Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1552: [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (22)

   Chapter 1552 [Abyssal Blood Battlefield] (22)

   That was Olshaga's strongest blow.

   is also the strongest blow of [War Demon Idiot].

   The strength of the two of them has already grown faster than the power of the power of the [Infinite Cardinal Aggregate Scale]...the upward trend of infinite growth has been achieved.

   Even if there are some guys in [Abyss Lord Level] that can be close to their strength.

   But in general, it is actually this category. The regular increase has absolutely no substantive significance to them.

   No matter how they advance, they are only increasing within the [possible] category.

   And what they are looking for is the category that belongs to the [impossible].

   That is a higher level that cannot be reached no matter how hard you try and no matter how you use it!

   So, logically speaking.

   This blow from both of them is actually still within a certain limit.

   However, when the combination of the two motivated me to accumulate [possibility] that I don’t know how long.

   Along with the [Characteristics] of the [Demon Lord], the [Characteristics] of [Possible] and [Impossible] were blurred, and they were successfully activated at the same time with an unknown probability.

   on their fists.

   is an indescribable power.

   also finally broke through the category of [impossible] and took a leap forward...

   Boundless mighty power.

   at the moment when it emerges.

   is like a huge mouth that swallows all [reasonable] and [unreasonable].

   Immediately flatten all the [timelines] around them.

   also allows those who are peeping across time and space to see this scene.

   At the same time, I felt the most instinctive fatal crisis!

   Then, wait for them to react.

  The great power reverberating on the other side of time and space erased all [matters] including their eyes.

   caused them to lose their observation of the two of Olshaga in agony.

   And the same moment.

   Olshaga and the [War Demon Identical], the same extremely excited faces, the already insane smiles, are also beyond the peak, full of unparalleled fanaticism and madness.

  Especially after that moment when I felt that the other party had reached the same level at the same time!

   They understand.

   This is a blow of equal power.

   is also a blow beyond the limit.

   Once it erupts.

   Not to mention the other party, even they themselves may be killed by themselves.

   And when this attack becomes two strands and is about to collide head-on, the damage will skyrocket!

   If things go wrong, the two of them will die together.

   But… that kind of thing, that kind of boring thing!

   There is a relationship of sending it! !

  They, now, are so **** happy! So **** happy! Hey to **** it! !

   Even if I die!

   Even if we die together!

   They must also be hey to the end! !

   Even, even if the [Devil Prince] was in person, they punched each other, and they blocked all the punches, that's ∞% of them to be punched out! !

   FUCK OUT! !


   In the same mood and frenzy, they looked at each other silently.

   They waved their fists at the same time, and launched a fierce attack that was far more powerful than the blow that [Comoz] hit at the beginning!

   And the target is all the guys who observed this power except himself, including but not limited to the group of [Abyss Lords] whose sight was destroyed before!

that's it.

   Under their whole-hearted, tenacious, fanatical madness... [will].

The two    gathered above their fists, originally just spontaneously spreading a little fluctuation, reaching the power of [Unreachable], [Untouchable], [Impossible]... and they became completely restless.

   Even if they are still temporarily controlled by the two in their respective fists.

   Even if it’s not out of control for a while.

   Those two forces still brought them very direct damage!

   However, the two who have fallen into madness obviously don't care about that little thing.

   Driven by his own [will].

   at speeds beyond its own viewing range.

   The fists of the two of them collided immediately with the same killing intent!


   is an unspeakable sight…

   In a moment I don't know how short.

   It was just the movement of the two forces when they first came into contact, and it turned into a shock that wiped out everything, shattering the [body] and [soul] of the two.

   is as easy and casual as fire burning paper...

  Only their [wills], under the unimaginable impact, like candles flickering in the wind, continue to manipulate their respective attacks to collide violently...

   At the same moment, the shock wave that accompanied the collision of the two forces was spread.

  Under the common killing intent of both Olsaka and [War Demon Idol].

   The remaining targets that exist in different [space coordinates] within different [time points].

   also felt a chill at the same time.


   did not give them a chance to react.

   Follow the previous link.

   Those two attacks that reached another level penetrated the barrier of [Time and Space].

   attacked them at the same time!

   Under those two forces.

   Just like the original Olshaga, who was almost instantly killed by [Comoz] on the spot.

   These guys also ushered in a very similar situation.

   Under those two forces that exceed the limit.

The resistance of   【Abyss Lord Level】is weak, it is insignificant, it ignores the number, and if you wipe it, you will be killed or injured...

   as the hit person.

   They obviously don't just get wiped.

   Therefore, the only chance of survival is to forcibly activate the [Characteristic] of [Abyss Lord Level], breaking through the constraints of [Possible] and [Impossible].

   Forcibly in the probability of inevitable death, twist the [possibility] that will allow you to survive!

   Of course, that kind of thing obviously not everyone can do.

   can only see who's life is hard...

   As for some of the lower-level **** battle participants who were incidentally implicated, there was not even the slightest chance of surviving, and they died without even the slightest disturbance.

   Even if they only observed those blows being applied to each [Abyss Lord Level] from a distance, they were still automatically locked as one of the targets of those two attacks.

   The same, suffered the indiscriminate spread of blows!

   And every time those blows land on new targets, in this extremely crowded [Abyss Blood Battlefield], new movements will be observed by other guys...

   Until then.

The    attack will spread again…

   Without stopping and without hesitation.

   This is the purest indiscriminate strike.

  Only when Orshaga and the others completely lose control of those two forces, will this blow stop gradually!

   Thanks: Huang Xiaodou's 100 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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