Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 698: 【Lingma——Windfee】

  Chapter 698 [Spirit Horse——Windfee]

  The actual floor space of [Hall of the Gods] is not large.

   is only a few hundred square kilometers.

  But due to the structure and material problems, its weight is really not much lighter.

  At the very least, it is not much lighter than a single large continent.

  Plus a series of spell runes have been applied to strengthen it.

  The immovability of [Hall of the Gods] is far beyond the imagination of mortals.

  Even the explosion of the planet can't move it.

  Even many [Scotti Protoss] can’t do anything about it.

  But [God of Lies-Valkyrie] Is this a mortal or ordinary [Scotti Protoss]?

  He is obviously not.

  As a member of [Scotti Protoss].

  Even though he is inferior in it.

  But at any rate, the rotten ship still has three catties of nails.

  So, for many years, he has mastered many strange skills...

  In addition, he has mastered the detailed construction principles of a part of the [Hall of the Gods]...

  Add all factors together.

  The plan for him to move [Hall of the Gods] has become possible.

  The proper enemy is inside.

  Bring your own dry food and harm others and harm yourself...


  A few days later.

  The contest between [Thunder God-Toraf] and [Battle God-Halva] is still going on.

  For the longevity species [Scotti Protoss], fighting for days and nights in a row is nothing at all.

  Even, because both sides have spare energy, there is no dead hand.

  So, the looks of both seem to be easy to do.

  There is no feeling of difficulty on his face.

  It’s like just having fun.

  In other words, for them, this level of fist and fist attack is itself just fun and warm-up!

   Regarding this, the rest of the [Scotti Protoss] onlookers were all not surprised.

  I don’t think there is any problem at all.

  [Blood of the World Tree-Titanium Crystal], the power conferred by it is more than just this level...

at this time.

  Suddenly, the door of [Hall of the Gods] was quickly pushed open.

The speed of    directly caused the door to hit the wall, causing a loud noise.

   said rudely, this is a very rude move.

  So, after hearing this movement, all the [Scotti Protoss] immediately looked over.

  [God of Lies-Valkyrie] The somewhat embarrassed figure appeared in their eyes.

   Suddenly, all the eyes of [Scotti Protoss] showed a puzzled look.

  Do not understand what happened to the other party.

  Even [Thunder God-Tolav] and [Battle God-Halva] also stopped their own competition which lasted for nearly a month.

  As a standard brat, Tolav’s mouth is as fast as his brain.

  Not even hesitating.

   directly and curiously asked Valkyrie: "What happened?"

  In the words, there is a feeling of expectation hidden secretly.

  As a militant faction.

  He suspected that Valkyrie was caught by the opponent when he ran to another [realm] to spoof a foreign race, and he was immediately beaten by a hammer.

  So, he intends to find a reason for the opponent.

  Run to other [Realm] and have a fight!

  That can be compared to the tepid competition at the moment, it's a lot of energy!

  Just think about the scene, he is a little looking forward to it!

  Know the Valkyrie of the opponent's brain circuit.

  Although after hearing the words.

  Although I really want to give the other party a roll of eyes.

   But he still pretended to follow the plan with a tangled face and said: "I have caught [Spirit Horse-Winderfeit]..."

  Hearing this, Tolav, who had originally wanted to fight, immediately lost his interest.

  But also happy for the other person.

  [Spirit Horse——Windfee], this is a [sacred beast] that constantly shuttles through the various [realms] of the [World Tree].

  Shenjun is abnormal!

  It’s just that no one has caught it.

  So, now that Valkyrie can successfully capture it, it is also a happy thing.

  It’s just that, looking at Valkyrie, he was obviously not very happy.

  Tolav asked a little puzzled:

   "In that case, why are you frowning? Isn't this a good thing?"

  Following Tolav’s question.

  Valky knew in his heart that the other party had already been obediently engaged.

   directly pretended to be a little disappointed, and took out a special [artifact] in person.

  That is 【Horse】.

  The reins of the artifact level.

   After making two gestures to Toraf about the artifact in his hand, Valky explained with a distressed expression:

  "This is the [artifact] I specially made for dwarves. Originally, I wanted to put it on [Spirit Horse-Windfee] and completely domesticate it.

  But when I coaxed it over, due to insufficient power, I couldn’t hold it at all..."

  Hearing this, the [Scotti Protoss] all around immediately showed their original expressions.

  Every wild horse needs a complicated domestication process to make it obedient.

  And the [spiritual horse-Windfee] of the [sacred beast] level is naturally more troublesome in the domestication process.

  Valky at this moment coaxed [Spirit Horse-Winderfeit], but could not domesticate it.

  Then basically it's a waste of work.

  But Tolav became interested on the spot.

  Because he is very aware of the process of domestication, there are links to wrestling with horses.

  Only when the opponent is forced to win, can he be convinced.

  For him who is keen to fight and compete, directly wrestling with a wild [mythical beast] is definitely a process of physical and mental pleasure!

  After all, the opponent will not keep his hands like [Battle God-Halva].

  This is a 100% head-to-head competition!

   So, he directly said to Valkyrie with a full face:

   "Little things, let me tame it for you!"

   After finishing speaking, I plan to reach out and take the reins from Valkyrie, and go out for a while and be coaxed by the other side [Spirit Horse-Windfee]!

  Looking at this scene.

   [Battle God-Halva] beside Tolav, directly frowned subconsciously.

  He thought of something wrong with Valkyrie a few days ago.

  I immediately felt that there was a high probability of fraud in this matter.

   Instinctively wanted to dissuade Toraf.

  Lest he be fooled!

  But if a reckless man who has come here will listen to the kind words of others?

   Obviously not.

  Their existence is completely equivalent to a drunkard who drank and drank.

  The brain is in a down state.

  The only way of doing things is going straight.

  If there is no way, I will bite the bullet and walk out a way.

  The only way to stop them is to use a strong fist to persuade them physically.


  For an uncertain thing.

  【God of Battle-Halva】Obviously he was not determined, so he knocked Toraf down on the spot...

  After all, he still cannot guarantee whether he can beat the opponent...

  In case it was the one who was beaten, it would be very helpless.

  So, although my head is very clear and aware that something is wrong.

  He can only persuade the other party a few words.

   Looking at Tolav happily holding the artifact-class reins with a painful face, and happily ran out of [Hall of the Gods].

   went straight to the so-called spirit horse outside...

  (End of this chapter)

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