future.

  So, after watching the battle between the two for one and one second, Sarkanvo wisely gave up his plan to directly intervene in the battle.

  After all, he really wants to live a few more years.

  I can only do it silently, and hide it for the time being. When the two sides are about to decide the victory or defeat, secretly intercept a little bit of the anticipation of the soul or body of the blue dragon clan...

to be honest.

  For that level of existence, Sarkanvo only needs to leave a little remnant for the opponent, and then the opponent can make a comeback by himself, without any extra intervention by Sarkanvo.

  As long as it is not dead and clean, no matter how serious the injury is, only small things will remain!

  Hold this idea.

  Sakhanwo immediately put on a few more layers of disguise for himself, and continued to pretend to be dead.

  I don’t know at all. On the other side of the distant future, there are still multiple beings watching themselves silently.

  And those previous decisions I made were actually based on the other person's thoughts!

  This is a control that cannot be blocked even if it crosses the scale of time. It will not be lifted until death...

Shortly after.

  Looking at the battlefield, the golden dragon race abruptly pulled out some of his past body through spells from the long river of time, surrounding his opponent's feat.

  Sakhanwo took a breath.

  He can judge that the other party’s time abilities are far stronger than his own.

  He didn't even dare to appear now.

  I'm afraid it's not right to be seen at a glance...

  Two days later.

  Sakhanvo is rapidly traveling through time and space.

  Countless worlds, one after another, was left behind by him.

   is like the insignificant dust behind Yiqi Juechen's racing horse.

  Now, he has successfully intercepted part of the soul of the target secretly!

  After completing this feat of stealing meat from the tiger's mouth, although he knew that the golden dragon had a high probability of not discovering the problem, he was full of fear in his heart, and he instinctively tried to run farther.

  Looks like all the guys who succeeded in death, full of fear, happiness, excitement, contentment...

  The mood is very complicated!

   Lest the other party suddenly appear next to him, he just raised his hand and gave himself a second.

  While he had intercepted a little bit of soul residue, Ugin's emotions now calmed down after the initial stage of consternation and resistance.

  He can vaguely feel that Sarkanvo has the breath and brand of his own family members, but he is not his own family members.

  This inexplicable strange development made him also a little puzzled...

  Until a period of time later, after Sarkanvo, who was running wild, took the time to explain the situation with him, Ugin finally understood all the reasons for the matter.

  He also calmed down completely.

  As for the authenticity of things.

  He has no doubts at all.

  Just now, if Sarkanwo hadn't secretly pulled him, he would have died on the spot.

  And in the worst case, it is nothing more than this.

  No matter how you look at it, it won’t get worse.


  For a time, he also wanted to open it.

  I feel very stable!

  I only felt a little happy in my heart, and I took my life back.

  I never thought that I just saw the first level of things!

  On the other side of the timeline, there are a few vague eyes watching everything.

  This is really hard to guard against!

  A few more days passed.

  Sarkanvo finally came to a distant world after a long journey.

  This is a medium-sized world that looks extremely primitive.

  According to Sarkanvo’s observation, there is nothing like civilization here.

  Everything is still very primitive.

   Looking around, all kinds of primitive beasts and beasts are fighting fiercely, and there is no trace of a wise race.

"right here.

  I have created dozens of populations in this world.

  It’s been a long time since then, but there must be some remaining power in it. As long as I take them back and trim them for a period of time, I can generally recover. "

  Hear words from Ugin.

  Sakhanvo was also very satisfied with the smooth and normal progress of things, and immediately nodded in response:

  "So next, is there anything else I need to do?"

   Hearing this, U Jin confidently refused:

   "It's nothing, I can handle the rest by myself."

  Speaking of which.

  He glanced at the special mark on Sarkanvo, and after thinking about it, he added:

   "After I am completely resurrected, I will give you a lot of rewards, just as thanking you for your help."

  After several days of observation, he has fully understood the actual circumstances of the matter.

  For example, the reason why the other party will come to help him is actually because of the back hand of one of his immediate family members...

  This made him a little complacent, but also a little helpless.

  According to the particularity of time, if he himself is resurrected, Sarkanvo’s original history will be directly corrected.

  That is to say, he is [Brigade Master].

   has enough power to resist the erasure effect.

  Otherwise, at that time, Sarkanvo's whole person will be erased by the self-correcting timeline!

   But even so, his relatives and friends will inevitably be implicated...


  Because in the established timeline, Ujin himself did not die, and his dependents would not do anything later.

  So, the magic ritual that has been silently changing Sarkanvo’s concept of life will not exist...

  It and the effects it produces, all will be directly driven away!

In this case.

  Sakhanvo’s thoughts, I’m afraid he will immediately return to normal, and he will no longer be an avid dragon admirer...

  (End of this chapter)

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