Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1309: riot

   Chapter 1309 Riot

   In the heart of 【Eorem】.

   The big thing is that.

  After all, even the mighty, unparalleled [Netheril Empire], which was called the [Light of Humanity], was decisively perished. What else are you telling me?

   to this day.

   Even with the passage of time.

   His vast homeland is still a scene of lonely ruins.

   Those lands were either polluted by magic, or filled with all kinds of strange dangers.

   A large number of [Netherese], as dead species, can only float around like nomads, like a piece of scattered sand.

   Even though He has given a lot of help in secret, good results can only be better than nothing…

   Nuo's big man [Netheriel Empire] was almost completely destroyed, and he didn't even leave much of the flame of inheritance.

   In that case, for the past [Netheril Empire - Supreme Ruler], there is no doubt that it is an extremely indescribable feeling, and there is only a sense of tiredness and resentment in my heart...

   Therefore, right now, we are facing a new round of turmoil and turmoil.

   His heart is full of malice and anger...

   I can't wait to destroy several countries in a blink of an eye on the ground, or kill and injure a few [Gods] or something... Let him celebrate!

  Especially when he thinks that he is not even a human being right now.

   That year.

   In the great storm of [Netheriel Empire].

   He was lucky enough to survive, in order to avoid the flaws of [Eorem Immortality] and the [Emotional Loss] of [Lich Transformation], plus he had to face unknown threats...

   Seeking longevity and strength, he directly grabbed the body of a [Spirit Demon Master Brain], and like a stack of buffs, he strengthened this already extremely powerful body again.

   under his set of operations.

   First of all, his strength must have been greatly strengthened.

Just the [Spell Blessing] that comes with the two identities of [Lich Transformation] and [Spiritual Master Brain] made his strength more than doubled out of thin air, catching up with some people who flowed [True God Bloodline]. guy!

Moreover, thanks to the [Psychic Power] that [Illidid Master Brain] comes with, he is directly immune to most of the [Necromorphism - Emotional Loss Effect] brought about by the [Lich Transformation], so he won't suffer from it. Live life as boring as a piece of wood.

And thanks to the [Undead Trait] that comes with the [Lich Transformation], he can continue to live without eating, and he is immune to the [Pica] that comes with the [Illidor Mastermind], avoiding the need for daily needs. Eat your brain and eat three meals a day with fresh brains.

   In a way, this situation is already a perfect complement!

   can be regarded as an excellent case of using different [features] to make up for its own shortcomings!

   But... as I said above, it's just a perfect complement to some extent.

   Defects, this kind of thing, there are still some...

  One: He became ugly.

  The original him, that is, he was in the period of the [Great Arcanist of Humanity].

   With the help of the [Eorem Longevity Technique] invented by himself, even though he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he is still a handsome boy that everyone loves!

   And all the functions of the body are kept extremely perfect!

   Every now and then.

   In addition to research, he can also find a lover or summon creatures such as [Succubus] to practice professional gymnastics!

  Life can be said to be a good example of a combination of work and rest!

  2: Not only is he ugly, but his masculine features are gone.

  【Illid Monster】This race, it doesn't matter if there is no chicken, it doesn't even have a basic gender!

   can be said to be both hermaphrodites and genderless.

   Breeding all by yourself!

   In addition, [Lichification] destroys some bodily functions...

In short, things are even more difficult. [Eorem] not only lost the right to engage people, but also lost the right to be engaged... Even, he even changed his adjectives from the masculine [he], directly It has become [He] who is more difficult to distinguish the situation.

   is obvious.

   This is a very sad fact…

  3: Human emotions are affected by various pheromones in the body.

  So, at the moment, because of the multiple buffs, what effect will his body have?


in this regard.

   can only say that the details in it are not very easy to describe in detail…

   Anyway, the situation is very embarrassing and sighing...


   Now is the moment.

   Under the influence of various defects.

  Due to years of psychological imbalance.

  【Eorem】's mentality is inevitably a little perverted...

  At least, it's a lot more perverted than when he was a human.

  ‘Fight! ’

  ‘Call me! ! ’

  ‘I want to see rivers of blood! ! ’

  ‘I want to see wailing everywhere! ! ’

   looked at the meteors that were gliding fast.

   in his heart.

   let out the roar as above.

   can only say that, no matter if you are not a human being, you will be this kind of urine if you hold it for a long time.

   However, He still underestimated the seriousness of the matter...

   The current turmoil is far more grand and chaotic than the [Fall of Netheril Empire] that year...

   Nothing else to say.

  Just the figures of various [Gods] moved from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, to start a real fight in [Material World], it belongs to the entire [Toril World] I don’t know how many years I have not experienced things...

   The last time such a scene happened was tens of thousands of years ago, before the [Gods] were restricted from moving by [Gods]!

   At this time, let's not say anything else, just the turbulent start has already made countless countries and forces show expressions like the end of the world!

   Inside the magnificent [shrines].

  The [Sacrificial] of various [Gods], facing the [Gods] they believe in, the spiritual connection that was cut off without warning, and the fact that the original glorious [God Statue] suddenly turned bleak.

   In shock, he let out an extremely painful wailing.

   "My God has fallen!!"

   Countless tears that are unstoppable are rushing out...

  After all, in this 【Spacetime】with 【True God】.

  [True God] and [Sacrificial] are disconnected, plus [God Statue] has become dim, and when the two are added together, it is basically equivalent to the situation of [God has fallen].

   This situation is for many forces that rely on [Gods] to maintain their lives and legitimacy.

There is no doubt that.

   is a disaster!

   As if the main beam and pillar of the house were broken on the spot!

   Coupled with fanatical faith blessings…

  Many [believers] who couldn’t accept the facts just went crazy on the spot and started to cry and make trouble…

   Especially those [believers] of [Evil God]…

   (end of this chapter)

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