Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1302: Relationship between husband and wife (3)

   Chapter 1302 Getting along between husband and wife (3)

  The elders are afraid that the younger generation living in the safe haven will not be able to withstand ups and downs.

   This is a very common phenomenon.

   Even 【Longevity】 is no exception.

   to this day.

   The existing [Elves] in [Elsera Elf Kingdom] are basically descendants of acquaintances of Alison and Glaner, the kind that are separated by countless generations...

  After all, even the [Longevity Seed], in these billions of years, is often just a fleeting wave, only a very few guys with outstanding strength are still very strong...

at the moment.

   In the face of these juniors, although due to the disparity in seniority, the two sides may not have had contact at all.

   But think of the friendship with his ancestors in the past years.

  Alison and Glanel have always taken good care of them.

   Occasionally, I still wonder if I should train them on purpose...

   After listening to Alison's concerns, Olsaka didn't feel anything.

   In his opinion, it is normal for this kind of thing to have gains and losses.

   Living in a safe area and want to be battle-hardened and indomitable?

   That's a bit difficult...

   In addition, the [Elves] here are a group that grows by relying on his wings.

   There will be a day of decline...

  Then, it only means that the individual Orshaga has probably overturned a long time ago...

   That moment came.

   He naturally has nothing to do.

   In addition to confession.

   There is no other choice.

   However, Alison must be very well aware of this truth.

   The reason why she made these remarks was that she wanted to lament the incompetence of the younger generation and make herself a little sad.

  More, I just wanted to find a topic to chat with Olsaka for a while...


   Olshaga who knew that.

   didn't say anything directly, but calmly chatted with Alison through the topic.

can only say.

   In this infinitely long career.

   Even some topics that are completely unnutritious can still be used as a kind of fun…


   After half an hour.

  On the branch of a tree more than ten meters high, Olsaka touched Alison's belly and felt the rhythm of life in it. His expression softened inexplicably, and he couldn't help sighing:

   "…I don't know why, when I feel that blood connection, I feel better..."

   "Originally, I thought I would feel a little repulsive..."

   Having said that, out of the attitude of imitating, he also imitated ordinary parents, and slowly leaned his head over to Alison's stomach, intending to listen to something.


   "What a complicated mood..."

   At the very beginning, he was worried about whether he could accept the so-called offspring.

   After all, sometimes, he himself does not know what to do with himself.

   But the truth told him.

   He was looking forward to the appearance of the other party.

have to say.

   as a father.

   This is a somewhat strange feeling.

   In the face of his self-talk, Alison also showed a smile:


   "If that's the case, then try to be a good father..."

   In this regard, after thinking about it, Olsaka replied with some uncertainty: "Do your best."

   Although it doesn't feel as light as it used to be.

   But, he is also a lot more serious.


   Olshaga raised his right hand.

   Looking at the white fingertips, there are faint light dusts flowing.

   asked with some uncertainty:

   "Do you think it would be better for me to prepare some gifts after those children are born?"

   Unlike the descendants of mortals, they still need to go through the initial period of ignorance.

Although the children of    Orshaga will not become adults when they are born, they still need basic mobility and knowledge.

   Therefore, it is always a good choice to prepare a little gift for the other party.

   Inquiry about Orshaga.

  Alison was also lost in thought.


   However, it didn't take long for her to continue to struggle.

   instead warned:

   "I'm not sure what gift is better."

   "But these children's gifts should be treated equally..."

   "I don't want any conflict between children because of gifts."

   Ordinary children, no matter how noisy they are, they are just like that.

  However, it’s hard to say about Olshaga and their heirs…

   That is the birth of a serious **** and devil...

   was born at the top.

   A little careless.

   It's really possible that something could go wrong...

   Yet in this regard.

   For Alison's warning, Olsaka didn't pay much attention to it.

   After all, in his opinion, it is normal for children to be naughty.

   Also, his child...

   According to genetics.

  Even if you like to devour time and space, murder and set fire, and destroy the world from birth... that's a normal phenomenon, there's nothing wrong with it, it's very reasonable!

   Conflict between siblings?

   That's even more trivial.

   Just as early as possible to fight, use your fist to divide the size...

  Thinking of the depths, Olsaka suddenly felt that his baby-raising strategy was too stable...

   So-called experts.

  It's just like that...

   Of course, those thoughts cannot be said directly.

  To tell the truth, Alison and the others will inevitably have to talk about him...

   Therefore, the topic he talked about was still the gift aspect.

   "What do you think, every child gets a [Mini Multiverse]?"

   The so-called [mini-multiverse] actually refers to the kind of [space-time hybrid] that can be infinitely superimposed and derived inside.

  Because of the expanding structure, in Olshaga's eyes, it is a very good stroller or a small baby room, suitable for his children to keep making noises in it...

   Having said that, with the attitude of making a sample first, the light spot between Orshaga's fingers also released an indescribable brilliance.

   In that little bit of light and dust.

   One has changed.

  Independent [space-time] was opened up in it.

   And when those 【Spacetime】 officially appeared.

   Olshaga then expanded their [possibility], created their [parallel time and space], and sewed all the [space-time structure] together.

   Then, it is a relatively simple repeated expansion work, and you can continuously input basic rules into it.

  【Every microscopic particle is equivalent to an expandable space-time. ] (√)

  【Every idea of ​​life can evolve into time and space. ] (√)

  【Fate and timeline are a state of continuous division, and each possibility can evolve into an independent time and space. ] (√)

  【The rest of the time and space can exist in the space-time, and the cycle starts and repeats. ](√)


   (end of this chapter)

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