Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1321: negligible

   Chapter 1321 Insignificant

  【Scorching Hell】, the most central place in the continuously expanding territory.

   It is located in the center of towering volcanoes, surrounded by hundreds of millions of volcanoes, the ground is full of hot high-temperature magma, and the sky is full of billowing volcanic smoke and a place where several high-temperature stars are constantly blasting.

   is made of hard special obsidian and various special materials.

   is far more gorgeous than the so-called palace, a huge building complex that is countless times more gorgeous.

   Olshaga was sitting on his [God Throne] formed by the condensed magma and flames, calmly drinking the wine presented by a certain cult.

It was an aged drink from the [Netherite Period], although it was nothing to Olsaka. After all, in the early years, when the [Netheril Empire] had not been destroyed, he liked to hang out there and drink all kinds of drinks. A lot, but up to now, in the [Netheril Empire] where it has been a gameover for many years, if it is purely a sacrifice, these crafted wines are still a bit valuable.

   At least, it's like that in this [plane]...

   Drinks that have been stored for thousands of years.

   For small mortals.

   is a valuable treasure no matter what.

   At least, offering this thing is definitely not a perfunctory.


   He was having nothing to do, and he was drinking his drink calmly at the moment, while observing the situation everywhere.

Although there was no movement, whether it was the distant [Demo Gogen], the so-called [Deputy] nearby, or in a more distant area, the [God] who was accidentally encountered during the [Astral Realm] voyage. Sin] The [Ghis army] that the imperial city is pking, or the movements of the various [Gods] in the [Toril World], will still show in his eyes... The distance, the number, the strength gap of the opponent... ...For him, it's all meaningless things. Those billions of perspectives and countless situations are just a few glimmers of light that can be seen at a glance...

  In the depths of his heart, in the consciousness that is connected to the body, there are countless information flowing.

In the infinite [planes], in the infinitely divided [space-time], there are infinitely many [believers] and [relatives] who are chanting his various names, making the most humble and frightening requests to him, and there are also infinitely many. His [beings] and [time and space] are being slaughtered by his relatives or subordinates, and they are sacrificed to him as sacrifices...


   Olshaga's line of sight has never been limited to one corner for countless years.

   Even if he pretended to be dead, salted fish, and lay dead every day.

   His eyes, thoughts, will, and strength are always the same, showing his own presence in infinite and increasing places every moment.

   His words and commands, in the same way, echo in infinitely many places at every moment.

   Just like now.

   The time to take a sip of wine in this [plane].

  In the entire [Multiverse], his countless [Clones] and [Projections] have actually said infinite words.

   Even if you add up all the words that have been born since this [planet] since the [creation].

   is far less than that amount.


   The current [plane], although he values ​​it more for special reasons.

   However, the information flowing here is still a little too small for him...

   Even if you need to observe a large number of targets at the same time, it is not a big deal at all.

  Everything is like an invisible brilliance among hundreds of millions of stars, completely inconspicuous.

   The so-called burden.

  Naturally it can’t be called at all…

   As for what [Demokogan] thought before.

   For Orshaga, it was just some meaningless, petty, and delusional thoughts.

  Would he have any interest in the so-called spoils of 【Demokogan】?

   Obviously, he didn't care too much.

   That kind of thing to him.

   At most, it’s just a few snacks.

  Occasionally used to pass the time is basically what it is all about.

   A [Divine Art] that can move mountains and seas?

   The [divine power] that can destroy the stars and flatten civilization?

   It's all just a little firefly light...

   That level of power is just that.

   The [Legion] under the [Liulongma], who can find a few miscellaneous fish soldiers at random, may be far more than that.

  However, does that kind of [Legion] make any sense?


  【Shitian】 didn't even bother to care about them, just the aftermath of his appearance was enough to cause devastating damage to that 【Legion】.

Therefore, even if the total number of [Gods] on the [Toril World] side is added up and multiplied by a billion times, and then counted as a whole, a complete independent [God], that level of power and value, for As far as Olshaga is concerned, it does not change any essential views.

  An ant is an ant...

   And as Olshaga slowly drank, time passed little by little.

In the palace, the various [Pleasure Demons], [Succubuses], [Dark Elves], [Humans] serving him... also didn't dare to make a sound, and could only stand there like beautiful and vivid statues. , without a word, refilling him with wine or handing over all kinds of carefully cooked food.

   Until tens of minutes later.

   A figure slowly walked from the hot road outside the palace under the guidance of many guards.

   The movements of those maids came to an end only after Olsaka's gesture.

   With the comfortable and spontaneous words.

   "Looks like you're not in a hurry~"

   The figure that approached Olshaga, also automatically condensed behind him a shrine surrounded by countless black mists and poisonous snakes, and was seated firmly under his buttocks.

   Even when he was talking, the guy unceremoniously gestured to the frightened waitress next to him to pour him a glass of fine wine.

   And this guy is none other than the [Evil Snake] in the [Order Double Snake].

   Or, it should be said that it is one of his masculine vests, [The Lord of the Nine Hells - Asmodeus].

   Face his words and actions.

   Olshaga, who didn’t care much about those, also said bluntly:

   "What's the use of urgency?"

   "The game has just started, there is no need to rush."

   "I'm more willing to enjoy the game than to think about something that doesn't make any sense."

   "After all, it's all like playing chess, isn't it?"

   "She and I are using chess pieces to interfere with each other."

   "Don't say anything else, as far as the matter itself is concerned, I think it's quite interesting..."

   And after listening to his words, [Asmodeus] also immediately applauded, and said happily:


   "I like your character."

   "It's not rigid, it's very interesting, and occasionally there are some ingenious proposals and words~"

   The above evaluation is not mixed with any other thoughts.

   is indeed the true thought of 【Asmodeus】 or 【Evil Snake】.

   He is immortal, although he is not as neurotic as Olshaga, but he also has the essence of a little fun person.

   is for this very reason.

   He will get along better with Olsaka.

   (end of this chapter)

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