Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1404: Chaos (34)

   Chapter 1404 Chaos (34)

   manipulated the [Dragon] under him and retreated for a distance.

  Haqatar, who was almost affected by the battle between [God of Justice—Tyr] and [Chaos Demon Dog—Korzef], was also slightly relieved from the bottom of his heart.

   said with some emotion on his face:

   "What a terrible power..."

   Then, he looked at [Kaled] beside him and asked with some confusion and disbelief:

   "How did you solve the [Dwarf God King - Moradin]?"

   long before.

   He knew that [Dwarf God King - Moradin] was also a [Powerful Divine Power].

But he never thought that even if the strength of these guys is severely limited, the energy in the body is affected by both [quantity] and [quality], and the [authority] is blocked... When everything is restricted, they can still show this kind of energy. degree of strength...

   He had no doubts.

   If you don't have the [Slaughter of All Living Beings] in your hand, will you be killed by the opponent...

   Come to think of it, that process should only be about ten moves.

   For a time, his confidence and arrogance also suffered a serious setback.

However, in response to his feelings and inquiries, [Kaled] who retreated to his side, just stared at the battle in the distance without turning his head. road:

   "How did I defeat the opponent?"

   "...It's probably just luck, right?"

   In words, there is a bit of uncertainty.

   "At that time, [Dwarf God King - Moradin] was not supposed to die, at least he was able to get out of his body."

   "I basically don't have the ability to keep him, I'm just in a state of more than enough self-preservation."

   "And he knew it too."

   "But... because of this, he became too careless."

   "...also became too greedy..."

   "Knowing that I have nothing to do with him, he actually wanted to **** the [Slaughter of All Living Beings] in my hands while fighting me with ease."

   "And then, there is no then."

"The greedy man paid some price to successfully hold [Slaughter of All Living Beings] in his hand, and then he was immediately attacked. What [Slaughter of All Living Beings] was drawn from [Gith World] belongs to us. The Lord—[Blood King]’s huge [Power of Faith] immediately punished [Moradin], the daring soul and body, and gave me a chance to kill [Moradin]…”

   After listening to this answer.

   The [Ha Qatar], who was still looking forward to some nirvana, looked slightly stiff, and could only be a little speechless and fell into silence.

   I have mixed feelings in my heart.

   is a bit sighed at the strength of his opponent.

   also lamented the opponent's death.

   even more sighed at his master, the [Blood King], the power of unknown depth.

   Even if he didn’t come in person, even if he didn’t take a direct shot, his creation—【Slaughter of All Living Beings】, still indirectly killed his opponent as 【Powerful Divine Power】…

   is truly amazing.

Then, [Ha Qatar] looked into the distance, looked at the [God of Justice-Tyr] and the [Chaos Demon Dog-Korzef] who were fighting at a rapid pace, and then looked at those who seemed to be The other [Gods] who were on guard looked a little embarrassed.

   is like seeing a wall of copper and iron that is insurmountable.

   "Since your last success [Slaughter God] relied on luck."

   "Then, this time, why did you join in?"

   "Just to change the [Holy]?"

   "I remember that after becoming a god, as long as that kind of thing consumes [Power of Faith] and takes a long time to carve it, it is not impossible to condense it by itself, right?"

   "Do you really need to take this risk?"

   This time, face the problem.

  [Kaled] didn't hesitate, after glancing at [Haqtar], he immediately replied:

   "Naturally there is no need for that."

   "However, I prefer to use my own strength to get what I need."

   "The last [Slaughter God], the feeling of powerlessness that I couldn't help myself, and the encounter that all depended on luck really made me extremely unhappy..."

   "Furthermore, after devouring the legacy of the [Dwarf God King - Moradin], my own strength has also grown, and even if it is compared to the ordinary [Saint], it may not be that weak..."

   "Anyway, I'm going to get involved, and it's not that simple."

   "You can think of it as a replacement for [Holy Job], or you can think of it as me trying to prove my ability."

   Having said that, [Kallad] also looked into the distance again, towards a certain [True God].

By the way, he continued: "After killing the [Dwarf God King - Moradin], I used to be confused about my abilities, that kind of confusion that even if the strength is similar to the opponent's, I can't fight back, which made me feel confused about myself. There are doubts about his achievements.”

   "For this reason, I also asked the question to my waiting master - [His Royal Highness the Bloody King]."

   "The question of whether I am qualified to [Ascension to God]."

"However, my master replied: The so-called strength, in many cases, is not just pure violence, the so-called luck itself is a factor in itself, and the number of people who will become gods by fate is unknown. , they are despicable or obscene or noble... They have different natures, and there is no difference compared to [mortals]. There is no problem with [mortals] who are more powerful, and you have [qi]. With [talent] in it, it is already considered to be above average, so there is no need for self-doubt.”

"Then, I asked another drastic question to the master I was waiting for: Since even the [Gods] can be regarded as the more powerful [Mortals], what is the real power? 】For this class, it can be said to be extremely powerful, what is it?”

   "That's what the master I was waiting for answered me."

   "[Finite gap] and [Infinite gap] are the fundamental factors that divide [weak] and [strong]."

"Since the [Gods] you have seen can be defeated by a group of [Mortals] under special conditions, it means that the gap between them is measurable, that is the [limited gap], so Their existence can still be classified as [weak]."

   "And between the real [strong] and [weak], there is an essential gap!"

   "The gap between [strong] and [weak] will also become [infinite] from now on."

   "No matter what the conditions are, no matter what the premise is, as long as the strong think about it, they will definitely be able to win over the weak."

   "Under the same strength, with one enemy one hundred, one enemy ten thousand, to destroy and slaughter the entire world alone, to be able to do things that are impossible for ordinary people, all are just the most basic conditions."

   Thanks: 1500 starting coins for the husky of the flower grower!



   (end of this chapter)

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