Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1396: Chaos (26)

   Chapter 1396 Chaos (twenty-six)

   After a few minutes.

  [Adventurers] like the tide are still coming from all directions.

   They are just like mad dogs who are not afraid of death and only care about profit.

  Even though the [Gods] Wushuang was mowing the grass, the posture of one after another did not stop at all.

   And the various attacks of different intensities also made [Gods] a little dazzled.

   Among them, although most of the attacks are tantamount to juggling in their eyes, they don't need to care about anything.

   However, some of the special attacks mixed in it are like fangs hidden in the dark, and if they are not careful, they will cause them trouble.

   Therefore, in order to deal with the attacks from all directions, they also did not dare to be careless!

   When he started his hands, he was more ruthless than the other, causing blood and blood to blow constantly around him.

   Just being a little annoyed [Goddess of Magic - Mystra] has turned into a meat grinder.

   Every [Spell] blasted out like a [God's Rod] that pierced the sky, splitting the earth, burning the snow, and slaughtering the enemies one by one.

  Let the surroundings be shaken!

   [Dissociation] that decomposes solid matter, [Searing Ray] that burns flesh, plants and even metals, [Chaos Position] that rips matter through the gravitational field, and powerfully removes the opponent's [Magic Shield]...

   As a [Goddess of Magic], she knows all the existence of [Magic Spells] and [Spellcasting Skills].

   is more than pure violence and destruction.

   At this moment, in her hands, the incomparably mysterious skill of [Magic] has become some kind of extreme art.

While    is beautiful, its power is also multiplying exponentially.

   On the other hand, [Casting Cost] and [Casting Time] are weakening crazily.

   is here in 【Mystra】.

   A random amount of magic power can achieve the effect that the rest of the [Magic] magic power can only achieve by a thousand times.

   The [Magic Spell] that should have had a long [Spellcasting] and [Spellcasting Spell] has also become a free [Instant Casting]...


   said without hesitation.

  When she started to kill the Quartet.

   With such slaughter efficiency, even a professional [Combatant] like [Kaled] expresses sincere amazement and feels a little inferior.

   Just as the Terminator saw that the bomber swarm was conducting a large-scale coverage attack...

   That's a big difference in slaughter efficiency!

  The magical attack of the sky even makes people think that it is thousands of [Master-level Spellcasters] who are fighting against the enemy together...

   fought one by one [Warrior-type Adventurer] while crying and shouting.

   also made the [adventurers] of the [Spellcaster] show a ghostly expression.

   is completely unbelief from the heart, there really is a [Spellcaster] who can achieve such a situation...

   And after watching the situation for a while.

[Kaled], who felt that those [Adventurers] could not stand it, also ordered with fear: "Send all [Astral Boats] to prepare [Interference Technique], the main target is [Mystra], The secondary targets are the rest of the [True Gods]..."

Although, the [Interference Technique] composed of tens of thousands of [Astral Boats], as a kind of [Spell], still has a high probability of not being able to affect the [Mystra] who is the [Goddess of Magic] too much strength. But as long as it can affect some, it is also a bonus on the odds.

   Then, [Kaled] also looked at [Haqtar] beside him and even several other [Senior Staff of the Church of the Bloody King] who were already ready to go:

   "Are you all ready?"

  's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, a certain [True God] [Ha Qatar], nodded without looking back: "Ready."

  The rest also chose their respective targets, intending to gamble their lives, and the [Blood King Church Senior] who performed the [God-Slaughtering Act], also nodded and replied: "Ready."

   After getting such a reply.

[Kaled] didn't ask any more questions, just silently made a gesture of prayer, and then said calmly: "If that's the case, then may we all be victorious, and may the [bloody] Your Majesty the King] Can protect me, so that I can bathe in glory..."

   The same moment.

  【Haqatar】They also made prayers one after another.

   Then, after doing this, they put their hands on their weapons at the same time.

  The completely different mounts also descended with a roar, prostrate beside them, so that they could step on themselves stably.

   And in the rest of the sky, there are groups of [air cavalry] who are already on standby.

  Thousands of 【Griffin】, 【Dragon】, 【Arlong】, 【Storm Eagle】…

  Light is flapping its own wings.

   has formed a gust of wind enough to tear apart flesh and blood.

   And the [Marine units] are landing one after another.

   A shock array and a siege array are ready to go on the boundless land full of snow.

  【Beamon Behemoth】,【Youshan Rock Snake】,【Hell Monitor Lizard】…

  【Warcraft】is constantly making deafening roars.

at the moment.

   No matter what your identity is or what you think.

this moment.

   In the eyes of all [Ghis].

   is full of fanaticism and ambition without exception!

   Kill the target [God], you can get everything from the opponent, and you will be on the top of the [Bloody King Church] and become the [God] of the [Blood King]!

   This is an order from Olsaka, and it is an invisible incentive.

   let them have 120,000 points of motivation!

   Then, with all the preparations, everything was done.

  【Kaled】and 【Haqatar】, jointly released the order.

   "In the name of [The King of Blood], now, the whole army is attacking!!!"

   Next second.

   in countless battle roars.

   One after another figure charged at extreme speed!

   is also at this time.

   Those [Adventurers] who are besieging [Gods] or being cut by [Gods].

   just woke up and looked around.

   looked at the [Githians] who were holding weapons and launching a frenzied charge.

   couldn't help but show ecstasy in his eyes.

   In their view, the addition of the other party is tantamount to a powerful reinforcement!

   Then, soon enough, they realized they were wrong.

   on the way to charge.

   Those [Githians] don't care about the background and position of the surrounding [Adventurers].

   The [Silver Ghis Sword] in their hands is completely wanton slaughtering all living creatures...

   Accompanying their charge, one named [Adventurer], who didn't even have time to react, was directly hacked to death...

   Let the invisible [Power of Wish] turn into [Power of Faith] and go into the distance.

   There, on top of a towering snow-capped peak.

   The figure of Orfaga sat calmly on the white snow, watching everything like this.

   (end of this chapter)

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