Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1631: 【Fern Artus】(2)

  When those from different [parallel time and space] are about to hit [Fern Artus].

   without any hesitation.

   He was a little surprised that Olsaka was able to move at such a high speed even with his current strength.

   After burying surprise in his heart.

   Relying on his own rich experience, he skipped thinking and made a coping response.

   Just as Olshaga created an infinite number of [parallel time and space], thus replicating an infinite number of blows of the same strength, and operating them.

   He did the same.


   At that moment, an uncountable number of slashes erupted!

   The number and speed are as high as the most violent storm!

   That densely packed sharp blade.

   It even seems to be some kind of iron wall!

   Blocked every inch of his body, thus forming a flawless defense net.


   greeted those waving tails!

   As if the tip of the needle is on the wheat awn!


   is the collision impact caused by their respective attacks!

   In this area where there are no [atoms], [molecules]... but there are other [basic particles].

   this moment.

   As many as an infinite number of matches, directly suppressing those [basic particles] that are infinitely smaller than the smallest [microscopic particles] that modern humans can observe.


   In the battle of the blade and the tail.

   Every [Basic Particle] in the surrounding area is forced to become a battlefield where the two fight each other, and needs to withstand a blow that is countless times stronger than the Big Bang!

   under that power.

[Space-time Structure] near   .

   was easily destroyed countless times in an instant.

   That majestic power.

   even penetrated the void forcefully.

   where there is nothing.

   once again created an infinite number of layer-by-layer [space-time corridors].

First, the [space-time], which is enough to accommodate countless universes, is used as the first layer, and then the [space-time], which is countless times larger and tougher than the first layer, is used as the second layer, and then the third layer, the fourth layer... The number is infinite They are connected layer by layer, forming a single [space-time corridor], and then an infinite number of [space-time corridors] are connected in series to become the first and last cycle, and the structure is also more stable [large corridor], so that the gap between the two is The power of the unlimited explosion is cyclically terminated, and it will not explode in an instant, blowing up the [red area] that symbolizes [chaos] in the outside world on the spot.

   And this is also one of the basic operations of each contestant when they fight each other.

   If not.

Their attacks, due to the large scope of involvement, will seriously implicate the other contestants at all times, resulting in the question of who is hitting me and who am I hitting, causing the already neurotic them to directly. Start crazy random fights.

at the moment.

In the bursts of power that erupted at the same time, whether Orshaga or [Fern Artus], their thoughts and thoughts swam in every trace of their own power, and every time they collided with each other, It can also be regarded as a head-to-head competition with each other in terms of [will].

   When the current [weight] of the two sides is still close, even when Olsaka is slightly weaker.

  This invisible matchup hidden in energy is actually particularly important.

  Because whose [will] is stronger, whoever can dissolve and assimilate the opponent's blow faster and stronger, and forcibly constrain it under his own jurisdiction.

   This can be seen as the simplest big fish eating small fish.

  The strong can often take it all.

   Of course, normally speaking, the competition between the same level is more of a lose-lose situation.

   Countless energy will be consumed like consumables in the [will] competition of both sides.

   Even if one side wins, it won't take much advantage.


As a [Abyss Lord], it should be regarded as a medium-to-high level existence. [Fern Artus] originally thought that as long as he lost 3 million strengths in exchange for the loss of Orshaga's strength, then is completely acceptable.

after all.

   He is now.

   Due to the selection of 【Identity Background Setting】.

   The amount of available energy and the recovery speed of energy are both higher than Orshaga.

   A loss of three million to one is nothing.


   He can also leave some spare power to deal with the rest of Olshaga's means.

   But right now, after the real match.

   He soon discovered that the actual gap between himself and the other party was not that much.

   is much bigger than imagined, many times bigger…

   Even adding 100 million after 3 million to form a loss ratio of 3 trillion to 1 is far from enough.

   this moment.

   Even though he planned to lose the competition, the expression on [Fern Artus] was still a bit ugly.

  You must know that in terms of the energy intensity of the energy they are using now, Olshaga is actually not as good as him.

   Therefore, logically speaking, one share of his energy can be worth more than N shares of the other party.

   But even so.

   The gap between the two sides is still so big...

   It is just as unscientific as an ordinary ant that uses brute force to kill the entire biological chain of the entire earth through the ages.

   This is the case.


   directly means that if both sides appear as [Ontology].


   Orshaga can probably beat him with a single breath, even with the entire [Abyss Layer].

   He has no possibility of confrontation with him at all.

   "Is the gap between the upper-middle level and the [critical person] already that big..."

   thought of this.

  [Fern Artus], who was unwilling to be directly crushed by the opponent, couldn't help but mobilized his own power again, which was far more powerful than the energy lost in the previous creation of [Parallel Time and Space].

   However, he has not waited for him to explode it.

   One hand had already passed through the defense layer composed of countless slashes.

   Even if countless rounds of attacks erupted on it, they couldn’t stop it!

   That hand grabbed his face without any hesitation.


   is an unparalleled great power!

   His [will] has yet to react to what happened.

   His body was dragged by that palm and smashed through the [Space-Time Structure], smashed through the barrier of the [Great Corridor], and slammed into it straight and recklessly.

   Before waiting for the [Great Corridor], the power accumulated in the interior burst out.

The [Great Corridor] composed of an infinite number of [Great Corridors], and the [Great Corridor] composed of an infinite number of [Great Corridors]... have already been constructed. While constraining all kinds of energies that are about to explode, they also It turned into a barrier that became harder and harder, so that the hand could hold the head of [Fern Artus], and hit it straight layer by layer, causing countless rounds of impact to smash the opponent little by little. The scales on the body, the flesh of the opponent, the bones of the opponent...

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