Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1340: 【Guice Fleet】

   Chapter 1340 [Guis Fleet]

   Satisfied after having the most satisfying meal in my life.

  Since he was born, he has never reached the [Felin Demon Kui - High Priest] outside the barrier, and with greed and reluctance in his heart, he immediately turned his eyes to somewhere in the south.

   There, he could clearly feel the existence of a lot of vitality.

  Want to come.

   There should be a gathering place or town.

   This made him, who had just eaten a meal, but was only half full, couldn't bear it, as if his stomach was still growling.

   also made him want to march south, devour all the vitality there, and let go of the stomach to eat!

   But unfortunately.

   He understood that this place could not stay long.

   I really want to drag the [Salon Spirit and Monster Race] to run over. These prisoners who have just escaped from their troubles and have not recovered at all, probably have to be sent back immediately and continue to live a miserable life.

  So, after withdrawing his gaze with a little reluctance, the [High Priest] danced his slender limbs and gave the order:

   "Retreat with me..."

   With a mighty team, he began to flee in a certain direction.

   Farther away, [Eorem], who was observing the situation through magic, saw this situation, except that his expression became more and more ugly, but there was nothing he could do.

   Even if he saw the weakness of the old enemy, he was still more than enough.

   After all, the opponent is numerous and powerful, and the ability to overcome him is complete.

   Even if the state is extremely bad, he still has no bottom in his heart.

   In the end, after the other party fled farther and farther, he could only curse inwardly with a very ugly face, turned his head and walked in the opposite direction of the fleeing direction of the [Fei Lin Mokui Group].

   However, I haven't taken a few steps yet.

   As if recalling something.

   He also stopped and walked towards the inside of the barrier.

  Now, although He does not know how those enchantments were opened.

   But He knew very well that there were a lot of good things left in that area back then.

  Let's not say anything else.

   Light is the ruins of various [floating cities], there are not a few, as many as tens of thousands!

   So, even if time passes, if you're lucky, there should still be a little bit of residue left by the [Feelin Demon Sunflower].

   In this era.

  Those residues can be said to have a lot of actual value...


  Since those [Feelin Demon Kui] who were in the way have already run away.

   As the former controller of [Netheril Empire], [Eorem] is also obliged to restrain the legacy of the empire!

   Of course, even if there is something to pick up.

  Those [Feelin Demon Kui] fleeing is still so angry that his liver hurts a bit...

   The existence of the other party, for Him, is indeed a **** feud...

  Compared to picking up the empire’s heritage, He would rather the barrier never be opened, leaving those guys trapped until the end of the world!

The outside of   【Toril World】.

   Somewhere near the [Astral World] area.

   Boosted with massive amounts of chaotic energy.

  As the space is distorted, it vibrates back and forth like a plucked string.

   One after another, the behemoths covered with [Magic Runes], also driven by [Power of Time and Space], traveled a long distance and arrived here one after another.

   They are nothing else.

   It was the [Gith Fleet] that attacked from [Gith World].

   After a long voyage.

   After all, he successfully reached the destination.

   On the way, although I experienced a little storm.

   But so far, everything is going well, and the actual downsizing has not happened.

   This situation, for them, has to be said to be an extremely smooth start!

   At this moment, in the [Main Ship].

   stood on the deck of the ship with the defensive barrier propped up.

   As the [Pope], [Haqtar] observed the surrounding area, and after confirming that everything was fine, he immediately said to the assistant beside him:

   "Go on the orders and follow the plan."

   "Prepare the fleet to enter the [Seaside Area] of [Toril World]."

  According to the results of the discussion between 【Haqatar】and 【Kaled】.

   Right now, they don't need to rush things.

   The top priority should be adapting to the local environment.

   Then find the weak point in it.

   Therefore, long before the fleet traveled, [Ha Qatar] purchased the approximate topographic map of [Toril World] and the approximate local power information from a certain intelligence force on the side of [Sigil].

In general.

  Although due to the limited intelligence, the records of additional intelligence may not keep up with the changes in the situation, so they still don’t know much about [Toril World].

   But at least they figured out where they should come from after they and others reached their destination.

   It's not really a black eye.

The reason why they chose the so-called [Seaside Area] is because the vastness of the sea leads to the [Seaside Area] and [Offshore Area] within [Toril World]. The distribution of forces and races is particularly chaotic, and there is no absolute The ruler of , it is more suitable for the [Gis] who are outsiders to run over to see the needle.

   In those areas, even though they will be targeted because of their status as [Outsiders], but if they spend some money, they should be able to win some two or five boys to serve themselves...

   Get the order.

  [Ha Qatar]'s assistant, after taking orders with a solemn expression, immediately retreated.

   After a short while, in the serious look of [Ha Qatar].

  The huge fleet began to light up heavy magic formulas all over the body, pushing the [Astral Boats] into the [World Barriers].

   and sail towards the given coordinates.

   This process is a situation that needs to be treated with extreme caution.

   If something is wrong, in the face of the pressure generated by Nayu [World] itself, even the [Astral Boat], which can resist various attacks, will be instantly crushed into countless tiny bits together with its members.

Therefore, I don't know when, the figure of [Kaled] also appeared beside [Ha Qatar], staring at the scene in front of him. If something goes wrong, the two of them will immediately join forces to call the [Slaughter of All Living Beings]. Force, with the fleet forced through this area.

   However, what made them both breathe a sigh of relief.

   There was no accident until the extremely thick [World Barrier] was about to be completely driven over.

   Not far from there, they even felt the extremely abundant free energy inside [Toril World].

  Compared to their [Homeworld - Guise World], it is much more filling.

   "What a nice place..."

   Accompanying [Kaled]'s sigh, it was within their sight.

   A large number of thick clouds began to emerge.

   That means, they have entered the inner area of ​​[World].

   (end of this chapter)

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