Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1329: 【Mark of Komar】

   Chapter 1329 [Comma Mark]

What is he saying?

   What am I listening to?

   This is a bit too bloody, right?

   I felt like I was caught in the inner plot of some kind of storybook with five coins on the street [Eorem], and I really felt that things were a little unreliable.

  【Mandate of Heaven】?

   Facing a certain word that came out of [Soda]'s mouth.

   I thought about the appearance of myself that I couldn't even call a [human], and then I thought about the current situation where my country was destroyed and my family was huddled in a dark dungeon, eating and waiting to die.

   He is also inexplicably sad...

   It’s true that I don’t think there is such a high-end thing on my body.

   Something that sounds like the hero of the story.

   However, in the face of his doubts, confusion, and confusion, [Suoda] waved his hand calmly:

   "Mortal, although you are outstanding in the mortal world, it is best not to doubt the decision of the [Supreme]."

   "Since those great beings feel that you are qualified, then it means that you are indeed qualified."

   "That is [fact] and [truth]!"

   "You just have to take it as the [right way] and do it."

   The words are full of righteousness and righteousness.

When    talked about that great existence, he was full of respect and worship, like the most fanatical [believer].

  See this situation.

   For those words that were a little crazy, a word of faith entered into the brain, [Eorem] was also a bit speechless.

   He felt that the guy in front of him was probably brainwashed by someone stronger.

   is already a bit abnormal...

   And such a situation, He has seen it many times.

  This [world] does not lack fanatical [believers], and other [worlds] do not lack...

  According to his experience, if you try to argue with these fanatical [believers] about their [master], it cannot be [truth], and it is likely to fall into a protracted war or even hand-to-hand combat...

   Therefore, even though he felt that the other party's brain was abnormal, [Eorem] still did not show any contempt.

This is an important point.

   After all, he felt that he probably couldn’t beat the opponent…

   It is better not to offend the other's beliefs.

  At the very least, don't let the other party feel offended...

   However, what [Eorem] didn't know was that [Soda] was extremely well aware of his situation.

   Even understands and understands the disdain in the other's heart.

   However, [Soda] was not as shy as [Eorem], so it produced any anger, and some were only full of pity and ridicule.

   'It's such a small, poor person...'

   'Even if there are great beings that extend an olive branch to them, they still hold their own foolish opinions and indulge in their own foolish cognitions...'

  'I don't know what I'm facing...'

  This situation is essentially rooted in confidence.

  Only things that are false and untrue will be provoked by others' doubts.

  What is true and 100% correct is never compromised by the doubts of others.

   As a guy who believes that he is on the side of 【Truth】.

   as now.

  【Soda】In the bottom of my heart, I just think 【Eorem】is a fool...

   does not consider his idea to be blasphemous at all.



   is completely non-existent.

   And the contemptuous look in his eyes made [Eorem] a little uneasy.

   He, who didn't quite understand what the other party wanted to do, could only tentatively ask:

   "Isn't there any reason why you chose me?"

   "Also, I don't have any knowledge of the great existence you mentioned, why don't you introduce it to me?"

   He wondered why he, who had been hiding for thousands of years, would suddenly choose him.

   is also a little curious about the so-called [Supreme].

   Who is the owner of [Enil God Race] [Universal Serpent——Korma]?

   The owner of [Korma] is that [Supreme One]?

   Face this chain of relationships.

   Looking at [Soda] who is probably not weaker than many [Gods].

  【Eorem】is also extremely curious about the true identities of 【Korma】 and 【Supreme】.

  ‘【Powerful Divine Power】…’

   He made a guess with no certainty.

   After glancing at [Eorem], [Soda] did not reject [Eorem]'s proposal, and said with a flat expression:

   "The reason why you were selected is only because you have the mark of our Lord [Korma] on your body, and you have proved your talent in the past."

   "As for the great existence, it refers to the [Creator of All Things], [Master of Sigil], [Original Creator]... [Your Majesty the Lady of Pain]!"

  There is no intention to hide anything, [Soda] told the truth of the matter.

   However, after listening to it, it was obvious that [Eorem] still didn't quite understand what the other party was saying.

   The last sentence is a little easier to understand.

   He at least understood that the other party was the [Mad Believer] of [Ms. Pain].

Even if [Eorem] doesn't understand a little, he has been staying in [Sigil City], his strength is said to be [strong divine power], and the [Ms. Pain], who has always been indifferent to the outside world, wants to do, but at least that is what He has heard of. He exists, and he has a good reputation. He is not a brutal guy, so I have a little bit of confidence in my heart.

   But the previous sentence.

   He has the mark of [Korma] on him?

   made [Eorem]'s heart skip a beat.

   Understand why 【Soda】can find yourself at the same time.

   also has a bad feeling.

  Because, He did not understand when he was connected to the existence named [Korma].

   That trip hundreds of years ago?

   That time in public a thousand years ago?

   or earlier?

   Therefore, He asked more politely:


   "I don't really remember that I had contact with the great [Universe Giant Serpent], does that [Your Majesty] have another identity?"

   Inquired about this, and [Soda], who knew what he was thinking, just replied casually with disdain in his heart:

   "The creator of our family has only one identity in this vast space and time, and he doesn't like to be in contact with outsiders."

   "The reason why you have the [mark] of my lord is simply because everything you have learned comes from my lord."

"The [knowledge] you use, the [truth] you learn... I think, after going back to the source, you should have an impression... That treasure you call the [Netheril Scroll] ."

   "Although the above contents are only a few minor details, they are insignificant, but the root of those things is actually the [art] of our clan."

   "It's just that the content has been localized, and it's easier for you to use it..."

   Hearing this, [Eorem] immediately became cold, and understood a little of the situation.

   He felt that he might have fallen into some kind of conspiracy that had been compiled for tens of thousands of years...

   (end of this chapter)

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