Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1640: golden deer

   In short.

   Olshaga can make various adjustments to himself at will.

   I said before, as long as he is willing, it is easy to tamper with his own origin and turn his head to be a guy with holy light all over his body.

   And not only the appearance of a skin, but also the fundamental nature of the power can be changed accordingly.


   itself should be freewheeling.

  The so-called rules and regulations or the so-called rules, the more you go to the top, the more useless and meaningless.

  Those boring things are just things that the weak need to abide by, and they should be born to submit to the [will] of the strong...

   For Orshaga.

  The main reason why he has maintained his current state is just his habits and hobbies.

The habit of   【Abyss Demon】has been his nature for many years.

The good environment of   【Bottomless Abyss】 made him feel more comfortable like a spring breeze.

   Therefore, he was too lazy to change anything, and there was absolutely no need to change anything.

at the moment.

   felt that the power possessed by this game trumpet was gradually approaching a certain limit.

   Unless you go further and complete the unlocking task.


   Even if he continued to improve, he couldn't improve much.

   After thinking about it.

   looked at somewhere directly below the tree.

   The things he put into it before are still forged and nurtured in it.

   It’s not that it can’t be completed as soon as possible now.

The main reason for    is that they need to further receive local information.

   is the only way to be more localized and not be excluded.


   Those things have absorbed more resources through the previous battles of Orshaga.

   Including but not limited to the residual limbs and arms of some contestants.

   This makes them more powerful, but also increases their upper limit.


   Looking at those things that have not yet been finalized, Olshaga's heart is still quite satisfied.

   He understood.

   When the [space-time structure] has not yet been perfected, of course, one can go to the [trapezoid space-time layer] at will.

  But if you wait for the other party's structure to be perfect...

   He will probably be restricted and will no longer be able to go there at will.


   Those things are the necessary medium.

   As for when will it be completed?

   Olshaga looked at the little bit of constructed life system from a distance.

   I understand in my heart.

   I am afraid it will be soon.


   Olshaga also sensed that there was a lot of power condensing in the trunk of the tree.

   That is the power that overflows automatically when many contestants are defeated.

   is now being collected by that tree as some kind of backup energy.

   If it weren't for the status of the other party, it would be a bit special.

   The entire [planet] has a lot of attention to it, and the power of each contestant is all contained with various effects. If you think about it, the opponent must have been eroded long ago and become the carrier of each contestant...

in this regard.

   It can only be said that it is a bit daring...

   In other words, the weak have always been bolder.

after all.

  I don't know anything about the actual situation, so naturally I don't have any awe, which made Olshaga chuckle in disdain...

   After a brief period of hundreds of years.

  Due to the creation of a large number of contestants, they have contributed their own role.

   The main structure of the entire [Trapezoid Space-Time Layer] has finally stabilized to a certain extent.

  Let the layers of areas that were originally desolate are now full of vigor and vitality.

   as a place to nurture life.

   sea water.

   has already appeared along with the ocean on the dry land itself.

  There are countless primitive lives wandering freely.

   And on the vast land surface, not only plants and wild beasts run wild.

   Even the various groups of intelligent creatures are showing signs of germination.

   As for above the sky.

   In the depths of that pure white cloud.

   There are also a large number of figures looming, some as huge as mountains, and some as small as dust.

   Just lift your head and you can easily see them.

at the same time.

   The influence of each contestant here is also gradually declining.

   Like Olshaga.

   has even become more and more impossible to come here directly.

   At most, it is active in the upper layers of the [Trapezoid Space-Time Layer] that are relatively strong.

   is the same.

   The rest of the contestants were better off than him, but only to a limited extent.

  Most were pulled into and out of the blacklist.

   This means that this place is instinctively resisting various forces that can destroy itself.

   But as we all know, the contestants are all guys who do whatever they want...

How can    be rejected so easily?


  Various effects that are invisible to the naked eye are also happening simultaneously…

   Even though the entry of each contestant is excluded, it is a place that can grow rapidly through their dedication.

  Some of the things they left here are still working tenaciously...


   On the top of a towering mountain surrounded by various giant plants.

   That was in a huge green cocoon on the top of the mountain.

   A consciousness is recovering.

   Just like those handwritings left by Olsaka before.

   This thing is also the legacy of a contestant.


  Compared to the highly discriminated [Evil Faction] of Orshagana.

   The opponent belongs to the [Neutral Faction].


   in a sense.

   The oppression that the other party needs to bear will naturally be correspondingly less.


The    task will also be a bit more boring.

  Bad things and good things seem to have nothing to do with her.

   can only be forced to make soy sauce.

   at this moment.

   After a period of development.


   in a tweet.

   An elegant figure with golden fluorescence all over his body slowly walked out of the cracking cocoon.

this moment.

   Infinite ray of light suddenly blooms in this layer of [Space-Time], as if the kingdom of heaven has come!

   Even if there are dazzling stars above your head.

   also became a little dark at this moment!

Infinite primitive beings, even those extraordinary beings who were born with extraordinary powers, can move mountains and overturn seas, flatten the stars, and are worshipped as [Gods] in later generations, are also kneeling on the ground at this moment, asking her for help. Show your high respect!

   That was a deer.

   A golden deer.

   When on all fours, the height is about twenty meters.

   She was radiating golden light.

   When standing on the top of the mountain.

   In the sunshine.

   That soft golden hair.

   is revealing the dazzling sanctity all the time!

   And the huge antlers full of various gems have a very strange sense of beauty and ritual, like some kind of symbol and special utensil that cannot be ignored.

   appeared behind him.

   She first looked around.

   As far as the eyes go.

   Whether it was the infinitely high top of the sky or the infinitely deep underground gulf, all of them came into her eyes, as if she was observing the true **** of all things in the world from above!

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