Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1420: 【die】

   Chapter 1420 [Death]


   was born in a group called [Endless Family].

   Although there are so many problems with personality.

   But overall, he's a relatively easy guy to get along with.

  His strength…

   Well, in terms of the current [plane], it's a bit difficult to divide.

   After all, there are no actual and accurate grades here.

   It doesn't look like some [cultivation-type] [worldview] at all.

   But the strength is still good, but it is certain.

  If we say that in [OAA], there are countless [Semi-Independent Space-Time Aggregates] established on the basis of [DC World View], that is, one complete [DC World] one after another.


   The [Sandman] in front of Orshaga belongs to the [Living Manifestation] of the [Dream Concept] of one of the [DC Worlds].

   His existence is equivalent to the [Dream] and [Fantasy] of a large number of living beings.

   is a kind of [concept] [god].

   Unless the [Dream] of all beings in that [DC World] is completely destroyed.

   Otherwise, [Sandman] is basically a complete [Immortal Body].

Moreover, as the manifestation of [dream], he can also exchange [true] and [false], and replace what has really happened with [dream], so that it can be dissipated like a dream bubble, and it can also make some false things disappear. The dream has evolved into reality, and all kinds of unimaginable things and scenes are randomly moved into the real world.

   That is.

   Turn a real universe into a fake Nanke Yimeng.

   Let all things shatter as the dream wakes up.

   Turn an absurd dreamland full of children's ideas into a real universe full of strange physical laws.

   Let ordinary people fly freely in the sky by dancing ballet.

   Let the pigs, horses, cows, sheep... all stand up, pedal bicycles, and sing nursery rhymes...

   And other members of 【Endless Family】.

   each represents a different [concept] of the related [DC World].

  【Death】, 【Desire】, 【Time】…

   In short.

   are a group of noble people.

   is precisely because of this.

  【Sandman】will be one of Olsaka's drinking buddies here.

   Occasionally accompany him to brag.


   As time goes by slowly.

  A few days have passed.

  Woke up drunk, woke up drunk, after several cycles, [Sandman] finally stopped drinking.


   He yawned and burped and said:

"I'm going back…"

   "I'll come back to you in a while..."

   And Olshaga just nodded casually, without much movement.

   There is no idea of ​​getting up and saying goodbye.

   Soon after, he completely left the [Crimson Dimension] with the [Sandman].

   On the opposite side of Orshaga, the opponent's wine glass also disappeared automatically and replaced with a brand new wine glass.

   And a female figure is also familiar, sitting in the position where [Sandman] just sat.

   That is a dress similar to [Sandman], the same smoky makeup, the same black costume, and the style of painting looks very similar.


   Based on gender discrimination.

  The same dress, on the other side, Olsaka can call it [Gothic style], rather than rural non-mainstream.

  After all, being ugly and being beautiful, male and female, is a huge difference enough to change your opinion.

   When the other party is seated.

   She first picked up the cup and looked at it.

   Looking at the white cross pattern on the cup, he sighed with disgust:

   "I prefer black crosses..."

   Then, she picked up the wine bottle that 【Sandman】 just poured, poured half a glass of wine into the glass, and shook the pale yellow liquid in it.

   said with even more disgust on his face: "It's really cheap drinks..."

   However, after all, she still took a sip of her drink.

   to this.

   was still thinking about which set of factory-configured Orshaga his son should use, but calmly replied:

   "It was originally cheap drinks..."

   "As a [Sandman], I bought it from a certain Earth New York in 1990 for twelve dollars."

   "You can't expect it to taste good."

   heard the words.

   As the older sister of 【Sandman】.

Another member of   【Endless Family】.

The existence named [Death], after seeing the Orshaka wine glass, it was brewed by hundreds of millions of resentful souls. It is so-called drinking water, let alone some strange liquid of cursed potion. , and can only immediately shook his head helplessly:

   "...I really don't understand, why did he become drinking friends with you..."

   "You two drink each time..."

   "What's the point of that?"

   Orshaga smiled, then shrugged and replied:

   "This kind of thing doesn't matter at all."

   "The difference between the drinks only shows that there are differences between me and him in the concept of food."

   "That doesn't stop me from chatting with him."

   Of course, this answer obviously won't make [Death] believe it.

   Immediately, she gave Olshaga a roll of eyes.

   In a word, Orshaga and [Sandman] have a drinking buddy relationship.

   That is also only described as plastic.

  Different food hobbies, different views, and different personalities.

   The two of them can get together for a drink from time to time.

   There is nothing wrong with saying that it is some kind of miracle.

   Compared to 【Sandman】a rotten salted fish who loves to play and drink.

   The relationship between Orshaga and [Death] is a little more complicated.

   As the manifestation of the [Death Concept], [Death] has no opinion on Orshaga's actions of killing innocents from time to time, and increasing deaths that are not planned everywhere, then it is completely impossible.

   The relationship between the two.

   Many times, it is like a law enforcer and a habitual criminal.

   However, as a guy who even acquiesced to [OAA], [Death] obviously has no right to enforce the law against Orshaga...

  Even if Olsaka killed innocent people and killed all kinds of guys who shouldn't have died, [Death] After all, there was nothing he could do before he made things worse...

   In short, [Death] is absolutely full of resentment for Orshagana...

   This is the case in many [DC worlds].

   Going back and forth, Olsaka and different [Deaths] naturally had a lot of dealings.

  Some [Deaths] are full of malice towards him, and they can't wait to kill him.

  Some [Death] have become accustomed to him, and can barely ignore his existence.

   Among them, the [Death] in front of him, even if he has a better relationship with him, both parties can talk nonsense if they have nothing to do.

   Of course, in the heart of the other party, if you want to come, you will still feel uncomfortable...

   However, Olsaka likes the feeling that others see him unhappy and can't kill him~

   (end of this chapter)

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