Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 657: Useless dissatisfaction

  Chapter 657 Useless Dissatisfaction

  As a natural enemy of the devil.

  [Valkyria]’s life form is a half-energy, half-flesh composition mode.

  Moreover, unlike most mortal races that need to distinguish between male and female or male and female, they have only one gender, female.

  The way the population reproduces is to rely on mature individuals to consume the original energy and condense into the 【valkyrie egg】.

  It can be said that any [valkyrie], as long as the strength is strong enough, and is willing to part of his original power, then he can complete all the steps independently!

  So, strictly speaking, they are actually parthenogenetic oviparous creatures.

  Moreover, their bodies are quite different from regular flesh and blood creatures.

  There are no conventional internal organs such as heart, kidney..., but there are some extraordinary organs in energy state or semi-energy state!

  While they provide greater stability, they also provide the [valkyrie] with powerful strength and some special talents.

  Now, after Olga’s adjustment.

  His tail is now directly transformed into something similar to a connector!

  By piercing directly into the opponent's body, he has forcibly linked the life core of [Shepherd] and [Call for Life].

   began to break through the protection of their soul and consciousness, and fundamentally modify the self-perception of the other party...

  One time.

  A large number of red runes, without warning, appeared one after another on the surface of the two of them, like living things, constantly twisting and moving.

  Like a thin cloth that wraps things, trying to extend his domain completely to the other's body, completely concealing the two of them.

  And then.

   also means that Olga has completely started his transformation!

in this process.

  [Shepherds] and [Demands] who know the situation is not good, naturally they will not honestly refrain from resisting.

  The chopping of weapons, the cohesion of spells, and even the self-detonation of trying to break the cauldron and sink the boat were all used by them without any scruples.

  But under the absolute gap between the two sides, these actions are meaningless.

  Ol-Jalya doesn’t need to think.

  As if just facing the boring play of a child, all the resistance was solved casually, and even the slightest trouble was not caused...

  Not long.

  As the scarlet rune completely covered the Shepherd's Envoy and the [Death Envoy], the consciousness of the two of them also forcedly stepped into a state of silence in a desperate mood.

  That's it, under the shroud of those scarlet runes.

  Two eggs more than two meters high slowly appeared in Olga’s room, hovering in the air without movement.

   Seeing that the situation has stabilized now, Mayvis started talking a little hesitantly:

   "My lord, what are you..."

  Seeing this situation, the various high-level demons present also showed quite interesting expressions.

  Thinking that the two [valkyrie] were able to enter [Endless Storm] through some special means.

  At this time, I was looking forward to Olga’s success in obtaining the way to get in and out of the sealed enchantment!

from their perspective.

  At that time, as the subordinates of Olga, these guys who are trapped in this ghost place can naturally follow the light and go to other realms again to carry out the long-lost slaughter!

  Just thinking about the scene, the faces of many high-level demons couldn’t help showing the look of expectation!

  For them, that kind of thing is simply the supreme enjoyment...

   "You don't need to ask more, just do what I arrange."

  And Olga’s cold answer, no doubt like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguished their excited hearts.


  They began to wonder if Olga wanted to eat alone.

  The idea of ​​dissatisfaction immediately appeared in their minds.

  Naturally, Olga, who has the ability to perceive emotions, also perceives this.

  But he didn't care at all, just yawned indifferently.

  From the beginning to the end, I didn't have any thoughts of explaining anything.

  After all, explain the use of a hammer...

  Even though the life structures of the two sides are very different, the demons of this plane still have a lot in common with the [Abyss Demon] in [Bottomless Abyss].

  For example, the most classic bullying, fighting for power, insidious and cunning, killing each other...

  So, it's meaningless to have more meaningless communication with these guys who have no conscience.


  Dissatisfied, dissatisfied.

  What is the use of soothing!

  If the fist is hard enough, everything is good.

  And it is true.

  Faced with Olga’s high-pressure policy, the high-level demons present were dissatisfied, but after Olga’s speech, no one dared to stand up and say one more word.

  Don’t even dare to show dissatisfaction on your face!

  Behave one by one obedient, one by one guarding oneself!

have to say.

  The devil’s behavior in this regard is a major flaw in the eyes of many people, but Orrjaja likes it very much.

  Rather than verbal persuasion, he prefers direct threats of force.


  After half an hour.

  All other demons have already left.

  In the room, except for Olga himself, there were only the two huge egg-like bodies left.

  After a period of silence, the two eggs finally showed some movement.

  Countless free mana is automatically ingested from all directions, like a stream of water attracted by a whirlpool, continuously injected into it.

  As the movement gets stronger and stronger.

   Then, countless cracks, like a web woven by a spider, appeared on it.

In the end, as the shell shattered, the two slender figures bathed in countless **** fluorescence, stretched out their curled bodies in mid-air, and slowly landed on the ground, kneeling respectfully in front of Olga .

   "My lord, [Valkyrie-Shepherd], Emirina pays you the highest respect!"

   "My lord, [Valkyrie-Commander], Domelia pays you the highest respect!"

  They are now.

  In terms of appearance and dress, there are more things that are different from the past.

  For example: the armor and wings on the body have become bloody, and the mark of [Death Tribulation Flower] also appeared on the forehead...

  Those things all symbolize their direct transformation in the camp.

  In addition, they were originally very close to the power of the [Great Demon], and they were also upgraded to the level of [Great Demon] by Orrga’s optimization method.

  Even if it is only a defective product like Mayvis, it has not reached the point of perfection, but in terms of strength, it is still far better than before!

  (End of this chapter)

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