Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1619: 【Flying Spaghetti Religion】

   "Would you like some?"

   Watching [Flying Pasta God] bring it to the plate in front of him, the pasta was exuding steaming heat.

   After thinking about it.

  As a professional gourmet, Olsaka took over the plate after all.

at the same time.

   He also automatically sensed that as long as he wanted to, he could change the taste of the pasta at will through the plate in his hand.

  Tomato meat sauce, black pepper beef, Laotan sauerkraut, spicy hot pot, hot and sour pineapple...

   In short.

   Not only the taste is very diverse.

   is also available for unlimited supply.


   Follow this plate.

   in the dark.

   Olshaga also sensed that making spaghetti is one of the [authorities] of this guy [God of Flying Spaghetti].

   is equivalent to [Racial God] being able to create a specified [Race].

   "... 哧熘..."

   After just inhaling the spicy hot pot-flavored pasta.

Olsaka heard the [God of Flying Pasta] talking eloquently there: "Next, I plan to carry forward the glory of pasta here, and make pasta an indispensable necessity for this [plane]. …”

   In short.

  The plan is very far-reaching, and every step is so steady.

   to this.

   Olsaka asked casually:

   "Really? Is it true?"

   [God of Flying Pasta] affirmed without hesitation:

   "Fidelity, definitely fidelity!"

   "My love for pasta is genuine!


   has a sincere tone.

  Feverish attitude.

   At first glance, it is full of dreams and ambitions.


   Olsaka asked subconsciously:

   "Then before this event, did you know what spaghetti was?"

  [God of Flying Pasta] denied it on the spot in an instant:

   "Of course not."

   "Why should I know what pasta is before this?"

   "But then was then, and now is now, I'm so in love with pasta right now!



   determined that the other party was indeed Orshaga, who was insane, and turned to ask the other party's further plans:

"All right."

   “In what form do you mainly want to express the indispensability of pasta?”

   In the face of business, [God of Flying Pasta] once again showed full confidence and said:

   "Anyway, the basic components of this [plane] have not yet been determined."

   "So, I intend to make pasta a necessity for every living being."

   "Turn the creature's umbilical cord into spaghetti, the amniotic fluid into various spaghetti sauces..."

   "And, from birth to death, they all had to eat pasta, continuous! Nonstop!

   Forget me!


   "Even in a dream, it revolves around pasta!


"In addition to these relatively basic [settings], I also plan to build [Spaghetti Hell], filling it with the special-flavored pasta with the most negative reviews, so that every sinner needs to eat enough special-flavored pasta to be freed..."

   while listening to each other's grand plans.

  Even if it was Olshaga, he felt that the other party was true and lofty.

   actually wanted to create a [worldview] where everything revolves around spaghetti.

   It’s a bit of a hakama!

   for a while.

   Forgot to applaud each other.

have to say.

   is indeed such a rude rude.

   After he ate all the pasta on the plate, he took a bite of the plate containing the pasta.

   couldn't help but sigh:

   "Having said that, but I think it's hard for the rest of the contestants to agree with such a great plan."

   As a tourist player playing soy sauce.

   Olshaga doesn't care about the idea of ​​[God of Flying Spaghetti] trying to reshape the whole [worldview].

   But the rest of the guys.

   is probably not that easy to talk about.

  【Spaghetti World View】?

  What hanging stuff? ?

   Are you madly smoking spaghetti? ?

   Is there any reason for this? ? ?

   In the face of the warning, [God of Flying Pasta] waved his hand indifferently.

  If those few sticks of spaghetti count as hands.

   "It doesn't matter, since the winner has not yet been determined, how can you say that I can't succeed?"

   "Furthermore, spreading the pasta to every corner is itself a condition for winning the event that I have chosen. It must be a great cause that cannot be given up..."

   Say it.

   She was extremely confident, and she did not forget to ask Olshaga:

   "I've already talked about it here, what are your plans in the future?"

   Orshaga said truthfully:

   "I don't have any plans for now, I'm still wandering around."

   "But I look at your words and actions, and it seems that you don't care about the outcome of the event. Are you ready to give up?"

  Although they were just chatting with each other.

   But that brief exchange still made [God of Flying Spaghetti] see the fact that Orsaga was trying to smash it like crazy.

   What a keen perception is that?

   Thinking about it, it should be the inspiration given by the omniscient hot and sour pasta.


   is precisely because of this.

   She will talk to Orshaga about her grand plan.

after all.

   A guy who tries to rot, doesn't really do much harm to himself.


   The power of Orshaga also gave [God of Flying Spaghetti] some ideas.

   Orshaga continued to tell the truth:

   "I haven't given up completely yet, I'm going to mix it up now and take a step by step."

   Although it can’t be said to give up completely.

   but rotten.

   is the most comfortable choice after all.

   As long as I am rotten, there is no benefit to move my soul, and I don’t need to work hard.

   heard the words.

   Face the desired outcome for yourself.

   [God of Flying Pasta] waved his hands again and again:

   "The world is so wonderful, and living a negative life so early is not good, not good, very bad~"

   "I think your Excellency has nothing to do anyway. If not, how about we just form a team?"

   "Not only can we help each other, but we can also prosper together and make outstanding contributions to world peace..."

   After saying this, [God of Flying Spaghetti] also pointed to the rotten plate in Olsaka's hand that was gnawed by the other party, and said:

   "And that plate of pasta is a tacit understanding between you and me."

   "Those who eat pasta must be like-minded people!


"So, [King of Crimson], although we are not familiar with each other, we can form a team or a faction, and I even thought about the team name, it's called [Flying Spaghetti Sect]! "

   "You and I will be the boss together!!"


   goes deep.

   She also took the rotten plate that had been bitten from Orshaga's hand, and commented on it with satisfaction:

"Look, this spaghetti plate, even the gap you bite out is so beautiful and harmonious, I think it can be used as the [teaching emblem] of our [Flying Spaghetti Sect]. Name, and you give out the [religious emblem], which can completely symbolize the authority and greatness of you and me..."

   "What the hell..."

  Although Olsaka wanted to say so, and gave the other party a stern word of rejection and denial.



   Olshaga's **** heart is really a little moved...

that's it.

   In the future, the [Flying Spaghetti Sect], which has an extremely far-reaching influence on this [plane], was finally set up as an unstoppable project...

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