Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1578: tail and palms

   Chapter 1578 Tail and Palm

  Wait for [婠婠] and the two of them also entered the [Blood Shadow Cave Sky Secret Realm].

   Olshaga looked into the distance.

   is beyond the scope of conventional astronomical telescopes.

   Even light needs to travel hundreds of billions of years to reach the super long distances.

  There are figures in different clothes.

   has appeared there one after another.

   They are watching everything that happens in the territory under the jurisdiction of the [Yin Kui Sect] with seriousness or doubt.

"What is this doing?"

"what happened?"

   "Has [Yin Kui Sect] been destroyed?"

   "Is there an intruder?"


   between words.

   all reveal hesitation and uncertainty.


No matter how.

   When they looked at the giant unknown beings in the distance that were wreaking havoc, hostility was evident in their eyes.

   Immediately afterwards, a common decision was made on the first action:

   "Let's destroy those things first."

"it is good."


  There is no other reason.

   These unknown beings interfere with their common interests.


   When someone proposes to do it.

   did not hesitate.

  The guys present immediately agreed to the proposal.

   Even the guys who used to be at odds with each other are the same.

   After all, they know very well that infighting is an infighting, and when it is time to agree to the outside world, they must agree to the outside world.

   And the first mover was a man more than three meters tall, not only covered in holy radiance, but also a holy figure with twelve white wings stretching behind him.

   I saw him make a move with one hand.

  A giant sword with golden flames burning all over its body, and seven-colored precious gemstones inlaid on the hilt and body of the sword, automatically appeared in His hand.

   And long chants, like words of praise, emerged from the void.

   It seems that there are hundreds of millions of saints trying to sing his might and majesty.

   Let his existence be like a holy pure white sun!

   Illuminate the world of ten directions!

at this time.

   Even that is as far as tens of trillions of light-years away.

   can clearly see that a pure white light group is emerging.

   And all the things bathed in this brilliance, in the face of the coming of that power, all instinctively felt a sense of comfort.

   is like a dead tree in spring.

   Many damaged natural scenes began to revive.

   Then, the sick and pain free person feels refreshed.

   And those who are afflicted with pain immediately return to their best condition.

   Even those who have died recently, whether by the hands of others or by natural death, have been pulled back from death under the holy radiance...

  No, not right…

  Inside the territory of 【Yin Kui Sect】.

   All catastrophic phenomena continue.

   As if completely undisturbed.

   That huge and strange unknown lifeform is still raging.

  The mighty thundercloud is still rolling.

   continues to destroy everything that can be destroyed.

   In the same way, the deceased within this range have no sign of resurrection at all.

   and face this scene.

   There is nothing unexpected about that existence.

   It was just that the flames on the blade were raised high, the flames burning more intensely, the holy sword that was increasing its power every moment.

   I plan to smash it in the air!

   Feel the power.

  Many strange lifeforms that were attacking randomly also turned their attack directions one after another.

   First, countless special substances condense inside their mouths.

   Then, with the push of the muscle group in the mouth.

   Those highly compressed special substances are ejected at high speed like a cannonball!

   That is a special attack with strong acid and corrosive effects.

   just flies through the air.

   makes the surrounding spatial structure appear dissolved.

   It was as if there were scratch-like rotting wounds in the sky.

   And, there is a lot of slime that keeps slipping from it!


   In the face of the menacing and strange cannonballs, the figure holding the holy sword still ignored the situation, and finished the final charge with a calm expression...

next moment.

   is like the ultimate light stream spewing out from another time and space.

   The pure white brilliance seemed to be endless, and as the slash fell, it began to rampage in a manner that swept everything...

   Even those attacks that could easily pierce the huge land beneath their feet were completely unable to stop those light streams from rushing in.


   looks like ice and snow can't resist scorching flames.

  In an instant, they disappeared under the wash of light flow!

   Look around.

   In the world at this moment, only the pure white brilliance is rendering everything.

   Even the ocean formed by the turbid clouds flowing over the earth was forcibly divided as if it had encountered the sea divided by Moses.

   reveals the dazzling thunder that is constantly accumulating in it!

