Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1628: Serpent and Scorpion

   Countless attacks are emerging one after another.

   Wave after wave of violent shocks are breaking out continuously.

  The unknown number of contestants also acted as the initiators, constantly showing their sense of existence.

  Under their fierceness.

This [plane] whose overall structure has not yet fully matured, even if it originates from [Unbounded Dream], can be regarded as a [high-level plane], which is enough to accommodate the real [Abyss Lord] tossing inside. At this time, it is still In mad turmoil.

   Around the tree.

  The sky and the earth are directly squeezing and colliding with each other.

   As if to restore everything back to a long time ago, the scene when the earth was turbid, even the towering tree, was constantly swaying and turbulent.

   Even the symbolic [Order] and [Chaos], the [Black Area] and the [Red Area] at the two extremes of the world, cannot stay out of it, and are also forced to be involved in the turmoil.

   Inside that black arctic region.

  Originally, everything is an extremely stable structure, fixed and orderly, as if to keep the same shape forever.

but now.

   Among them, the most striking things are a huge golden snake and an equally huge blue scorpion!

   The two move their bodies every time, even if they are simply moving.

  The boundless power in that huge body will continue to affect the surrounding area, turning the vast area upside down.

   The interior of this [black area], on the boundless earth composed of various metals, was forced to crack into deep canyons of unknown depth and length...

   Like that golden serpent.

   Every time she rolls and slams, it seems that [Spacetime] itself is overturning and crushing the target, bringing enormous pressure to the surrounding area.


Just when her dazzling golden scales like metal collided with her opponent's dancing giant pincers, the little sparks that shone out of it were already like the brilliance and cause of creation, making one by one pregnant with an infinite number of [universes]. The [World] is rapidly born in it, and although the appearance and darkness of those sparks are very short-lived to outsiders, in the chaotic time flow caused by the two forces, it is actually an extremely random [time scale], which can be The long and long billions of years can also be said to be fleeting little bits of light, and no one is sure how long it will be.

  If the overall structure of the [Plane] is not perfect, and various life races have not yet been established, only the most primitive gods and demons are running around, and there may be a large number of civilizations.

   And, when those striking golden scales shattered on impact.

  Their fall and destruction are also like small and medium-sized [planes] or [space-time aggregates] undergoing various events.

   When they fall to metal ground.

   As if some immeasurable weight fell into the sea.

   is just a moment.

  The huge mass that was no longer contained by the owner directly caused it to easily sink into the depths of the earth and fall into the dark area of ​​unknown depth.

   And the dazzling golden light that automatically radiates from the scales is more like an infinite sun that suddenly burst open, releasing all its light and heat in one go, illuminating everything around it!

The dazzling brilliance of    transcends the limitations of the material level.

   Even the extremely thick metal earth can’t stop it.

   From the gaps, from the deep pits, from the corners, rushing out!

   illuminates and dissolves the vast territory.

   makes the originally hard and thick metal earth directly have a bad trend of transforming into a metal ocean!

   As her opponent, she can compete with her.

  The huge scorpion that shone with a faint blue light all over its body did not show weakness in the face of the terrifying golden giant snake.


   Always travel through the infinite layer of the [space-time structure layer].

   Although it looks like he is here.

   But in terms of distance.

   can be regarded as being in any place in the current [plane].

   can go to infinity.

   can also be infinitely close.

   is not fixed!


   There are infinitely many [space-time coordinates] that are constantly changing on her body.

   can redirect all kinds of attacks directed at her to the corresponding place!

   Equivalent to constant dodge MXA.

   As a result, many of the golden snake's attacks seemed to hit her, but they were actually far apart.

   One hit.

  The giant scorpion may not feel it yet.

   But somewhere far away, it is already the appearance of everything that does not exist.

   Even the giant snake may hit itself on the spot.


The    giant scorpion's constant shuttle through the [space-time structure layer] also provided her with an unknown number of solid defense layers.

   makes the opponent seem to be wearing layers of invisible armor all the time.

   Even if the opponent's attack finds her correct location from the infinite [space-time coordinates] and launches a precise attack, it is necessary to break those invisible shields before it can really hurt her.


   Even finding her actual location.

   in the next moment.

Her actual position will also be instantly transferred to an unknown place, and those damaged shields will usher in an automatic enhancement phenomenon that changes over time after they are restored to their optimal state, and will continue to superimpose their own discoveries without damage. Defensive...


   Although the two are fighting.

   No matter who they are, when facing the weak, they can easily gain the absolute advantage of crushing.

   But this time.

   Facing each other who are also 【Degraded】.

   still have some strength and sometimes poor.

   is not strong enough.

   in the process of fighting each other.

   There is no good way for both sides to take each other.

   There is a feeling of pecking between vegetables and chickens.

   It's hard to break each other's defenses.

   Even if the defense is successfully broken, under the effect of immortality, each other's injuries often recover smoothly in the next moment, and even get stronger with the fight.

   This leads to a battle between the two that must be some kind of protracted war.

   As for the protracted battle, who can win, or who is more patient, is still unknown.

   In the surrounding area of ​​the golden giant snake and the blue giant scorpion, where there should be no living creatures, it is a battlefield between some other guys.

   is different from the two that do not converge in terms of body shape.

   Most of the rest of the contestants did not have the idea of ​​making their bodies too big.


even so.

  If they start to move their hands, the movement is still not small.

   Even if the movement is bigger than the other two, it is normal and there is nothing wrong with it.

  After all, [Universe] and [Grit] are similar things in their eyes.


   The so-called body shape doesn't mean much to them, let alone the actual gap in strength.

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