Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1242: cognitive update

   Chapter 1242 Cognitive Update

  【Game Announcement】

  [Due to the integration of the two worlds, the material migration function is now added to this game. 】

[Substance migration function - according to the player's strength, each player can carry a certain amount of substances when entering the game world, including but not limited to various minerals, metal creations, viruses and bacteria... Please feel free to use your imagination force and action force to use this function. 】

  【The update content has been announced in full, please enjoy playing. 】


   "What hanging stuff..."

   "It's like I have something to take with me."

   Lying on the bare ground, looking around him with nothing and nothing to hold.

   He also thought of all the ordinary people who had a high probability of hanging up, and even relatives and friends from all walks of life. In the mood of grief greater than death, Xiao Jun seemed extremely depressed.

   is obvious.

   He is very thorough, so he can't deal with all kinds of natural and man-made disasters...

   The explosion of the galaxy just now didn't just kill him directly.

   His relatives and friends from all walks of life were naturally unable to escape.

   Basically, except for the few who are also [players], all of them disappeared on the spot...

   In reality, the brutal beatings that were too brutal gave him a lesson directly.

   Let him understand.

  Efforts have never been able to cross the cruel gap in reality.

   Struggle, in the face of sudden disasters, most of them are just swept away by the autumn wind.

   However, after lying down for a long time.

   Thinking of his relatives and friends who were not [players] who died because of an unknown disaster, he couldn't continue to lie down and rot, after all, he could only stand up slowly with a gloomy expression on his face.

   A mere death.

   Whether it is physical death or the real death of spirit and soul, in this era, it is not an irreversible thing, and there are many ways to save it.

   For example: [Holy Grail War] that can pull people through [Timeline], or some special treasures that can live and die... All tragedies can be rewritten!

   So, even after being beaten repeatedly.

   In order to save the result.

   He was very compelled, so he could only get up again and prepare to continue to face the bleak reality.

   "Now, [Player Template] is back..."

   "It gave me a little more confidence..."

   while speaking.

   He looked at the sky above his head, the sky that became colorful due to various light waves and explosions, and ordinary people would be blinded by the sight of it.


   The confidence is also insufficient.

   He at this time.

   Because he is a space refugee.

   has little insight.

   As a pure victim, I don't understand why this scene is happening...

  I only know that [Galaxy] is probably finished.

   Other than that.

   In the face of such a scene, he was really overwhelmed but lacking in strength.

   I don’t know how I should fight to be able to face such a scene with ease...

   However, also at this moment.

   on the [Novice Village Altar] behind him.

   Wave after wave suddenly appeared.

   That is a sign that there is a presence here through the teleportation function.

  ‘Did anyone come over…’

   in a little puzzled.

   Xiao Jun, who did not know that [Alien Player] was about to join the battlefield in a real sense, only thought that it was a certain [Blue Star Player].

   Then he glanced at it without paying much attention and withdrew his gaze.

And then.

   is a bunch of guys who are quite distinctive and grotesque just by their looks have poured into the [Novice Village] one after another.

   Confused Xiao Jun...

   'How come these guys are more like no one...'

  ‘Are all [players] with heavy tastes…’

   Until a while later.

   Through the game language spoken by the opponent.

   After roughly analyzing the situation.

   Xiao Jun faced some guys from the frontier of the universe who didn't even understand what the [Galaxy] was.

   It was only when he suddenly realized that he had a profound understanding.

  【World】, far bigger than what I originally thought...

  In this cosmic deep space with a diameter of hundreds of billions of light-years.

   A [Milky Way] with a diameter of 100,000 light-years has no sense of existence at all...

   Even if it is destroyed.

   is just a trivial matter...

  Except the surrounding area.

   In that farther area, no one cares, and no one talks much.

   Just like the [Blue Star] in the past, no one would care if there is a mudslide in a remote barren mountain...


   Big, very big…

   Just one [Solar System], just one [Milky Way]…

   Even though there are hundreds of billions of stars, hundreds of billions are like the existence of the sun.

   In this [world], it is still a small thing...

   This fact.

   Even his knowledge of the [Galaxy] is quite shallow.

   Only know that among the trillions of vast stars, there are countless civilizations and Xiao Jun of countless creatures.

   is undoubtedly an inexplicable shock.

   made his heart even more.

   Unstoppable produced a certain feeling.

  ‘Is everything in my eyes just a trivial thing…’

   He came to his senses.

   The entire [world] that I originally knew, the vast [Galaxy], was just a backcountry in a remote area...

  Even if it is destroyed, it is not qualified for people to talk about it...

   In this vast universe, it is as inconspicuous as a tiny grain of sand…

   Right now, those [new players] from more distant regions have no idea what the [Galaxy] is, and no one will care about the destruction of the [Galaxy]...

  The grief that originated from the destruction of the homeland and the heavy casualties of relatives and friends, in the change of thinking and cognition, unconsciously have more feelings.

   That was the feeling of being forcibly widened my horizons due to a sudden shock...

'original. "

   "In this [world], there are still so many splendid civilizations and so many powerful beings...'

   "...Then, how powerful is the [production team] that calls itself the [Creator of Everything]..."

   After realizing this.


   He also had a thought in his mind.


   He once thought that the encounters he had experienced were the intentional targets of the masters behind the scenes.

   is like a playful child who deliberately fiddles with a toy.

   However, for now.

   After realizing the vastness of [World].

   He had the opposite idea.

  Since the world is so big…

   So do the guys behind the scenes really care about me waiting?

  Is the suffering that we have experienced really meaningful?

just in case…

   The other party didn't care about those things at all, and didn't even look at them even once...

   Xiao Jun, once thought he was the protagonist of a grand farce.

   Now, he feels that he is probably a useless decorative flower in a farce. It has no meaning, has no sense of existence, and is not targeted by others.

  Perhaps, from the beginning, those behind the scenes did not care about [Galaxy]…

  No one cares about them…

   all that he has experienced.

   is just a little shock attached to the tide of the times.

   But because he is too small, he has been self-righteous, thinking that he is being targeted...

   Thanks: "Mr. Ghost"'s 588 coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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