Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1543: [Abyss Blood Battlefield] (13)

   Chapter 1543 [Abyssal Blood Battlefield] (thirteen)


   belongs to a rather strange but fairly explicit thing.

most of the time.

   Attacks of the same type and the same attributes will have a huge difference between low-level and high-level attacks.


Vigorously miracle!

   is also one of the problem-solving methods that needs to be paid attention to when faced with various problems!

   And simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, or the so-called power increase, exponential increase... are essentially just very simple operations.

Now, if the energy level contained in a complete [independent universe] is compared to [base number 10], then this [base number] will increase, decrease, multiply and divide according to the normal mathematical category no matter how it is used, and even split the formula Calculate, increase the countless [base 10] at the same time in a way that exhausts ordinary people's imagination, whether it is a linear increase, an exponential increase, a jump increase...

   Finally added them up to get the [final cardinal number] that can be imagined, which is still just a [cardinal number] that can be described.

[Abyss Lord] As long as the [Time Scale] is stretched to a certain range, with its infinitely split [Clone], [Projection], and various messy methods, it is very easy to improve one's own strength after all. to that extent.


   does not require too much effort.

   Just lie down.

   Relying on their own [infinite energy characteristics], they can do all kinds of strange operations... just lie down all the way.

   In this way, in other words, they themselves are [Infinite Cardinal Aggregates] composed of infinite [Cardinals]!

   The magnitude is rising all the time!


   A simple magnitude change is naturally not a problem for Olshaga, who is considered an extremely powerful person among the [Abyss Lords].

   Even if the so-called [Infinite Cardinal Aggregates] are multiplied by themselves countless times, the same is true.

   in this situation.

   In order to use higher-level violent means to face Olshaga enough to threaten.

  [Comoz] chooses to rely on himself as the [Abyss Lord], which can surpass the characteristics of [Impossible] to a certain extent, to carry out further operations.

   By blurring out [impossible].

   He as [in the form of time and space creatures].

   Through repeated forging and catalysis.

In the body, he is expanding the [world] within the body with the increase efficiency of [Infinite Radical Aggregate Scale]. The increase rate directly crosses the boundary between [possible] and [impossible], reaching a kind of original self. In any case to the extent that it cannot be achieved!

   That is a level that 【Infinite Cardinal Aggregate Scale】 can’t touch anyway!

   has the actual meaning of [inaccessibility] and [inaccessibility]!


   is just a moment.

  Those [worlds] that were spawned out surpassed [space-time biological form - Comoz] in terms of magnitude, to the point that under normal circumstances, it could not be reached in an infinite amount of time.


   By virtue of the [Space-Time Biological Form], the overall strength is determined by the [Space-Time] within the body.

The overall power of   【Time and Space Biological Form - Comoz】.

   also directly ushered in the level of [possible] and [impossible], reaching a level that has already reached the level of [Prince of the Abyss]!

   Just the movement of the surging power in the body destroyed the rest of the [Comoz] that were used as forging tools.

   also makes it impossible to describe the specific scope of the vast area.

The number of    **** battle participants who could not be counted was instantly annihilated to nothingness!


   is like being completely deleted.

   Even in Orshaga's mind, part of the information of the dead was instantly lost!

   couldn't recall who was there before in the surrounding area.

   Even the rest of the [Comozs] who were delaying him, are now suffering obvious damage due to the excessive power of that power.


   Now, looking at the suddenly incomparably powerful [Comoz], Olshaga's expression was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't help showing ecstasy and excitement.

   The previous battle.

   Although he didn't keep his hands much.

   But the opponent's strength is not enough after all.

   didn't make him feel the feeling of blood boiling and life and death intertwined at all.

   Yes, it's just the crushing feeling that everything is as planned.

   Although the process was smooth and smooth, it still fell short of the long-awaited taste...

   The kind of tension that can make one's blood boil and realize the excitement of life and death!

   That is the feeling that only a strong enough opponent can give him.

  's previous [Comoz] was completely unqualified.

   The current [Comoz] is completely qualified! !

   This kind of stimulation of facing the threat even made his [Eternal Transformation], which was already working at full strength, immediately broke through the original growth limit, and continuously took him to higher levels...

at the same time.

The existence of that name [Comoz], the flow of energy emanating from his body surface is like blowing from the very end of [time], [space], [causal], [destiny], [destruction]... The gust of wind that came over was constantly flowing through Olshaga's body, causing his originally extremely bright [Curse Light Wheels] to fade away like a candle that was extinguished in an instant, and it was like countless invisible lights. The blade frantically consumes Olshaga's [body] and [soul] and even [will], [thought], [thought]... While making him feel that his [existence] is constantly declining, he also makes him feel He felt an extreme sense of pain, and after many years, after becoming a [Demon Lord], he once again tasted the feeling that he was approaching eternal silence...

   made his heart, which was constantly beating due to ecstasy, burst out with unprecedented vitality!

   Even if it didn't take long.

  The violent energy that was blowing wildly pierced through his heart and shaved him into a skeleton, and it didn't interfere with that at all!

   Not long after, Olshaga, who had only one skeleton left, laughed wildly and roared:


   "Let me see what you can do!!"

   The roar and battle call contained its own will, and even passed through the obstacles of the infinite energy flow.

   is like an explosive that was detonated in the beginning.

   echoed around every corner.

   at this moment.

   Olshaga no longer regards [Comoz] as a stepping stone that he needs to step on before he can do business.

   In the face of a self-destructive [authority] in exchange for higher-level power to fight against his own strong.

   He has taken it to the bottom of his heart as a difficulty that he must overcome in the past!

  The test you must go through before you advance to [Devil Prince]!

   And the power soared! Boom! Soaring!

  [Comoz], who was so powerful that he had never been before, listened to Olshaga's roar.

   After forcibly holding down his somewhat out-of-control power.

   He, who knew that he was only capable of one blow, didn’t say much.

   immediately detonated itself...

   Yes, that's the power of that one blow.

   He couldn't control this power at all.

   At most, that is to force the power of self-destruction to designate a target.

   He doesn't even know if this power will blow him up completely...

   (end of this chapter)

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