Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1226: Conspiracy and Backstab

   Chapter 1226 Conspiracy and Backstab

   Right now, after the layout.

   was within the expectations of 【Hongjun】.

  I was like a hunter who had laid a net in advance.

   In the next period of time, he only needs to wait quietly until the time is ripe, and he can harvest a batch of extremely delicious fruits, and in one fell swoop he will deduce the power of his [Tianqi Demon Army] to an extremely high level!

  Especially in this period when outsiders don't know too much about [Player]'s abilities, and their vigilance is not too high, it's even easier!

In a few more years, when the number of [players] really gradually spreads, and [Bloodlines] such as [Tianqi Demon Army] become more common, then we will face those leeks who are slowly becoming more knowledgeable. , but it's not that easy to fool...

   Therefore, you must start as soon as possible, as it is to educate the other party about the dangers in the world! !

   Tu Young is as stable as a dog! !

  Thinking of this, [Hongjun] couldn't help but have another reverie in his heart.

  'That is, there is no [karma] in this [world], otherwise, what I have to do, I'm afraid that I have to let countless thunder tribulations come to the world...'

   Here, although there is [karma], those [karma] are simply symbols of the sins of the individual.

   does not have various [retributions] due to the amount of [karma].

   On the other hand, if you do good deeds, you will not get any [good fruit].

   There is no reward for good and evil.

  The wicked can prosper from generation to generation.

  Good people can be unhappy for generations.

   Anyway, it doesn't change because of doing good and evil.

   And such a situation is completely unimaginable in the [Prehistoric World] that pays attention to [karma]!

  There, even someone like [Luo Hu] who practiced the [Killing Law] had to think about the consequences of the aftermath before slaughtering.

  If one is not good, you will have to face the punishment, and you need to deal with the team-based monster-slashing behavior of all kinds of strong people who try to punish evil and eliminate evil and earn merit!

   Like the plan that [Hongjun] is planning at the moment, which may involve countless innocent people, it will have some chain reactions, which will cause all parties to attack!

can only say.

  Different soils will nourish different fruits, and different regions can also use different recipes…

   Beside him, [Luo Hui] looked at the look of anticipation on his face, but shook his head with some disdain on his face.

  'Who would have thought that a guy like [Hongjun] would use that kind of evil power... I really hope to see those shady guys with that unbelievable look...'

  Thinking of the end, [Luo Hui] also showed a little interest on his face, and had more reverie about the future.

to be honest.

Compared with the uninteresting development in [Premium and Wilderness Setting], even if he ruled out the fact that he would give [Hongjun] a foothold, he still likes the current situation more, this kind of even [Hongjun] leaving The development route of the evil road made him feel quite interesting.

   After all, the same thing or a situation where you can see the head at a glance is always easy to be bored, and unexpected developments occasionally bring a sense of novelty.

   at this moment.

   It's even more fun to be in a state where no one knows what's going to happen...

   However, neither [Luo Hui] nor [Hong Jun] knew that in the depths of the cosmic sea of ​​stars, in the boundless deep space, there were still a large number of eyes that were vaguely gathering on them.

   That came from the [Monitor] of the [Cosmic Council of Elders].

   With special equipment.

   They are directly monitoring every move in the [Galaxy] around the clock.

   Moreover, with the powerful effects of certain [banning devices], that kind of monitoring has already reached its peak!

   Basically, any disturbance in the entire [Galaxy], as long as the [Material Unit] affected is greater than the [Atomic Level], they will not be able to deceive them.

That is to say, how many people are talking, how many people are walking, how much rain is falling in how many places, the wind level of each planet, the amount of water flowing in each river, and the growth status of each plant. ... It's all clear, and it has already reached [relatively omniscient]!

   Even the so-called Tianludi net is far less powerful than this!


  【Hongjun】What the two of them thought they were secretly doing was naturally impossible to hide from each other. For those guys, it was nothing like a palm print!

   "Do you want to interfere?"

   In the face of this question from the subordinate.

   The monitor appointed as the operational commander was also somewhat hesitant.

   Although [Hongjun] what they are plotting is nothing to him, nor does it matter to the big plan.

   But really if the opponent succeeds.

   Compared with the expected progress rate, the opponent's actual growth rate will obviously come more violently.

   And with the chain reaction.

   Dozens of [Star System Test Sites] that have been specially divided around are bound to be used in advance, reducing the observation period of this round of operations to a certain extent...

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, with the same idea as if the rancher found that the poultry might be overwhelmed, leading to early release, the monitor decided to backstab the two guys [Hong Jun], so as to control it. The opponent's growth rate...

that's all.

   It's been a few months.

   After some accidents.

  The forces that received the gift of [Hongjun] discovered one after another that there was some kind of defect similar to the secret door in the practice method.

  Just like this, the forces that felt they were being tricked by the other party immediately became furious!

   A [Joint Wanted Order] was immediately issued by multiple forces.

   Countless troops overwhelmingly started the search and arrest of [Hong Jun] and [Luo Hui]...

In the face of the enemy who was really angry and showed his true skills, he was surrounded by all kinds of chasing and intercepted, making him very embarrassed. At the beginning, he shouted and scolded Hongjun angrily:

   "XXXXX, how did you guarantee it before?"

   "Didn't you say that your abilities are extremely concealed and will not be seen through at all??"

  As the object of accountability, [Hongjun] looked a little embarrassed, but he could only answer helplessly:

   "...I admit, I may have underestimated each other..."

   "I didn't expect that the [special ability] of [Tianqi Demon Army] would still be able to find the problem by those guys after being checked and filled by [Jade of Fortune]..."

   Speaking of the back.

   He is also a little lacking in confidence.

   I feel that I still have some superficial understanding of the situation of the various forces within the [Galaxy]. If I knew it earlier, I should hide for a while before taking action...

   Thanks: 1000 starting coins for drunken fights!



   (end of this chapter)

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