Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1360: retreat or dead end

   Chapter 1360 Retreat or no way

  1. Xianyu wants to mix up his performance and avoid being worn by his boss.

  2. Damn, why is the profit so high?

  3. I can't hold it at all!

  【Demokogan】's mentality passed through the three stages very smoothly and quickly.

When the profit reaches 10%, they will be eager to move; when the profit reaches 50%, they will take risks; when the profit reaches 100%, they dare to trample all the laws of the world; when the profit reaches 300%, they dare to risk hanging.

   Even if [Demokogan] is not a mortal, his nature is more greedy and crazy, so the above words can be used to describe his mentality.

at the moment.

  In this [Gods] disaster, mortals' resistance to themselves is unprecedentedly weak.

  Even, even 【Gods】 is not the time when you can't make up your mind.

  The profit is more than 300%?

   Just a short time.

  【Demokogan】's mentality was shaken strongly in the face of absolute interests.

   At this moment, in a trance, he even felt that Olsuga was as generous as his own father.

   actually opened the door of the treasure house and let himself move freely.

   This is really touching!

For a period of time.

   He moved to move all the property out and come to a real battle to sell iron.


   In the face of the rear that needs to be defended, he did not do that after all, he could only think about it in his heart.

   However, even so, in the continual slaughter and the continual summoning of troops in a lucrative war.

   Not long after, he still pulled out millions of 【Abyss Troops】.

   Among them, there are various [demons], there are also various [undead creatures], or there are various [relative creatures] who have taken refuge in him, including the [Aboleth].

   However, no matter what, the basic strength of these guys who can live in the [Bottomless Abyss (DND plane)] is still guaranteed.

  Under the premise of head-to-head.

   Ordinary people are impossible for their opponents.

   Therefore, after each battle, the results created by the enemy are insignificant at all.

   Ninety percent of the injuries were caused when they were fighting infighting.

   On the battlefield, all kinds of [Abyss Creatures] who like to go crazy can be described as the best of the best.

   Even [Demokogan] cannot guarantee 100% control over this group of guys who are crazy when they see blood.

   can only use his [personality] and [authority] to roughly convey his own orders to them.

   is equivalent to playing a strategy game, just circle all the units, then right-click the target and launch a swarm charge.

   Combination of arms?

   Racial traits?

special skill?

  Multi-line manipulation?

  Sorry, I have a hand disability and don’t understand at all.

  Look at fate and show strength.

   Either you succeeded in pressing people down, or you were hanged and beaten on the spot by others.

   is precisely because of this.

   In the conflict with [Devil], [Devil] has always been hanged and beaten.

   It's true that the macho burst into tears.


   This is not entirely a bad thing either.

   In fact, it is.

   Olshaga reluctantly recognized the [Country Devil] of this [plane].

   It doesn't matter whether you kill the enemy or not.

  If you don’t even kill your own people, then you will be a big failure! ——

  In the capital of a certain kingdom.

  In a secret room full of special incense.

   A graceful figure was carefully flipping the letters in front of him.

   At this moment, looking at the comprehensive information from all directions, the [Goddess of Wealth] named [Wojin], his expression is full of all kinds of sadness.

   As a [God] symbolizing [Wealth].

   Original words.

   Her combat power is not that high.

   Usually can only rely on [Divine Power] and [Godhead] to bully those who are weaker than themselves.


   Right now, after the disaster, her [divine power] is limited, [divine kingdom] is lost, [divine status] is sealed, [divine vocation] is blocked, and her state belongs to the bottom of the valley.

   Even if he regained a little strength.

   The one who stands up to the sky can only be said to have the combat power of a regular [Demigod].

   Even the combat power of [Demigods] needs to be questioned.

  Because she has basically never fought a real battle in her life...

   And so.

   Facing a volatile situation.

   She is naturally full of helplessness.

   Whether it is those mortals with wicked hearts, or other [Gods] who have ulterior motives, or other strange factors.

   She couldn't help but feel fear.

   Even to contact his own church, he had to do some tricks of pretending to be a ghost, and he didn't dare to show his real body, for fear that the other party would have a backlash and usurp the throne online.


   "The mortal world is too dangerous!"

   "I have to smuggle back to [God Kingdom]..."

   "Only there can I sit back and relax..."

  Thinking of his extremely safe [Divine Kingdom] that has everything.

   She was also very emotional.

   In her life, she has never missed her [Divine Kingdom] like this time.

   The kind that I think about day and night.

   But soon, the cruelty of reality made her heart be full of excitement.

   gradually fell silent.

  The conventional method, in this period, it is impossible to go to [God Kingdom].

   Even though she is the owner and builder of the [Kingdom of God].

   The mighty power from 【AO】has blocked all roads and turned 【Toril World】 into a semi-closed siege...

   "No... There seems to be some hope for a certain road..."


   In a flash of lightning, [Wor'jin] thought of a crooked and unorthodox path.

  【Bottomless Abyss (dnd plane)】.

   As a space-time area, it naturally has the basis for connecting different time-spaces.

   If you borrow the characteristics there, and combine it with your privilege as the [Master of the Kingdom of God], you can communicate with the [Kingdom of God] remotely...

   Then, there might be a chance to forcibly open a way and smuggle yourself back.

   However, even if he came up with a solution, [Vol'jin] couldn't help but hesitate.

   In her current state.

  If you were sneaking into the [Bottomless Abyss (dnd plane)], some guys saw something wrong.

   That must be extremely unfortunate...

   is like a piece of fresh meat that is actively sent to the mouth of the beast.

   Direct retreat and become a dead end!


   It didn't take long for him to face the [Bottomless Abyss (dnd plane)], which is the Tiger's Den of Longtan.

   Knowing that the risks involved are huge, she could only suppress her restless heart and think of other methods.

if it is possible.

   She really didn't want to take that risk.

   Of course, deep down in her heart, she still regards that plan as the final backup option.

  If the situation really forced her, she had no choice but to take that risk.

   is not impossible...

   (end of this chapter)

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