Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1408: Chaos (38)

   Chapter 1408 Chaos (38)


  This mad dog, obviously, can't follow his orders.

  Similarly, another cunning **** from [Ninefold Hell] could not obey his own orders.

   Those two guys.

   Compared to working with yourself.

   is more likely to backstab himself, secretly stab himself with a knife...

  【Shar】, who knew this very clearly in his heart.

   hit from the beginning.

   I didn't expect that those two guys would be on my side.

  Even though, the [Space Passage] the other party took was opened by himself.

   The reason why the other party will come is that he has called over it himself.


   During that time, I paid a lot for it!

   However, all this is not important.

   No matter whether the other party cooperates or not, and whether they are in one heart with themselves.

  What really matters.

   The other party is here!

   As long as the opponent comes to this 【Toril World】.

   Then, for [Shar], it is enough.

   Even if it wasn’t the main body, it was just a more important [Clone]…

   'It's not far away, please come and kill the Quartet, I only want to kill your clone once, it's not too much...'

   in such thoughts.

  【Shar】hidden in the shadows.

   The corners of his mouth could not help but bring a smile.

next moment.

With the advent of [Demo Gaogan] and [Devil Lord], it has become unimpeded again, and a large number of monsters are still rushing out of the [Space Channel], which is extremely abrupt, and a strange red light flashes. , a tinge of red light that was not quite right.


   is holding a 【Adventurer】as a snack 【Demokogan】.


   I faintly sensed something was wrong.

   chose to look over.

   Then, without waiting for him to react.

   The exit of the [Space Channel] began to expand inexplicably.


And then.

   is a huge explosion!

   The space gap linking the distant time and space exploded directly!

   The impact that is invisible to the naked eye seems to be an invisible billions of sharp blades.

   In an instant, those monsters that had not yet escaped from the [Space Passage] were torn apart into blood foam and severed limbs!

The aftermath of    also involved the other monsters that were not far away.

   Even [Dimogogan] was staggered by that shock!

   On the other side of the battlefield, at the location of another [Space Passage], the same thing happened.

   That [Hell Lord] who was tricked by [Shar].

   Eyes wide open.

   I saw the [Devil Army] lined up neatly, being blasted by a chrysanthemum coming from right behind.

   A large number of [Hell Devils] died at the speed of light without even knowing what happened, and were taken away on the spot by the self-destruction of [Space Passage]!


  Because the array is so well placed, standing next to each other, the losses suffered by the [Hell Devil] are far more serious than that of Wu Ya running around without a formal [Devil]!

   This is the case.


   made the number of troops under his command limited, all of them were carefully selected [Devil Lords], and felt a clear and incomparable heartache.

  Let him immediately grit his teeth and shout:


   "You stinky bitch, I'm going to kill you!!"

   and heard the roar.

   was also scolded, and the somewhat angry [Demo Gogen] also lost his anger, and turned to gloat.

   his subordinates.

   Most of them are wild leeks.

   No matter how many times he died, he would not be too heartbroken.

  Especially in the presence of other people.

   However, by the way, [Demogogan] also secretly guessed the intention of [Shar] to explode the [Space Channel].

  ‘In order to temporarily leave me in this place and prevent me from working too hard…’

   He thought so with a little puzzlement.

   Originally, not long ago, [Demogogan] had been driven back to [Saltwater Swamp] by [God of Justice - Tyr] under the backstab of the **** [Okas].

   Even the road was blocked.

   In a short period of time, there is absolutely no chance to come again.

   and face this situation.

  【Demokogan】, although he was very angry, there was nothing he could do.


   Not long after.

  【Shar】's clone took the initiative to find 【Demokogan】.

   said that he was willing to help him open the [Space Passage] to [Toril World].

   as the price of things.

  【Demokogan】is needed to help 【Shar】 besiege 【Mystra】.

   All in all, it sounds like a good deal.

  Especially at the moment when [Dimogogan] really wants to take advantage of the fact that [God of Justice-Tyr] has not regained his strength, and hurry up to take revenge, even more so!

   So, without much effort, they just reached a partnership.

   Of course, based on the premise of their own ghosts.

   When they signed the contract, they were also very tacit, and did not make the terms too rigid.

   just set a general direction.

   is precisely because of this.

   Never would have thought that [Shar], who was about to sell his teammates at the beginning of the game, [Demo Gogan], was also overshadowed.

  Originally, after he wanted to stand firm, he backstabbed [Shar]...

   It's true I didn't expect it, the opponent backstabs faster...

   Backstab at the beginning...

  ‘Forget it, I also need revenge against [Tyr] anyway, so I’ll just kill [Tyr] according to the contract…’

  I want to come in 【Demokogan】.


It is nothing more than borrowing his own strength to cut off the helpers of [Goddess of Magic - Mystra] or [Lady Silver Moon - Suron], that is, [God of Justice - Tyr] or [Earth Goddess - Sang Tia] 】 and the like.

   Therefore, although there was some desire to backstab [Shar], in general, the two of them still had a common enemy and could barely cooperate.

   thought of this.

   He also immediately turned his gaze to the [Tyr] who was entangled with the [Chaos Demon Hound].

   eyes full of malice.

   Over the years, he has been constantly disrupting various plans by the other party.

   The [Believer] in [Toril World] was smashed by the opponent in three days and five heads.

   And not long ago, a large-scale demon disaster was finally pulled, and the other party cooperated with that **** [Okas] to overcast...

   In short, just thinking about it, [Demo Gaogan] hated his teeth so much that he hated the old and the new, and now he wants to settle it together!

   Immediately, he also took a step forward, wanting to cooperate with [Chaos Demon Dog] to kill [Tyr]!

   But, the next moment.

   When his heart was full of hatred.

   A black sharp blade suddenly stabbed out from behind him, from the ruins of the [Space Passage].

   Straight, pierced into his back, hit the vibrant heart, melted into its interior, in the hot blood...

   (end of this chapter)

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