Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1294: 【Time Sky】(3)

   Chapter 1294 [Time Sky] (3)

  【Curse Wheel】.

   One of Orshaga's basic abilities.

   is a subordinate branch of the main ability [Sole Dominator].

The function of    is to transform the [Spell], [Witchcraft], [Martial Arts], [Spellcraft]... that you have learned into a special aura.

   So that it turns those [Spells], [Witchcraft], [Martial Arts], [Spells]... into constant passive abilities.

For example: After Olshaga learns the [Spell: Finger of Death] with the [Instant Death Effect], the related [Conjuration Wheel] he condenses can make his attack, plus the [Instant Death Effect], to learn After [Spell: Blink], the condensed [Conjuration Wheel] can give him the ability to perform [Space Jump] at will, and after learning [Spell: Magic Shield], he can even make his body come with [ Constant Effect: Magic Shield]…

   In short.

   The effect of this ability can be said to be relatively omnipotent and panacea.

   Even if it is not as relevant as some fellows of the same level who specialize in one thing.

   But, it works anyway.

   And the effect is not weak.

  Occasionally, Olshaga will also project some of his [Conjuration Wheels], and give the abilities of them to some of his subordinates as gifts and blessings, and help them stack up stacks of BUFFs.

   can not only strengthen their physical fitness and brain, but also make them live longer, bring their own resurrection coins and so on...

   As the half body of Orshaga, one of the main clones.

  【Time Sky】Naturally, he is extremely handy with the various abilities possessed by the main body.

Every existence encountered, whether it is eaten by him or those who have simply come into contact with him, as long as the strength is not as strong as his, then all will be engraved by him with various abilities, thus extending various Various [Spell Aura].

   to this day.

   On his body, the number of [Conjuration Wheels] that are beyond words has already reached an appalling level.

   even if not quite close.

   Even if you don't know what those halo wheels are and what they do, you just look at them from an unknown distance, and the power contained in them still makes people feel inexplicable shock and trembling!

  Many of the combatants who were not strong enough just glanced at them.

  The mind and the mind were immediately hit by an unspeakable impact!

  The indescribable power caused them to be seriously injured by the distance of inexplicable universes.

  And, various effects.

   followed, and was applied to them across a distant time and space.

  【Fear】, 【Despair】, 【Pain】, 【Panic】…

   If it weren't for the mandatory interference of [Planar Suppression], the various effects attached to it were weakened.


   has not yet entered the interior of [Plane].

   Even, even the [Time Sky], who has not yet shown his figure, has already caused extremely heavy losses to the enemy!

at this time.

   Witnessed such a situation.

  【Flower Dragon Horse】's heart.

   also felt a little uneasy.

  ‘It seems that the threshold for participating in the war is set a little low after all…’

  ‘In this case, I really have to wait for the main body of [Time Sky] to come, I am afraid it will only be a momentary time, and the entire army will suffer extremely heavy losses…’

   Then, while secretly regretting it.

   He chose to decisively order:

   "Those who have already felt unwell, all retreat immediately!"

   "The remaining personnel immediately prepare to execute the second set of plans to keep [Time Sky] out of [Time and Space Gap]!"

   "Without the interference and suppression of the [Space-Time Gap], the opponent's strength will definitely be greatly improved, and we must avoid that situation!"

   Then, at his command.

   A large number of troops began to be mobilized in groups.

   Layers of shields, under the action of [Getta Ray], with [Getta Emperor] as the core, form a special defense system.

   has repeatedly weakened the influence transmitted from afar.

at the same time.

   Various detection equipments that were installed in advance also issued a sharp alarm sound one after another.

   It was harsh enough to give a headache.

   Countless devices actually exploded in a scream!

   To a certain extent, it also shows how strong the movement in the distance is.

   I saw the majestic blood-colored wave right behind.

   The radiant giant was approaching at an unimaginable speed.

   All the time and space turbulence in front of it, no matter how powerful and terrifying it was.

   In the face of more powerful forces.

   is still like the scene when Moses parted the sea, being directly knocked away by that great body without any sense of hindrance!

   In the endless storm of time and space, a wide road was forcibly opened up.

   is also at this time.

   In all Rena's eyes.

The existence of    that figure was officially revealed!

   What followed was an unspeakable sense of despair that was immediately felt by countless beings.

   Substantial [Spiritual Shock], like the most powerful tide, immediately made countless participants shudder.

   Look around.

  The stars are as small as nothing around the body, as if they don't exist at all.

  The so-called [universe] is just a little bit of dust on the huge body, the kind of dust that is invisible and meaningless.

Most of the fighters, even if they used special equipment and abilities, could not see the complete body of the opponent at all. At most, they could only see a few scattered parts on the huge body. .

   There are only very few extraordinarily powerful beings who can barely see how amazing the size of [Time Sky] is.

   in front of the opponent.

   All our troops, even if they add up and multiply by a thousand times, they are just tiny bacteria in front of the giants...

And behind the great existence, the super-large aura condensed by an infinite number of auras, the brilliance released every moment, is like the cause of destruction destined by heaven for all things, indiscriminately, in the destruction Everything around you!

   Even [time] and [death], those abstract things are rapidly dissolving, gradually entering the destruction...

   "Let [Death] itself step into a deeper level of [Death] power..."

   "It's a terrifying opponent, but one can't help but feel awe..."

   in a daze.

   subconsciously sighed after two sentences.

  【Flower Dragon Horse】's face.

   I don't know when, and turned to an extremely excited smile:

   "Although this opponent's strength is a bit stronger than imagined..."

   "However, the final battle can be so grand and magnificent, it is also a good ending..."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   In that joyous laughter, he had no fear or fear, but directly ordered:

   "The whole army is ready, ready to attack!"

   "I'll be in charge of the main containment!"

   (end of this chapter)

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