Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 676: Confidence of both parties

  Chapter 676 Confidence of Both Sides

at the same time.

  Because Olga had previously noticed the peculiarities of [Dominaria World].

   Under his secret urge.

  The entire [Phyrexian World] was immediately given a special vitality!

  The whole world, all members, have a peculiar feeling full of motivation.

  A large number of resources have been transformed into substantive power by them at a speed beyond imagination.

  Even, during this period, due to various coincidences of fate, countless problems that originally puzzled many [Phyrexian Artifact Makers] were inexplicably obtained good solutions!

  [Thinking like a fountain], [Full of motivation], [Hundreds of energy]...

  One by one [Phyrexians] is just like being superimposed with countless layers of buffs.

   has burst out with great potential that they don’t even know about!

  It's sour and refreshing, which is incredible!

  ‘I’m so good? ’

  ‘I’m so smart! ’

  ‘Very strong! ’

  ‘I’m really a cow () to criticize () to the limit...’

  All of them are as excited as taking a drug, and the hard work on their face makes me happy. I can’t wait for a 24-hour online struggle!

  In this, although many guys once doubted whether there was anything wrong.

  But under the will of Olga, they all succeeded in persuading themselves for various reasons, and they all believed in this!

   has absolutely no sense of awakening.

  After all, if you lie to yourself, the truth is myrrh can be solved!

  Even their boss, the great [Phyrexian God-Yogmov], was unable to escape this **** due to the scourges buried in the past.

  Like the blind + deaf, he is working hard for the strategy of invading [Dominaria World] soon!

  [Phyrexian World], as an artificial world created by the unknown [Travelling Mage]. Unlike those naturally born worlds, as long as no one destroys it, it can always exist.

  It has a life limit.

After the peak,    will inevitably quickly decline and even self-destruct!

  In order to deal with one point, Yogmov had a plan to create a spare world long ago.

  It’s just that it has not been implemented into reality.

  Now, after confirming the specific space-time coordinates of [Dominaria World].

   is not just to act as a backup world.

   is to provide a good springboard for yourself.

  Yogmoth decided to create a whole new world in the area between [Phyrexian World] and [Dominaria World]!

  As a strength, it is not worse than most [Travelling Mage], and even superior!

  Compared with Nicol Bolas of [Elder Dragon] + [Travelling Mage], his strength is only a little bit stronger.

  This kind of thing is by no means difficult for him!

  Even, if it were not to ensure the strength of the new world, he could easily create some small worlds.

  At this moment.

  After careful preparation.

The ninth heaven of   [Phyrexian World] is also the deepest part of this world.

   Suddenly, there were waves of agitation.

  They are dull but steady.

  It is as if there are countless big drums made of tough leather, which are being beaten in an orderly manner.

  It carries a special feeling.

  Similar to the initial budding stage of life, the kind of slow and steady rhythmic sound.

  The heart of the hearer will unconsciously beat slowly following the rhythm.

  If mortals have been listening for a long time.

  As the tone becomes faster and faster, their blood will enter a boiling state, and their heart will be equivalent to an out-of-control engine, rapidly beating far beyond the limit, until the heart completely explodes!

Shortly after.

  After the final violent explosion.

  All abnormalities disappeared completely.

  Somewhere in the distant time and space, a dim spot of light gradually emerged.

   Then, it started to get brighter and brighter, becoming as dazzling as the sun.

  Mortals cannot look straight at all.

  During this period, its original tiny volume is the same as inflated.

   began to expand wildly by multiples, just like there are countless pumps, which are continuously injecting gas into them!

  Following the idea of ​​Yogmov, the creator of the world, the internal environment here is slowly being shaped.

  From the original empty world with nothing.

  What was born out of nothing, gradually evolved into a world filled with a lot of high-temperature magma.

  Although the interior is still extremely desolate and there is not a single dog, in general, it is undoubtedly much better than the initial stage!

  Looking at this scene.

  Yogmov also nodded with a satisfied look.

   District magma is not a threat to the [Phyrexians] under his command, but it is a way of supply!

"very good!"

   "Soon, my army will surely crush the entire [Dominaria World]!"


  Thinking of what he was happy about, he was a little impatient for a long time, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

  The expression was full of the meaning of winning.

  Very confident! !


  【Dominaria World】.

  In a space-time mezzanine.

  After a period of sleep and transformation.

  Urza slowly opened his eyelids, revealing the things embedded in them.

  【Strong Power Stone】and 【Weak Power Stone】.

this moment.

  He feels like a new born.

  In my soul, I feel more clear than ever.

   "Mishra...I will avenge you..."

  He originally thought he was dead.

  After all, [Artifact-Same Zhao] was made by him.

  He knew very well that that thing was not something that mortals could resist.

   Never thought about it.

  He is not dead!

   also awakened a power that had only been heard before.

  【Travelling Master】……

   Feel the power of time and space everywhere.

  He is very sure that he has successfully joined this noble group.

  This is a group that can only look up even as a top [artifact maker].

  As far as he knows, in many worlds.

  Just becoming a [Master of Traveler] will be regarded as a living sacred!

   Right now, although there is no substantial comparison of strength yet.

   Dan Urza has a feeling.

  At this moment, you only need a few simple spells to easily kill the previous self.

  Even if there are millions of [artifact creatures] troops...

  This is a completely different level of power!

  Think of this.

  He immediately had sufficient confidence in his revenge against the strange force of [Phyrexian World]!

  Want to run over and kill the Quartet immediately!

   But unfortunately, and fortunately, he does not know the coordinates of the other party.


  Urza, who has just become [The Travelling Master], successfully evaded his attempt to rush the head away.

  With his current strength of a new born.

  If you really run over.

  As the [God of Phyrexia], Yogmoth doesn’t need to take action. Just a few [Magic Judges] under him can easily kill Urza alone...

  (End of this chapter)

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