Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1668: 【Andy Dufrell】(End)

   Chapter 1668 [Andy Dufolan] (End)

   More than ten years later.

   Night time.

   It was pouring rain outside.

  The thunder is echoing, and the storm is howling.

The interior of   【Shawshank Prison】.

  Andy followed the passage he dug with a small hammer little by little, and drilled to the position of the sewer sewage pipe.

   He held up the stone in his hand.

   Listen carefully to the sound of thunder outside.

   looks depressed and furious.

at this moment.

   The final step of the jailbreak program.

   He recalled the past.

   has his own past with his wife.

   has his own past as a successful person.

   I have all kinds of thoughts when I saw the body of my wife.

   has his own speechlessness in court.

  There are various situations in which I have lived in prison for many years.


   And the young man who died because of himself.

as well as.

   The attitude of the warden, for his own interests, knowing that he is innocent, but still choosing to imprison him, even at the risk of killing innocents...

   His face.

   is even more ferocious.

last of the last…

   He also recalled his conversation with [Satan] many years ago.

   "Since you know that I was wronged, does God also know all this?"

   He clearly remembered that [Satan] did not try to cover up or distort anything at that time.

   said very directly:

   "Nature knows."

   "But he doesn't care."

   "Because it's your own problem."

   "It can't be said that after He created you, He will act as a nanny for you and arrange everything properly, right?"

   "That's too taken for granted."

   "Giving you life is a gift in itself, isn't it?"

  Confront this statement.

  Andy was silent for a while.

   is also speechless.

after that.

  【Satan】 also continued:

   "There are countless races in all things in this world, and human beings are not high among them. Similarly, the joys and sorrows that human beings nurture are not precious, and they are all just one of countless things."

   "Most of the so-called tragedies were made by you yourself."

"It's just that incompetent people always blame other people for the problem, and when there is no fixed goal to shirk their responsibility, they will throw all kinds of responsibilities on some illusory things, as if they can feel a lot better. "

   "But to put it bluntly, it's just a meaningless thing, your own incompetence, what does it have to do with others..."

at the moment.

   Thinking back on those words.

   Andy couldn't help but took a deep breath.

   I understand in my heart.

   After all, you have to rely on yourself...

   Next second.

   The thunder of the outside world exploded.

   The rumbling sound kept reverberating.

  The big rock he was holding in his hand also took the opportunity to smash it down.

   Under the cover of the sound of thunder, it smashed **** the old sewage pipe that required two people to reach out and hug it.

   smashed the already rusted and mottled surface a little.


   "Bang bang bang..."

   seems to complement each other.

   Every sound of thunder represented every round of impact on that huge rock.

   Although very tired.

   However, I often recall the past.

   Andy's body will emerge new power, driving him to keep dropping the stones in his hand.

   Dozens of rounds?

   Hundreds of rounds?

   I don't know how many times I smashed it.

   Accompanied by a clear cracking sound,

   The old metal sewage pipe was finally overwhelmed and broken.

   That moment.

   Under the action of internal pressure, a large amount of sewage splashed from the fracture.

   The foul-smelling feces and the rest of the filth were sprayed everywhere.

   Directly makes the surrounding space full of unspeakable taste.

   On the way, Andy was sputtered, which made him instinctively want to vomit.

   But the opposite is the ecstasy that emerges from the bottom of my heart.

   He understood.

   As long as he crawls out through this filthy pipe, he will be free from the place where he has been imprisoned for more than ten years.

   After the pressure in the pipeline is released.

   without any hesitation,

  He went into action…

   Complete disregard for the disgusting things that remain in it.

   more than ten minutes later.

   in the pouring rain.

   He successfully climbed out of the sewage outfall that was dripping with dirt.

  Standing in sewage.

   Looking up at the gloomy cloud above, feeling the wash of the heavy rain.

   his face.

   smiled uncontrollably.

   That feeling…

   is like the ultimate pleasure.

   made him addicted.

   made him cheer.

   is like getting out of a trapped dragon.

   is like a bird out of a cage.

   And as that redemption came upon the self.

   Wanton laughter.

   began to reverberate in heavy rain and thunder.

   "Is this funny?"

   This is an inquiry from [Pennywise].

   He couldn't understand why Orshaga should pay attention to an ordinary ordinary person.

   "It's just average."

   "But this is a special feeling, a feeling you can't understand."


   [Pennywise], who felt that the other party was talking nonsense, changed the question after being silent for a while:

   "You seem to be starting that farce again."

   "This time, don't hit my territory again."

   has been mentioned before.

  Orshaga, the [Identity] in this [Plane] belongs to the [Villain], and it is the [Final Villain].

   This also invisibly represents what he can do, which is actually just that.

   Either rule the world.

   or destroy the world.

   It cannot be spreading love and peace anyway.

   Although they all sound pretty good.

   But it was mentioned before.

   In this 【Dark Tower Plane】.

   That kind of trivial things are okay to say, all kinds of important things will basically develop in a good direction...

   Therefore, the villain of Olshaga really has no future.

  When doing big things, someone will always prevent the final plan at a critical moment.


  Everything is essentially farce.

   A farce going on with the acquiescence of 【Gan】.

   Olshaga is doing something → Olshaga is in a big slaughter → Olshaga is no longer unstoppable → Olshaga has surpassed God → The opposite side has turned against the sky for love and justice.

on the whole.

   is almost the same process.

   What is the only effect of this farce?

   is probably to help [Gan En] check for omissions.

  By the way, sharpen those young people and let them understand the value of life.

all of these.

   even like some kind of reincarnation.

  Once [Gan En] feels that the development of things is not in line with his own thoughts.

   Then the course of all things will be reversed.

   all over again.


   Olshaga has long been the villain countless times.

   Countless plans were implemented.

   also witnessed one by one brave warriors walking in front of him...


   in various reincarnations.

   When you have nothing to do.

   Olshaga will also cause trouble for the local powerhouses.

   Like blowing up their nest or something.

   Just suffered some losses like 【Pennywise】.

at the moment.

   In the face of his dissatisfaction, Olsaka just waved his hands indifferently and said:

   "As much as possible..."

   Thanks: 100 Book Coins with a heart like the morning sun!



   (end of this chapter)

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