Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1675: conversation

   Chapter 1675 Talk

   After a few hours.

  【Gunman—Roland】 gradually woke up from sleep.


   may be because of the pain point.

  【Ma Teng】After being silent for a long time, he chose to turn his head and go to sleep.

   And [Roland] chose to sleep because of his ability to sense crisis.

   did not worry about whether he would be attacked at all.

at the moment.

   When he woke up.

The scene    saw was still that dark night.

   Just like before going to bed.

   As if, he didn't sleep long.

   But his biological clock, honed over the years, was denying that.

  【Roland】's biological clock clearly told him that he slept for at least eight hours.

  So, normally speaking, the sky should be at least a gray patch.

   Of course, it was pitch black now.

   As if it was still late at night.

   Or, it should be said that it is even darker than the middle of the night, and you can barely see your fingers.


   sensed something was wrong with him.

   After thinking for a second.

   quickly turned his gaze to the bonfire that was still burning.

   and the [Ma Teng] lit by the bonfire.

   The other party in a black trench coat seemed to have woken up long ago, and has been watching him silently.

  I don't know what I'm looking at in silence.

"What are you looking at?"

   Regarding [Roland]'s unhappy questioning voice.

  【Ma Teng】just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

   "Of course I'm looking at you."

"I don't like people looking at me like that." While talking, [Roland] didn't forget to throw a few more pieces of wood into the bonfire to make the bonfire even more vigorous: "I can't wait to see the sunrise. already."

   "Unlike a guy like you who lives in darkness, the bright world of light is where I should be."

   between words.

   is filled with some kind of sarcasm.

   But [Ma Teng] said ironically:

   "Yeah, I forgot where it came from."

   "That destroyed place..."

   said here.

  [Ma Teng] looked at the unmoved [Roland] and continued to speak:

   "We still have a lot to talk about, [Roland]."

   "This is my king's mission."

   "The supreme [Bloody King]..."

   "Now, His Majesty has used his subtle magic to change the time. Until we finish talking, the time outside will not change, that is, it will always be in the middle of the night..."

   [Roland] understood why the weather was wrong.

   A look of thought flashed in his eyes.

   "How long will we talk?"

   "I can't give you an accurate answer to this kind of question, because I don't know how long it will take."

After stirring the bonfire with a slender brown wooden stick, [Ma Teng] said truthfully: "However, you can choose to ask questions, and I will try to answer them as much as possible, just as if you succeeded in keeping up with me after chasing me for so many years. The reward, you deserve it."

   "Ask a question, we may be able to get to the point soon."

   "...Your king, your master, who is that guy named [Bloody King]?"

  【Roland】selected a question he wanted to know.

   "This question is not easy to say... Although I have contacted His Majesty many times, to be honest, I have never seen His Majesty's true appearance, and I don't know much about His Majesty."


   After a slight stun.

  【Roland】is suspicious and said:

"What's the meaning?"

   "Have been in contact, but have never seen the appearance?"

   "Does the guy you call the [Blood King] like to cover his face?"

  【Ma Teng】 shook his head:

   "Not really."

   "First of all, [Bloody King] is just one of the countless titles of His Majesty."

   "Furthermore, Your Majesty has never covered his face."

   "The reason why I have come into contact with it but never seen it clearly is just because there are countless huge gaps between the level of life we ​​are in and the level of life where Your Majesty is."

   "Mortals can't look directly at God?"

   "You may have heard such a sentence."

   "For us, His Majesty is a great existence whose true form cannot be seen by our eyes. Even if His Majesty restrains himself, we can only see a vague image of the branches and ends."

   "And when Your Majesty comes into contact with me, it's mostly through forms such as [projection], or through phenomena such as dreams."

   "Even, even the rest of the servants I know have never really seen His Majesty's real body. At most, everyone has usually seen His Majesty's [Projection] in the towering castle in the [End World]."

   "Exactly what it is, I can't express it."

   "Whether it is talking about His Majesty's appearance in detail or talking about the things in [End World] in detail, it will endanger the soul of the speaker and listener..."

   Hearing the words, [Roland], who frowned deeply, chose to change the topic:

   "In that case, where is the [Dark Tower]?"

   To be honest, he wasn't quite sure whether the other party would answer this crucial question.


   After hesitating for a while, [Ma Teng] replied vaguely:

"As I said, the [Dark Tower] is the center of all things, the junction of all [Worlds], all [Universes], and all [Time and Space]. When you want to understand this, you will naturally be able to find the [Dark Tower]. position."

   That feeling was as if he was saying some secret words.

  A pure riddleman-style solution.

   Until a long time later.

   Another long day passed.

  【Roland】just wanted to understand.

   If you keep walking in one direction, you will naturally be able to go to the center of the world naturally...


   Even if the bearing is found.

   In order to truly cross the infinite distance and successfully reach the [Dark Tower].

   is by no means an easy task.

   On the way, it is inevitable to use some special methods.

   Or else…

  The infinite distance alone is enough to make anyone feel hopeless.

   As for the many dangers, there is no need to mention it.


   Having said this to [Ma Teng], he did not forget to remind him at this moment:

   "Because you sacrificed little Jack earlier, according to the rules and the guidance of [White World], in the near future, you are bound to welcome three partners..."

   And at the very end.

   End of conversation.

   was silent for a while.

  【Ma Teng】suddenly stood up.

   Seriously spoke to [Roland]:

   "Although I don't want to say that...but for your mother's sake, [Roland De Shan], I think it's better for you to give up some unrealistic goals."

   "If you let go of those unrealistic goals."

   "Perhaps, you can enjoy your old age in a relatively safe world."

   "...even if your mother is a stupid woman...but once, I still fell in love with her a little..."

   while the words dissipated.

   The dark sky is slowly turning white.

  【Ma Teng】The figure that just stood up also slowly dissipated into the invisible, like some kind of phantom left behind.

   to this.

  【Roland】just sat there and fell into thinking.

   He knew that the other party's previous words must be mixed with a lot of lies.

  Because...【Ma Teng】is a despicable guy.

   This is absolutely certain.

   However, it doesn't matter. While mixed with a lot of lies, the other party also revealed a lot of truth.

   All he needs to do now is to screen it out...

   (end of this chapter)

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