Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1545: [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (15)

   Chapter 1545 [Abyssal Blood Battlefield] (15)

   Another unknown time passed.

The area around    has completely turned into a turbid barren area.

  Color becomes indescribable here.

   Because the eyes can't tell what it looks like.

   As if all knowledge about this place was erased.


   Even if the eyes see the sight here.

   Mind and consciousness also cannot reflect the actual situation here.

   And matter and energy, the same is true.

   At this time, it was completely dead silent.

   A huge void that cannot be measured how wide or deep it is at this moment is like a huge vortex that engulfs everything, and is constantly engulfing everything around it to fill its own vacancy.

   Therefore, countless energies and substances are being continuously drawn from afar.

   As for the power that [Comoz] exchanged for a part of his [authority], it was completely gone.

   It wasn't that Olshaga canceled it out.

   It's not that that energy has been consumed.

   is just the last thought of control left by [Comoz] before his self-destruction.

The idea of ​​  【designated target】.

   has already been washed away by the incidental movement of that power surging.

  It has completely out of control, and now it is moving randomly and irregularly in the unknown distance, no longer deliberately targeting Orshaga, and no longer deliberately attacking anyone.

  ... It's just like the purest natural disaster, crushing all the paths and all unlucky ghosts that it has passed by.

at the moment.

   at the edge of a huge void.

  Then one step further is a place where the cliff is not known how deep.

   In an indescribable gust of wind.

  【Comos】in the form of a gray liquid that was constantly flowing, appeared here silently.

   He at this time, although his form makes it impossible to tell whether he is in a state of embarrassment or not.

   However, the power in his body fell into a very low state due to the aftermath of the previous power.

   made him, who had already divided a part of [authority], also become more and more wounded, and became weaker and weaker.

   In fact.

   The previous attack, although He forced Orshaga as the main target before releasing it.

   He as the Initiator.

  Because the distance is too close, it is inevitable to suffer some minor injuries!

   If it wasn't for the fact that that power really belonged to the attack released by him, the rest of the existences it killed could also be regarded as the achievement of [Comoz].

   caused [Abyss Blood Battlefield] to automatically instill [Killing Reward] into him, forcibly hanging his life.

I am afraid.

   The side effects of that blow had long ago killed himself, who had lost a lot of [authority]...


   Every time he was about to die, he relied on the [Killing Reward] of [Abyss Blood Battlefield] to forcibly milk him back.

   makes him wandering wildly back and forth between life and death...

   However, at the moment, as that force has completely become a natural disaster out of control, pushing it all the way in a random direction, He has finally gotten rid of that embarrassing predicament.

   even words.

  Because that attack is still frantically raging in the distance.

   Relying on the blessing that the killing continues.

   He abruptly recovered a lot of power through [Killing Commendation].


   There is even a probability of completely making up for the losses suffered by oneself.

   and even further…

   thought of this.

   Even the driver of [Comoz] couldn't help but have a little wonderful reverie.

  ‘If only that power could exist forever…’

   Of course, if he wanted to think that way, He himself knew that things were not realistic.

   It’s easy to say in the outside world.

   As long as no stronger intervenes.

   That power is completely and permanently raging!

   is not difficult at all.

   But not in 【Abyss Blood Battlefield】.

  Here will automatically suppress and eliminate those unmanned attacks over time.

Because if it is not like that, each [Abyss Prince] and even [Abyss Lord] can continue to leave their own semi-permanent or permanent attacks in [Abyss Blood Battlefield], so as to continuously harvest the remaining **** battles from a long distance. Let the **** battle participants who are not strong enough die as many as they come, which is countless times more than a meat grinder, and they will die in ashes before they land...


  The slaughter indicator has long passed, and he who has been qualified to leave here can only think with a little regret:

  ‘Just stay here until the power is completely dissipated…’

  'I don't know how much it can enhance me...'


   He couldn't help but secretly sighed that he was lucky enough.

   Bet right.

   successfully crossed [impossible].

   created a blow that was close to the [Prince of the Abyss].


   Even in exactly the same situation, He has no certainty to do it again.


   is also at this moment.

   At this moment when He secretly rejoiced.

   A familiar force was instantly linked to [Comoz].

   That is Olshaga's ability.

   The ability to forcibly bind him in a certain area before.


   At the same moment, inside the huge void in front of him, far below where he could not see what the bottom of the pit was.

   There were bursts of blood-red light.

   Ninety-degree steep cliffs.

  Two broken hand bones that seemed to have decayed to the limit, were constantly climbing up there.

   Even in the huge cavity, the incomparably powerful suction has absolutely no way to stop them from climbing upwards.

   As they continued to climb, the two damaged hand bones that had decayed to the limit were not only repairing themselves continuously, but also increasing their climbing speed crazily.

   Wait for [Comoz] to successfully observe the opponent's bone.

   They have extended more damaged parts, and repaired a third of the bones of the upper body little by little.

   Even Orshaga's skull has a rough prototype.

   Although various organs have not yet grown.

   But when 【Comoz】 looked here from a long distance.

   The skull that was burning with raging fire was located inside the three empty eye sockets. The burning furious flames still made [Comoz] instantly feel that he was looking at Olsaka.

   Along with it, there was a violent will that was almost completely out of control and was read by him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

   "kill, kill, kill, kill, kill..."

   It was undisguised ecstasy and murderous intent.

   "This is not dead??"

   this moment.

  【Comoz】's heart immediately revealed a shock that could not be concealed.

   Moreover, He could clearly tell that Olsaka was no longer awake at this time.

   Just remembered to kill himself.

   Thanks: Bookmate 202207232221502216's 1500 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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