Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 679: Brigadier General Guf

  Chapter 679 Brigadier General Gufu

  【Phyrexian World】The deepest part.

  Yogmoth, who is working to solve a living inhabitant of a certain world, successfully received a spell call from [Black Demon Judge].

  ‘After a [Mage] broke into [Rise World], he successfully escaped? ’

  Faced with this message, his brows frowned immediately.

  But quickly relaxed again.

  Because [Rise World] is constantly approaching [Dominaria World] at this moment.

  Naturally, it will inevitably cause some incidental effects.

  So, from the beginning.

  Yogmoth knew that [Rise World] would be exposed one day.

  After all, among the residents in [Dominaria World], there are definitely strong people who can perceive external abnormalities.

  When [Rise World] is close to a certain distance, it will still be found.

  The current exposure time is just a bit faster than Yogmov's expectation.


  【Rise World】.

  In a huge crack that was torn out.

   Hearing that Yogmov was not angry that he and others let the enemy escape.

   Although a little embarrassed in appearance, the three [Magic Judges] who had not received any actual injuries at all also breathed a sigh of relief.

  There is actually no problem with their plan.

  After the spell that blocked the space-time shuttle ability was constructed, Urza at the time was directly dead.

  Not only was the three of them tore off their legs soon after joining hands.

  Even the lower jaw was forcibly torn off, leaving only half of his tongue still hanging there.

  The state is extremely miserable.

  Blood spilled all over the body.

  But also at this time, a strange power was attached to the three of them. In an inexplicable state, their power dropped out of thin air!

  Urza, who was seriously injured only after a short fight, caught the opportunity to escape.

  Think of this.

  [Black Demon Judge] Decisively fed back the situation and his own feelings to Yogmov.

Shortly after.

  Looking at the information video, the guy who looked a little familiar and the [Power Stone] and [Power Stone] inlaid in the opponent's eye sockets, the look on Yogmov's face changed a little involuntarily.


   Isn’t he dead already?

  He has actually become [Brigade Master? 】

  Could it be due to the stimulus produced by the big bang? "

  In his own words, his words also showed a slight fleeting jealousy.

  He had no idea that he would be able to pinch the ants to death in the past.

   can actually awaken [Spark] and become [Travelling Mage].

  Although at this moment, he already has the power to indirectly affect time and space, so as to achieve the effect of time and space shuttle.

  But for the lofty group of [Mages], Yogmov still has feelings of jealousy and hatred in his heart.

  The existence of [Travelling Master].

  In the eyes of this completely unqualified guy, Yogmov, there is no doubt that it is a kind of irony!

   seems to be bluntly saying that his talent is still inferior.

  Yogmov, who does not allow others to be better than himself, is naturally very angry.

  According to his understanding.

  For every million intelligent creatures, there will be two to three creatures with the qualifications to awaken [Spark].

  And among millions of qualified persons, there may not necessarily be a lucky one who can successfully awaken [Spark].

  The vast majority of qualified people can only be silent for their entire lives!

  So, in the face of Urza who successfully awakened, Yogmov was extremely jealous.

  Especially when you see the [Power Stone] and [Improper Power Stone] in the opponent's eye sockets, I feel even more unlucky.

  I feel like I have succeeded in becoming a rival!

  He knew very well that [Black Demon Judge] When they were fighting, their so-called power suddenly declined.

   is completely derived from the weakening effect brought by the [Stone of Impairment]!

  As the original creation of Yogmov.

  The power of 【Power Stone】and 【Power Stone】 contains part of his essence.

   Therefore, it can directly act on [Magic Judge] to reduce their power.

  Think of this.

  Yogmoth suddenly felt more and more angry!

   angrily ordered:

   "Go find that guy and kill him with the cruelest means."

Following the order of Yogmov, and under the leadership of two [Magic Judges], a small group of hunting squads composed of powerful models [Artifact Creatures] embarked on a hunting journey across multiple worlds... …


  Decades later.

  【Dominaria World】on a large plain.

   Countless mortal race troops and various models of [artifact creatures] are surrounded.

  Legs, hands, and a large number of internal organs, all due to necrosis or missing, can only be transformed into Urza of [Artifact Organ].

   looked at a certain black shadow in the sky with a serious expression.

   whispered to the companion beside him: "At most there are two or three days before the world named [Rise] will be formally linked with [Dominaria]."

  In these years.

  He was hunted down and hided everywhere.

  Many times caused danger.

  Even the world used to hide traces has been ruthlessly destroyed by [Phyrexian World].

During this time.

  Whether you want to admit it or not.

  He knows very well that there are countless innocent people who have died because of themselves, but he has a reason to have to flee.

   Guilt and anger almost corroded his heart...

  Until [Dominaria World], there were many strong people who discovered the abnormal approach of [Rise World] and made various strategic preparations.

  Urza, who was chased by the enemy and desperately desperate, succeeded in finding a group of teammates with sufficient ability, and no longer needed to go into exile like in the past.

  Faced with his conclusion.

  One of his main teammates, known as Brigadier-General Gufu's [Brigade Master].

   was also raising his head, watching the black shadow in the sky.

  That is a projection from another world.

   is also a proof that another world is moving closer to [Dominaria World].


  It is just a small black spot, and now it has become a vast and boundless shadow, which makes people feel deeply disturbed.

  After looking carefully for a while.

Brigadier General Gufu sighed:

   "The [Solan Man] lunatic back then, the guy who directly destroyed his race... I didn’t expect that he was still alive, and his strength was already so strong..."

  Although Yogmov was the ruler, he almost never made a direct shot.

  But the five [Magic Judges] under his command, every one of them is a fierce generation.

   Except for the lack of time and space.

  The power of each one is not weaker than the ordinary [Travelling Mage]!

  As their creator, the legendary [God of Phyrexia].

  Yogmoth’s power naturally rose in the hearts of everyone.

   Constantly being speculated with fear!

  In order to deal with the huge threat from [Phyrexian World].

  In the current 【Dominaria World】, there are a total of nine powerful 【Travelling Mages】!

  (End of this chapter)

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