Chapter 1311 Stakes

   After I explained what the group of [Gods] in [Toril World] was about [Pantheon].

  【Ms. Pain】reported the 【expected damage number of the gods】, the meaning represented is actually easier to understand.

   is equivalent to about 20% of the estimated number of layoffs that may occur in a branch.

   To this extent.

   Although it is not a small amount, it is not a lot.

   is obvious and does not affect the fundamentals.

   symbolizes [Ms. Pain] their somewhat conservative attitude.

   After all, in their view, [World] still needs [God] to undertake a certain degree of rule maintenance.

   If there are serious casualties, who will do the work?

  The answer is obvious when you think about it.

   The staff below are not enough, so the leader will naturally have to go to work...

   And [Ms. Pain] Naturally, they wouldn't want to get things to that level.

   This is especially true for [AO], which is mainly responsible for the maintenance of various [worlds].

   However, this kind of thing means nothing to Olshaga.

  Since the intensity of the music is only so much...

   Then, he also came up with some other ideas and wanted to find some other fun...

   Gradually, after thinking for a while.

   An idea of ​​wanting to play games with [Ms. Pain] gradually surfaced...

   "Would you like to take this opportunity to play a small game?"

   Hearing this, [Ms. Pain] asked vaguely:

   "What little game?"

   Olshaga explained with a smile:

   "Guess the number and guess whether the last fallen [God] is even or odd."

   "Time ends when the [Stone of Destiny] is returned."

   "On the way, we can use the premise of [Indirect End Slaughtering God] as the basis to end the game with our respective clones and make various indirect interventions."

   "For example, to provoke the relationship between various [Gods], let them fight, or train professionals to go to [Slaughter Gods]..."

   "In short, as long as you don't kill the [Gods] yourself or tie them up intentionally for others to kill."

   After a moment of silence.

   In Olsaka's expectant gaze.


  【Ms. Pain】shakes her head lightly without giving any face.

   said in a disgusting tone:

   "Sounds like nothing interesting..."

   "Furthermore, all my [Gods] died here..."

   "No matter how I think about it, I'm a bit at a loss..."

   is different from the fun-loving demon - Orsaga, that disdainful thinking mode.

  【Ms. Pain】The obvious is much more normal.

   Therefore, I really have no idea about this proposal that obviously only suffers the group of [Gods] and the general public.

   She doesn't think there's anything funny about this proposal...

   However, in the face of her blunt rejection, Olshaga had no idea of ​​giving up. He immediately waved his hands and added:

   "Don't refuse so soon..."

   "You can also add some game items to add fun..."

   "For example, some color head or something, I think it's good."

   Having said that, Orshaga dangled beside [Ms. Pain] with a slight smile on her face:

"You know, I'm very interested in the [Primary Pain] you have~ If I win the bet, you sell that thing to me at a reasonable price, and if I lose the bet, I'll give you something for free Gift, in short, you are not at a loss~ What do you think?"

   does not mean to hide.

   With a relaxed expression, Orsaga directly stated his main intention.

   An original [Pain Concept] of [Higher Plane].

   For him, it is a very good harvest.

   After all, it is an innate premium product!

   is far from being comparable to the unsettled half-hearted man of [Liulongma].

   Of course, because 【Ryuryoma】is a whole.

[Primary Pain], which is a small part of [Concepts] of [High-level Planes], is not necessarily comparable to the other party in terms of its actual value, and it is even worse than [Floating Dragon Horse]. maybe…

   It is true that the quality is insufficient, and the quantity is made up.

  However, this kind of thing has a disparity in terms of quality...

   For Orshaga, the [concept] of [pain] has an unusual meaning, far from being comparable to the conventional [concept].

   Therefore, he naturally has to be extra greedy for this thing.

   That feeling…

   Just like when a mage sees a magic wand whose attributes perfectly match his own, even its shape is very in line with his own mind, and it is the same as a magic wand that perfectly grows on his own aesthetics.


   'I have to get that thing out of my hands...'

   In fact.

   also holds such thoughts.

   Olshaga came from a long distance to pester [Ms. Pain].

at the moment.

   Listening to his suggestion, he looked at Olshaka, who was swaying around like lice.

  【Ms. Pain】is also a little helpless.

   A similar proposal, it’s not that Olsaka didn’t mention it to her before.

   But every time, she refused.

   After all, she couldn't understand [Primary Pain], what value her original creation had to Olsaka.

   I was a little worried that I had made a big mistake.

   And this time, out of a cautious attitude, after Olshaga finished speaking, [Ms. Pain] did not hesitate, and wanted to say no.

   Everything is as usual.

   Only, this time, before she spoke.

   Orshaga took out something.

   That is a ball of light, a ball of light that exudes a strange feeling.

   That is the taste of treasure!

   The moment she saw the other party, [Ms. Pain] determined that it was a treasure of extraordinary value.

   Moreover, he has an extraordinary attraction to himself.

   Seeing the other party was attracted attention.

   Olshaga also immediately smiled and said:


   "This is what I took out in exchange."

   "From a part of the origin of a strong man."

   "Although the opponent's strength is slightly weaker than yours, there is no doubt about the value."

   "At least, to you, it should be a very valuable thing."

   "Even if I lose, you don't exchange [Original Pain] with me, I can also divide one-tenth of the origin of this group as a gift for you..."

   After saying that, his figure that was swaying around [Ms. Pain] also stopped.

   Gently stretched out his hand, put his arms around the other's shoulder, put his mouth to the other's ear and made a sincere proposal.

   "Try it, you're not at a loss anyway~"

   In this brief moment.

   Orshaga even sensed that even the distant [AO] and [Order Snakes] directly moved their gazes over, staring blankly at the things in their hands.

   is not false, the meaning is clear, and the benefits are clearly visible and extremely attractive!

  This wave, this wave will be the lore!

   Of course, if you lose the bet and take advantage of it for nothing, just pretend that Olsaka didn't even think about it...

   (end of this chapter)

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