Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1237: probably reinforcements

   Chapter 1237 Probably reinforcements

   Forcibly imposed 'good intentions'.

   is really so enthusiastic that people can’t adapt.

to be honest.

The head of the    mission also thought about whether to let the person he had negotiated before help him to get rid of that guy.

   However, facing his gaze gestured.

   The other party didn't know that it was because the appearance of the various races was too different, and he couldn't understand the hints in his eyes.

   For some other reason, he didn't bother to pay attention to his suggestion.


  He had no success in seeking help, and after all, he could only bite the bullet and agree to the spoiler's request to enter the game.

  'It's really bad luck...'

   After swearing inwardly for a while, he looked at the original caller for help and the sudden entrant, and clearly felt the ulterior motives of both sides.

  'I hope there won't be any big trouble...'

   thought of this.

   recalled the strange situation inside the [Galaxy].

   He also has no bottom.

   However, in general, the heritage of various local forces is still alive and well.

   It’s just that the development of [Lifeforms from Another World] could not be suppressed due to the loss of both sides in the previous war.

   The reason for asking for help.

  More, I am also preparing for a rainy day...

   So, after thinking about it carefully.

The leader of the    mission also had more confidence in himself.

  The strong dragon does not overwhelm the snake.

   This proverb, although he has never heard of it.

   But he still understands similar principles.

   In the case that the heritage of one's own side is still there.

   As long as those [different world lifeforms] can be suppressed.

  Then, these so-called 'reinforcements' with special intentions should not be a great disaster in the face of their own geographical occupation...

   Just when he thought so.

   Suddenly, another prompt popped up on the screen in front of him.

   That's a new communication request...

  ‘? ’

   Face this situation.

   in astonishment.

  The head of the mission also looked at the two guys on the opposite side of the video communication.

   "Did you send me a communication request again?"

   When he spoke, he instinctively felt something wrong in his heart.


"not me."

   With both answers.

   That unpleasant feeling also became stronger.

   He thought of a not-so-good possibility...

  In the end, with a slightly painful expression, he connected to the unknown communication request.

   Then, on the opposite side of the video communication, there was another strange-looking figure.

   did not wait for the head of the embassy to say hello.

   The opposite side immediately said very familiarly:

   "Nice to meet you, dear [Galaxy] powerhouse..."

   "My side is..."

   "Not long ago, we heard that you were invaded by [different world lifeforms], and I have to say that it was really shocking news, let us feel the same..."

   "Now, based on the friendship that everyone lives in the same [world], we feel that we also have an obligation to lend a helping hand, so..."

  Although, those words were slightly different from the words spoken by [Cough Dudger] before.

   But the similarity in meaning.

   can no longer be said to be similar.

   can only be said to be exactly the same...

   Just copy and paste directly.

   without waiting for the head of the embassy to talk to him helplessly.

   is another communication request, coming directly...

   "Hello, Unknown [Galaxy Life Form]."

   "I am the great XXXXX, representing the mighty XXXX empire..."

   "According to our intelligence network, there seems to be a little accident on your side not long ago, and as good neighbors on our side, naturally..."

   This time.

   Before waiting for the existence on the other side to finish speaking, a new communication request has come.

   And, one by one.


   is like standing in line! !

   "Meeting for the first time, I am..."

   "Stranger Things..."

"Hello, I am……"



   Finally, look at the dozens of remote video objects that are online at the same time on the screen.

The    mission leader fell silent.

   He didn't know what to say anymore.

   As for those dozens of guys, after I heard that some guys started earlier than me.

   also showed a variety of completely different reactions.

   are close to each other.

   and silently observe the situation.

   And he simply stopped pretending, and said on the spot that he had to help because of the erosion situation on the [Galaxy] side! !

   Some guys said that they not only need to help fight, but also bring their own dry food, pay for their own travel expenses, and voluntarily help marginal areas to build advanced industrial chains, and help the poor and poor people to build a prosperous civilization...

   It is true that the unparalleled hospitality is difficult to accept, and the greatness of the feelings makes people cry! !

   All kinds of situations immediately made the head of the mission feel as big as a fight...

  ‘…this is some kind of mess…’

   He couldn't understand,

  Why did the original simple task evolve into what it is now.

   I don't understand why these guys are so well-informed when they are so far apart.

   And in this regard.

   The most fundamental reason.

   is actually those 【Alien Traveler】 and 【Alien Rebirth】 who have not yet appeared.

   Years ago.

   I'm worried that the [Galaxy] side can't suppress the guys from [The Prehistoric Players].

   It is very straightforward. In advance, the situation on the [Milky Way] side is regarded as some kind of exclusive news and sold to a distant place...

   not only ensures that all relatives and friends are fully prepared, but also earns a little information service fee.

   It is a win-win situation! ! ——

After a while.

  [The Milky Way] on a central planet.

   in a special building.

   Looking at the mighty 'reinforcement troops' through the screen.

   The leaders of some forces also looked extremely embarrassed.

   I just took a cursory look at the number of troops reported by the various 'reinforcements'.

   They felt heartfelt sorrow.

   Even if you don’t count the number that may be underreported, it is more than 800 times the number of reinforcements they expected…

   As for the actual combat power of the opponent.

   That's not good to say...

   But, as we all know.

  The troops that can reach the [Galaxy], no matter how weak they are, they can’t be any weaker, how can they be the level of an elite troops...


   Faced with this kind of situation that I don’t understand at all.

   All their thoughts converged into a question for the head of the embassy:

   "Are you sure you're really moving soldiers?"

"Of course!"

   The head of the mission answered without any hesitation or hesitation.

   After all, if he hesitates and hesitates, doesn’t that mean he has a guilty conscience?

   That's not worth it...

   However, after answering the question.

   Recalling the behavior of those 'reinforcements' who did not even bother to act after they successfully arrived in the [Galaxy], they simply occupied the no-man's land and seized the territory.

   He also unconsciously added a sentence.

   "At least, at the beginning, it was probably like that..."

   As for the [prehistoric players] who secretly observed the situation in various places in the [Galaxy], they were also deeply surprised by the sudden increase in the number of local enemies.

   Even some scheming guys were genuinely surprised.

   "I didn't expect those natives to be so determined..."

   "In order to fight against us, he even took a huge risk and directly attracted foreign aid that was stronger than himself in quantity and strength..."

   "You know, if you don't pay attention, it's normal for a bird to occupy a dove's nest..."

   "It seems that I underestimate each other a bit..."

   "What an unexpectedly difficult opponent..."

   Thanks: Bookmate 20200821152415604's 5000 starting coins!



   (end of this chapter)

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