Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1335: treasure hunter

   Chapter 1335 Treasure Hunter

  【Netheril Empire - Ancient Ruins】.

   After disguising his true appearance through magic, he put on a black face-covering robe, and looked horizontally and vertically at [Eorem] with a secret.

   Surrounded by the strange sight around him, he looked at all kinds of people digging holes in the mountains and fields in the desolate land not far away.

   There is nothing in my heart except speechlessness.

   He, who has not been out for almost a thousand years, originally just wanted to go to other places to find the silhouettes of the [Gods].

   However, I heard that some [Gods] were also interested in the secret treasures left by [Netheriel Empire], and came here to look for something.

   He is also making a circle.

   can only follow the news and run back to his long-lost homeland, which is here.

   Intend to find a certain [God] and his condoms here...

   As for the next step after finding the other party?

   He doesn't know either.

   It may be a fight with the opponent, or it may be an alliance with the opponent or something.

   I have to say that He really doesn't understand the information and tasks given by [Soda].

  What does it mean 'Just find a [God] who is in trouble and come over? ’

  ‘It’s okay to be good, but it’s okay to be evil? ’

**** it…

  Do you want me [Slaughter God] or what?

   Can't you give me some precise words?

   At this moment, [Eorem] is an extraordinarily annoying Riddler...

   But He did not speak, nor dared to speak.

  Because 【Soda】is just 【Messenger Tool】.

   Just a [Korma] on his head, [Eorem] can't afford to offend him.

   Not to mention the [Lady of Pain], who is hidden behind the scenes, I don't know what to do, the guarantee of strength is [Strong Divine Power] and has not yet ended.

   bears the imprint of others.

   He didn't dare to make a fuss at all.

   can only obey obediently...

   And in such depression and speechlessness, He looked at the greedy [archaeological experts] from all walks of life. In addition to disdain, there was only a sense of disgust.

   After all, the ruler of this land used to be him.

   These guys are equivalent to digging the graveyard of him and his compatriots.

If possible, He would like to raise his hand, release a few spells, kill each of these guys, and even extract the souls to make raw materials, and sell them as sacrifices to [Nine Layers of Hell] and [ Bottomless Abyss (dnd plane)], I believe that the friendly beings there will definitely educate them not to dig graves everywhere.

   But unfortunately, there are too many people here. If there is a massacre, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary problems.

   Furthermore, he wasn't sure if there was any strong man among the hidden guys.

  If a tough guy does come out, that's also a problem.

  Thinking of this, He could only turn around and walk towards a place in the desolate land unwillingly, unwilling to continue watching.

   As for this group of guys, is it possible for them to actually dig up something?

  【Eorem】 did not think so.

   Compared to this group of outsiders.

   There is no doubt that he has the home field advantage here.

   In the early years, He had more than once restrained the various heritages of the [Netherier Empire].

  So, if you came down thousands of years ago, even if there were any treasures here, they would have been taken away by Him long ago.

   Even the research manual of [Kalthus] and even some information about [Twelfth Level Spells - Incarnation of Karthus] were collected in his treasury early, and stored by him incomparably precious.

   left behind in this vast ruin.

   At most, those treasures that are buried too secretly, and I don’t know what year and month will they be able to see the light again.

  … Of course, there are exceptions, that is, the deepest part of the ruins, that is blocked by many magical barriers and filled with the polluted land of [Felin Demon Kwai].

  Because that place was sealed off, and it was full of [Spellcaster]'s natural enemies—[Felin Demon Kui], [Eorem], who didn't want to die, did not converge or sort out the ruins in that place.

   However, in the hands of those creatures who like to devour [magic energy], even if there is any precious heritage left behind, there is probably no hope that it will be well preserved, and it may have been eaten as a snack by the group of guys.

   Just like you can’t expect a group of people to stay in a poor mountain and bad waters, they will see the food and not move.

   Come to think of it, there is no [archaeological expert] with cerebral palsy who dares to go there to find treasures.

Moreover, the enchantment there was built by the [Salon Spirit], connected to the huge underground leylines, which is equivalent to being backed by endless energy, and its defense is unparalleled, even [Eorem] himself felt quite difficult , a little not easy to solve.

   Therefore, He does not think that those mediocre people who are trying to find treasures can really break in smoothly.

  It is normal to have more than enough strength and not enough strength.

   is also for this reason.

  For thousands of years, as the 【Natural Enemies of the Caster】, those 【Ferrin Demon Kwai】have been trapped forever.


   Just when [Eorum] was heading towards the ruins, I was going to find out if there was a [God] nearby.

  In a certain unremarkable residential building.

   Isolate the inside of the enchantment.

  A certain [Mage] is holding a large collection of [Souls] and doing a dark transaction with the [Hell Lord] from the [Ninefold Hell].

   Looking at the [Hell Lord] who was very satisfied with the quality of the sacrifices, the heartbroken [Mage], after rubbing his palms, looked a little impatient, and at the same time asked flatteringly:

   "The great [Hell Lord - His Majesty Orshaka], look... that information..."

In the face of his inquiry, after taking a sip of what he got, as a rare [Sincere Demon], the [Demon] who acts as a [Devil Lord] in the enemy camp of [Nine Layers of Hell], Olsaka naturally has no intention of defaulting on his debt. , immediately nodded with satisfaction, and replied, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say..."

"Back then, when the [Netheril Empire] had not died violently, the group of [Arcanists] liked to do business with me. After all, I am notoriously innocent and my credit value can be called the conscience of the industry. , top in top..."

And listening to his **** and self-praise, he still couldn't get to the point, that [Mage] also dared to be angry and didn't dare to say anything. To brag.

  It took a long time before the topic finally got to the point:

"...So, under the circumstance that I am so familiar, I know the situation of the [Netherier Empire], that is Gaga's knowledge, even the address of every top prostitute is clear, and I also have the VIP title of consumer champion. , made a lot of discounts... and what you are looking for is actually in the very center of the ruins... now it should be in the hands of the group of [Feelin Demon Kwai]."

   (end of this chapter)

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