   And those huge beings whose size is incomparably huge and whose body length moves are billions of light-years. As long as they dare to stand in front of that stream of light, they will also be easily cut open.

   Even that powerful body, which is strong enough to swim at will in an explosion that surpasses the power of the Big Bang countless times, cannot do any effective resistance.

   will be forcibly pierced in an instant!

   And the guys who didn't do anything around them became calmer than each other when they saw this situation.

   "This move is really good, every time I look at it, I feel very pompous."

   "I also think this light effect is very good, but why don't I..."

   "I have a light-effect flow practice technique here. Would you like to come here? You can match yourself with sound and light special effects every time you fight..."


   Someone else said with a little dissatisfaction:

   "Don't think that I haven't seen the resurrected dead, all of them have been imprinted on your mind. If this guy dares to brainwash and accept believers everywhere, I won't allow it..."

   "Those guys may have my subordinates, even if they are resurrected from the dead, they have to be under my control!"


   Listening to these messed up words.

   The figure with twelve wings behind it felt helpless.

   He felt.

   It’s not easy to earn your own hard-earned money.

   But He is also very clear.

   Although these guys look unreliable.

   But he must always be aware of his surroundings.

   Always ready to shoot.

   It is impossible to be as careless as it appears.

at the same time.

   That pure white stream of light that was advancing at a very high speed.

  Under his control, he also pushed and rammed all the way, and came to the [Yin Kui Sect-Central Main Hall] in a split manner.

   This huge palace is still in front of the ringing bell.

   And just when it was about to touch the central main hall and destroy it along with other buildings.

   is also at this moment.

   A crimson streamer with unimaginable speed flew straight out of it.

   instantly ran through that terrifying pure white stream of light.

   is like erasing the air, disappearing it into the invisible.

   so that not even the slightest turbulence was produced in the central main hall.


   Waiting for the holy figure holding the holy sword to react.

I only saw a scarlet-red monster with a length of at least hundreds of billions of light-years and a thickness only **** wide of an adult ordinary person, or a snake-like thing, staying in front of him, close to his head. place.

   stared at himself calmly with those blood-red eyes.


And then.

   He discovered another thing.

   The opponent didn't fly straight.

   Instead, he went back and forth through dozens of big holes in his body, and after tying himself up dozens of times, he stopped his head directly in front of his head.


   On the way, He has actually been attacked many times.

   When you have no feeling at all.



   in the thriller.

   He decisively gave up his pride and wanted to call for help from the other guys beside him.


   did not wait for him to say another word.

   The body of the scarlet-red monster shrank rapidly in an instant.

   Let its slender body be like a sharp hinge.

   The other party's divine body that can ignore the erosion of the years, even if everything is destroyed, will not be damaged for a long time, and harden it into countless meat sauce, so that the golden flesh and blood containing the huge [divine] will splash and sway...

   And here we are.

   Witnessing such a terrifying sight, the surrounding guys finally reacted.

   Those with fearful eyes.

   There are also those who are extremely angry.


   But as before, they couldn't react.

   They are now.

   Facing the red snake's move.

   is still unable to react.

   Even with all the attention.

   can wait for their sight and perception to capture the actual situation.

   That strange snake was still shrinking back on the super-high-speed Zhongyuan Road.

   returned to the direction of the central palace.

   is also at this moment.

From the place that was no longer blocked by obstacles, following the two open doors and looking directly at the many scenes inside the central palace, they noticed that there was a figure sitting on the main seat, with a very expressive expression. Watching them with interest.

   As for that strange snake before.

  , in front of their eyes, slowly changed his form, and swayed gently behind him.

  It turned out to be a tail...

And then.

They saw the figure sitting on the main seat. After spreading the palm of his right hand, he separated his five white fingers, and bent the knuckles of his fingers hard to the position of the palm, posing as if he was in the air. A gesture of clasping or clutching something.

   The same moment.

   outside the cage.

   Orshakana's [main body] on the outside.

   also made the same action at the same time.

   And five whirlpools appeared in the pool at a similar distribution angle to the fingertips of five fingers…

   (end of this chapter)

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