Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1678: 【Magic Talisman】

   Chapter 1678 [Magic Talisman]



   This title may be very high in the eyes of mortals.

   But for higher life forms, that's it.

   Just find an alien with a fairly advanced civilization and throw it in front of ancient humans, and it will still be honored as a **** and demon.

   Therefore, when [Ogla] talked about those useless titles, he didn't take them to heart at all.

   After all, as the [Destined Realm Archon] who is immortal and in charge of many torrents of destiny in infinite time and space, he has this qualification.


   That extremely relaxed tone and completely unconcerned attitude shocked [Etty] and [Susannah].

   Even [Roland] and [Jack], who didn't know much about [Nordic mythology], were a little respected when they heard those unknowingly harsh names.

  Because no matter what story, the guys with those unknown names are often background-level characters.

   must not be rotten salted fish.

   Of course.

   Even a character at this level of background board, in the mouth of [Ogla], it is just a group of subordinates who can call and drink.


   They were instantly in awe of him.

   Only [Oy] still looks the same as before.

   It's just a dog-like animal.

  How can it understand these things you said?


   It also wagged its tail at the feet of 【Jack】, and he was in a good mood when he saw it.

  See this situation.

   Even [Ogla] smiled.

   made a large piece of fragrant barbecue and threw it to [Oy].

   And wait for [Roland] after they digested the information they heard before.

   He went on to say there:

   "Now that I have introduced my identity and origin."

   "Then, it's time to talk about the second question raised by [Suzanne]."

   "Why am I hostile to that blood-red majesty, and that's why I came to you."


   This is Roland's voice.

   "Originally, I would not be an enemy of that majesty, even if the other party wants to destroy everything, destroy the entire [Dark Tower]."

   "Because that His Majesty himself is one of the ultimate representatives of [Random World], it is his responsibility to create all kinds of chaos, and I am not qualified to intervene..."

   heard the words.

  Because of the previous information, I figured out that [Roland], who should have similar strengths between [Fate and Random World], could not help but ask after thinking about it:

   "Is the status of [Bloody King] in [Random World] much higher than your status in [Fate World]?"

   Although interrupted.

   But [Ogla] still said truthfully:

   "Yes, much taller than me."

   "If I am a member of the middle and upper ranks in the two realms, then that His Majesty is the unquestionable top member or ruler."

"Even, to a certain extent, it is completely easy to enter the top five and top three. Only the omnipotent ultimate creator is beyond the scope of all definitions, and the commander includes all the [Fate and Random World]. The [Gan En] of the territory can be said to be stronger than the other party."

"In other words, it's not that I simply don't want to oppose that majesty, but I'm not qualified to oppose that majesty at all. We have an essential cliff-like gap in our identity, and there are countless identities than me. High, a higher-level member whose status is lower than that of His Majesty, that kind of businessman who feels a little bit of power and a tyrant with hegemony, the merchants don’t even have the basic conditions to fight against each other…”

"At this moment, the reason why I came to look for you is only because of a certain His Majesty in the [Fate and Destiny], an existence equal to the blood-colored His Majesty, that His Majesty wanted me to give You reveal a piece of information, an piece of information that you shouldn't have known..."

at the same time.

  [Roland], who was listening carefully to the other party's words, also noticed one thing.

   That is, from the beginning to the end, [Ogla] never mentioned the title of [Bloody King] directly, but just used some vaguely descriptive words to indicate the identity of the other party.

   is full of obvious caution...or a sense of fear.

   It seems that even mentioning the title of [Blood King] is a particularly dangerous thing for him.

   This made [Roland]'s heart also filled with a very strange feeling and idea.

   I couldn't help but wondered whether I and others were too ignorant and fearless to bring up the other's actions at will, or whether [Ogla]'s actions were too solemn.

   However, [Ogla]'s words did not stop because of his thoughts, and continued:

   "[Roland], I think, after such a long adventure, you should have already realized that there is an absolute strength gap between yourself and that majesty, right?"

   This is a cruel question.

   seems to be expressing his own vengeance will fail.

   But [Roland] did not deny anything, or comforted himself, and said truthfully:


   "But that doesn't mean I'm going to back off."

  【Ogla】 nodded, approving his unshakable idea:

"very good."

   "His Majesty of [Fate and Destiny], that is, my immediate boss, the information he wants to reveal to you is about how to make up for the gap in strength between you and the other party."

   heard the words.

  【Roland】's eyes lit up immediately.

  Although I don't want to admit it, the huge gap between the enemy and the enemy is always an unspeakable problem.

   Therefore, in the face of information that may directly improve his own strength, he is naturally quite concerned.

   And [Ogla] didn't sell anything, and immediately said:

   "In a certain area of ​​[Dark Tower], there is a special area called [Demon Domain]."

   "There, originally, there was a special power, a special power that could symbolize everything, be the center of all good power, and be enough to act as the [White World Axis]."

   "We call it [Magic Talisman]!"

   "It is said that the power of that power is even comparable to the [Dark Tower] itself!"

   "It's just that not everyone can use it, only the chosen can have it."

   "So, for a long time, it has been shelved, and no user can control it at all."

"And, a long time ago, the [Magic Talisman] was lost under the interference of some evil external force. According to the investigation, it should be imprisoned by a dark force in another special area, a special area called [Dark Hotel]. area…"

   "And the meaning of that His Majesty from [Fate and Destiny] is... You, [Gunman - Roland], [Descendant of King Arthur], have the qualifications to use [Magic Talisman]."

   "If you can take out the [Magic Talisman] smoothly, then there is no doubt that you will have unimaginable power!"

   Thanks: Bookmate 20200821152415604's 1500 starting coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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