Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1426: Crimson Vortex

   Chapter 1426 Scarlet Vortex

  【Hell Nightclub】.

  The third floor is full of gorgeous lights and hot girls.

   Beside a wine table with an inexplicable feeling of emptiness.

  The old man who was wearing a fitted gray suit and looked a little out of tune with the surrounding atmosphere, looked at Tony Stark who was slowly walking up the stairs under the crowd and onlookers of many good people.

   A clear smile appeared on his face.

   That is the smile of seeing something good.

   Appearance is dark green with eyes that look like venomous snakes.

   Even under the illumination of the gorgeous lights, it reflects some extremely vicious and cunning brilliance.

   "What an unexpected gain..."

   "Unexpectedly, I just wanted to meet my knight, but I met him..."

   whispering to himself.

   He reached out and touched the slender cane that he had placed beside his leg.

   I don't know why, these guys like this kind of fancy stuff.

   However, just like the old man who was panning walnuts, he slowly touched the egg-sized emerald on the cane, and was about to stand up.

  Beside him, an extremely cold female voice sounded abruptly,

   "[Mephisto], I think it's better for you to sit still."

   heard this voice.

  The [Hell Lord] known as [Mephisto], this body manifested in the human world, also stopped abruptly.

   After thinking about it.

   He first sat down again, and then looked at the bald figure beside him, he frowned and sighed:

   "[Gu Yi], the times have changed, and the [world] has also changed, it's not a good thing to stick to the rules..."

   "We have to prepare for change..."

  【Gu Yi】just said calmly but sternly:

"so what?"

   "I am [Supreme Mage], and I will protect this planet."

   "[Tony Stark] As an important cornerstone of human civilization, I will never allow you to interfere!!"

  【Mephisto】After twitching his face, he sneered angrily:


   "I'd like to see how you can protect..."

   "At this critical point in the transition of all things, no one can stay out of it!!"

   "Whether it's me, you, or the planet that you have guarded for a long time, all of them will be caught up in the tide of the times and cannot extricate themselves!!!"

   In this regard, [Gu Yi] still seems very calm:

   "Even if I can't stay out of it, I will still work hard to maintain my responsibilities."

   heard the words.

  【Mephisto】After squinting his eyes slightly, he turned to pat his thigh and laughed loudly:

"Are you joking?"

   "It's just you, what do you need to maintain?"

   "Whether you can protect yourself or not is one thing, and you're still thinking about that **** duty!!"

   "You and I both know that this planet is just that insignificant dust under the tide of the times!!"

   "The whole universe is in turmoil!!"

   "Even the more powerful beings are panicking!!!"

   "Like your backstage, [Weishandi] is afraid of change!!!"

   "Now, no one can be trusted!!"

   "Only the cooperation of all the strong can increase the survival rate!!"

   "[Gu Yi], on this planet, there are some human beings with rare talents. If you and I cooperate to convert them into more practical resources, then we may have a chance to weather this storm safely..."

   Speaking of this, [Mephisto] also became more serious:

   "Let's cooperate..."

   "Let go of the petty hatred between us..."

   But, face his invitation.

  【Gu Yi】but his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked a little disgusted:

   "I said, [Mephisto], this planet is not a place for you to mess around."

this moment.

   [Mephisto], who felt like he was talking to a stinky and hard rock, was finally a little angry, and said gloomily:

   "What a stubborn guy..."

   "Just drown with your ideals..."

   After saying that, he snorted coldly.

The    figure immediately disappeared in place.

   silently returned to his own territory——【Hell Dimension】.

   is also at this moment.

  [Gu Yi] loosened his brows and looked at not far away, Tony Stark, who was laughing with his arms around the two dancers, sighed helplessly and thoughtfully:


   Although he didn't say anything, he seemed to say everything.



   "Where did all this go from here..."

   After sighing, her eyes looked into the distance.

   in another corner of time and space.

   In the gap between the [real universe] and many [dimensional spaces].

   A huge scarlet vortex exists there.

   Its existence is like an open scarlet giant mouth that is constantly swallowing everything.

   Even [time] and [space] were distorted there.

   And, hundreds of millions of scarlet light bands extend from it.

   is like fixing all the [anchors] so that nothing can escape.

   At this time, with the continuous throughput of that giant mouth.

   In the current 【Universe】.

The total amount of    substances has increased by seven thousandths compared to the previous one.

The total amount of    energy has dropped by 9/10,000 compared to before.

   Even the [Physical Rules] of [Universe] have also undergone many minor changes.

   Although it is not obvious, the [gravitational coefficient] of [universal gravitation] has already undergone slight changes.

   Even the creatures in the entire [universe] have some kind of change being born in their bodies.

   Among them, there are quite a few Destiny Children such as Tony Stark, all of them faintly aware of something wrong, but they can't tell what happened.


   All of the above.

   is actually a small problem.

   At least, it is not life-threatening for the time being.

The more serious thing is that at the other side of the time and space, far away, out of reach... In another area, [Gu Yi] could vaguely sense through the [Time Gem], an incomparably huge, huge Indescribable, I am afraid it is probably the [space-time] of another [universe], which is slowly overlapping towards this [universe]...

  Yes, drawn by the crimson vortex like the entrance to the abyss.

  Another 【Universe】, is crashing towards here...

   is only a rough perception of this.

  【Ancient One】in his heart, he already felt despair from the bottom of his heart...

   Of course, in the face of this situation, many of the powerhouses in the current [Universe] naturally have no intention of sitting still.

  Ru Na, who likes to devour planets, but also plays the role of maintaining the balance of the universe, the [Planet Devourer], tried to stop all this.

   And the result was that the other party became a cold corpse, now floating on the outside of the scarlet vortex, being engulfed bit by bit...

   (end of this chapter)

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