Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1436: 【Possibility】(2)

   Chapter 1436 [Possibility] (2)

   The main thing that [Ancient One] is worried about is the [DC Universe] that is about to collide with the [film and television version of Marvel World].

   It's like [Gu Yi] and [Odin] are thinking about how to solve the problem.

  In this【DC Universe】.

   There are also many strong people who sense that the situation is wrong.

   Worried about the [Universe] that was about to be installed head on, thinking hard about how to solve the problem.

   And among these many guys who have the ability to perceive the problem and start thinking about how to solve it.

The [Apocalypse], [New Creation Star], which are ruled by the [New Protoss]...plus various remaining [Old Protoss] forces, plus the extraterrestrial forces like the [Green Lantern Corps], seem to be particularly concerned about the situation. .

   is very tense with the sound of the wind.

   For a while, the pros and cons were only short of forming a coalition on the spot...

   On the other hand, the earth where humans are located appears to be relatively calm and normal.

   All brave and resourceful super villains, those who should rob a bank, those who should be anti-social continue to be anti-social, those who should be addicted to Batman's strong body are still addicted to Batman's strong body...

   In short, except for the occasional death of thousands of people, everything is peaceful and peaceful.

After all, the vast majority of ordinary people have no use for anything, let alone another [universe] or a [film and television version of the Marvel universe] integrated with multiple different [film and television version of the Marvel universe] is crashing here. …

What needs to be mentioned by the way is that among the many subordinate categories of [Complete DC World] and [Complete Marvel World] by Olsaka, [Animation Version World], [Comic Version World], [Game Version World] , [Film Version World], [Fiction Version World]... Among the various targets, the targets that were personally selected to collide with each other, the target that [Film and TV Version Marvel World] collided with is exactly the [DC Universe] of [Film and TV Version]. Or [DC World].

   is in the [World] of these two [Film and TV Versions].

  【World】is not constituted to exist as a single 【Universe】.

   is a composite structure composed of a large number of [universes], belonging to the structure of [multiverse type].

   That is to say, many [parallel universes of the film and television version] are also pulled by Olsaka...

  【Ancient One】The reason why you feel that there is only one 【Universe】 that moves.

   is because the opponent's [parallel universe] hit the target, not the [universe] she was in.

   If you look at it from a higher perspective.

   will find that in the [space-time] around the [universe] where she is, one by one [Marvel Universe] is heading towards the other side, and the [DC Universe] with similar systems but not exactly the same goes away.

   Continue to raise your eyes, and you will find that the scarlet vortex that distorts [time and space] is slowly accelerating its rotation speed.

More light belts are also continuously extended, they are like special hooks, which are connecting one by one [Single Universe], [Multiverse (Marvel)], [Multiverse (DC)]... Even [Almighty Universe] and [Beyond Realm]...continuously dragging...

   Such a vast scene, it seems that everything is in turmoil.


   If it really reaches the highest level of perspective.

   Then you will find out.

  A pair of huge eyes are watching everything silently above the scarlet vortex.

   It was a pair of eyes with no mood swings at all.

Compared with the huge size of the eyes, it integrates the various categories of [Marvel] and [DC], [Fiction Edition World], [Film Edition World], [Game Edition World], [Comic Edition World]…combination The completed [Complete Marvel World] and [Complete DC World] are just two cloudy and constantly changing spheres that those eyes are watching.

   is as big as two ordinary table tennis **** in front of ordinary people.

   and in more remote areas.

   In that distant region where [mortals] and even ordinary [extraordinary beings] cannot imagine.

More [Complete Marvel World] and [Complete DC World] still exist safely in those areas, that is, the different body corners of [OAA], based on their respective original [Worldview System]. , continue to operate endlessly.

   In addition to them.

   There are also the rest of the [World View] and [Complete World], which are distributed at random like the gravel on the beach.

   In other words.

   The collision and fusion of the two [Complete Worlds], all these matters, for [OAA], are just what happened in a small independent experimental area in a huge experiment.

   All of them are not non-renewable.

   Even Olshaga is the same.

   After all, that guy really has a first-class ability to survive.

   Even if those two [Complete Worlds] were really blown up.

   He will be fine.

   Probably not even the [Clone] can die.

   Therefore, [OAA] is a little curious about the specific development, and let Orshaga not play too much, but in fact, he doesn't care too much about all that.

   As far as he is concerned, except for the various situations that he and Olshaga have said.

   on the whole thing.

   What he cares most about is that if Olshaga is given enough freedom, how much movement the other party can make, and how much influence it can bring to the two complete [worlds].

   is different from the [possibility] of those indigenous peoples derived from [OAA] itself.

   Olshaga as an outsider.

There is no doubt that.

   in His eyes.

   To be more worthwhile to study…

   The other party is like a drop of ink.

   In addition to mixing up the water, it also brought new [possibilities]…

   And the gains above [Possibility], for the existence of [OAA], to a large extent, represent the actual final gains and losses.

  For example: The [probability] of a failure is 99.999%…

   But it has a [possible] after all.

   rather than [Absolutely Impossible].

  In the eyes of [OAA], as long as there is that trivial [possible].

   Even if it is one part in a billion, one part in the sand of the Ganges...

   No matter how absurd and unreasonable things are...

   Then He can still magnify the [possible] contained in things.

   finally reached [100% possibility]!


   Put it another way.

   Countless [possibilities], for [OAA] and even Orshaga.

   is the countless things that can be realized by oneself!

   And this is one of the fundamental reasons why all the strong are eager to end all [possibilities].

  Once you can achieve all the [possibilities], then you will naturally be able to do everything.

   Thanks: Bookmate 20210218224949808's 100 starting point coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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