Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1351: [Legendary Dragon Species - Power Dragon]

   Chapter 1351 [Legendary Dragon Species - Power Dragon]

   After tens of minutes.

   is still on the [Astral Boat].

   However, right now, the movement in the distance is gradually calming down.

  The city that is located in the key area is about to be completely captured.

Although the local forces did their best to resist, and there were multiple [Gods and Spirits Church] intervening and interfering, but facing the overwhelming [Gith Army], all the resistance was still sometimes weak and useless, not only connecting the leylines The barrier was forcibly broken, and the various forces in the city were also wiped out one after another, and even the existence of [Legendary Rank] died two.

  ‘…Is it coming to an end…’

  Standing beside Olsaka, looking at the distant scene, [Kaled] thought to himself silently.


   The next moment, he didn't wait for him to relax.

   His [psionic power] vaguely sensed something was wrong.

  's eyes changed abruptly.

   He looked furiously at a certain position on the right and scolded angrily:


   "Actually trying to spy on my lord!"

  The weapon attached to his waist was also unsheathed in an instant.

   The silver blade that shone with a strange brilliance cut out a perfect arc.

In the extreme speed swing, the sharp blade with magic power directly tore all the surrounding airflow, making the invisible air whistling like a separated ocean, making the hundreds of meters high in the air, inside the wide area. , The wind that seemed to never stop was forcibly stopped for a moment.

   This blow, if it was placed in a distant city where the battle situation gradually ceased.

no doubt.

   Can level half the city!

   Let tens of thousands of people die because of this!


   As if he had cut something.

   As if something was leaking.

   with abnormal noise.

not far away.

   A huge translucent figure slowly appeared in a place where nothing had been obtained.

   Although it was still a little vague, but through the looming physical features of the opponent, the [Kaled] who shot and the [Kaled] who did not shot, still recognized that it was a huge [Dragon].

   A [Dragon] that is not only huge in size, but also a bit strange in appearance.

   Even though he has a good understanding of the 【Group】【Dragon】.

  [Ha Qatar] and [Kaled] also took a while to recall some of the information in their memory.

   "[Power Dragon]?"

   Accompanied by an uncertain whisper, the blade in [Kaled]'s hand was also gripped a little tighter.

  【Power Dragon】.

   One of the [Legendary Dragon Species].

   is not only born with a larger size than most [Dragon Species].

   They also have hard, shiny scales like diamonds.

   In addition, with the increase of age, their scales will also change in some way, so that the huge body of [Power Dragon] is gradually shrouded in a special layer of turbidity.

   And when their age reaches a certain level, that special stance will also give them a constant [high-level invisibility], and it is extremely difficult to be interrupted.


   That special stance also has the function of protection, which can make them immune to almost all attacks.

   Therefore, in many cases, due to the characteristics of being invisible and difficult to interrupt stealth, [Power Dragon] is also called by many scholars as the [special dragon species] that is the most difficult to determine whether it exists or not!

   Few details remain.

   That is, he has read a lot of secret books, and he has some [dragons] under his command.


   Even 【Haqtar】and 【Kaled】may not recognize what 【Dragon Seed】!

  ‘【Ancient Dragon Stage】? ’

  ‘Or is it the [Ancient Dragon Stage]? [Swire Dragon Stage]? ’

   Looking at the inside of the special position that still maintains a certain invisibility after suffering a blow from his own anger, and has not been broken at all, it is looming, a huge body that is more than half the size of the [Ancient Dragon Stage - Red Dragon].

   After recognizing the identity of the other party.

  According to the size of the opponent.

  【Kaled】has a rough judgment on the target's strength.

   Even if it’s not too detailed and sure…

   also made him understand the fact that the other party was difficult to deal with.

   as 【Legendary Dragon Species】.

   As far as he knows, generally speaking, [Power Dragon] of [Ancient Dragon Stage] can usually be regarded as an opponent of [Demigod Level].

   And the [Power Dragon] of [Tai Koo Dragon Stage] is known as the peak level of [Mortal Level]. It is said that even [True God] can do a few tricks.

   is definitely one of the most difficult opponents under [True God].


  On the premise of not using [Slaughter of All Living Beings], and only using [Gith Silver Sword] in his hand.

  [Kallad] didn't have much confidence in facing this enemy.


   This does not mean that he is weaker than the other.

His biggest worry, at best, is that he is a little worried that he will not be able to take down the opponent for a while, or let the opponent run away, causing him to lose face in front of the [Blood King], the [great being] he needs to serve. That's it.

  As the strongest player in 【Guis World】in the last 200 years.

   has titles such as [God's Favored One] and [Electr].

   There is also a powerful existence of [Divinity] in the body.

  【Kaled】doesn't feel that he is weaker than any enemy under 【God】.

   Even if it is the so-called [Legendary Dragon Seed] or the [Blesser] of a [God]!


   After bowing his head respectfully to Olsaka, [Kallad] immediately said:

   "My lord, please wait a moment, my subordinates will clean up the disrespectful for you."

   Hearing this, Olsega's right hand, elbow rested on the armrest of the seat below him, and one hand supported his head.

   chuckled lightly and said:

   "Go, I just want to eat [Dragon Brain] and [Dragon Heart]."

  [Kaled], who took it as an inspiration, immediately responded excitedly:


not far away.

  The unknown [Power Dragon], who was thinking about whether to retreat or not, was full of anger after hearing the conversation between the two.

   couldn't help but sarcastically said:

   "Want to eat my [Dragon Brain] and [Dragon Heart]?"

   "If it's you in your heyday, I really don't dare to refute, you can only run away."

   "But with who you are now, I'm afraid it's not enough..."

   As a good guy who just wanted to pass by and watch the crowds.

  【Power Dragon】Although you don't know the detailed identities of 【Haqatar】 and 【Kaled】.

   But he is well-informed, and by sensing the breath, he can still distinguish the fact that [Haqtar] and [Kaled] have the power of [Demigod Rank].

   In addition, he also recognized the opponent's [Group] as the [Githian].

   An existence that can be enshrined as a master by [Demigod Rank—Githian].

   As far as he knows.

   There is only the [God] known as the [Blood King]!


   He effortlessly guessed the origin of Olshaga.


   Now, he should run away.

   But at this stage.

  In [Toril World].

   He also understands that the opponent can only use the power within the limit.


   As the [Power Dragon] of the [Taigu Dragon Stage], he is naturally not afraid of him, who realizes that the opponent can't take him.

  He is arrogant by nature.

   even couldn't help but try to sneer.

  By the way, the words are not finished.

  The omen of [Dragon Breath] appeared in his mouth.

  The unknown [Power Dragon] planned to give Orshaga a [Dragon Breath] before turning around and running away.

   As for staying and strangling?

   That was not on his mind.

  Restricted [True God], that is also [True God].

   Plus two [Demigods]…

   He felt that only when his brain was ill would he die...

   Thanks: Inoue Hiroyoshi's 300 starting coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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